Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Cash->Gem<->Gold Conversion

9:16 pm, April 2, 2014 Forked from here.  Quoted for context. Mordakai, on 02 April 2014 - 02:40 PM, said:So, Raspberry brings probably the most controversial aspect of GW2 up:  buying a [..] View

Things to do in Lions Arch before the patch

2:16 am, February 18, 2014 Things to do in Lions Arch before the patch QuoteHey everyone, inspired by the various discussions on Guild Wars 2 subreddit, I have decided to make a list of things to do in Lion's Arch before all t [..] View

Grouping for Storyline Finale, how long does it take?

8:16 am, January 23, 2014 Hello, I'm working on my first character in GW2 and I've reached the part in the storyline where I'm required to group.  I've found many threads complaining about it so I'm not here [..] View

Watch the GuildWars2 OathVideo

8:16 pm, December 16, 2013 The Great MMO Migration Contest has ended! Thank you to everyone who participated. Well be welcoming the winners of the contest to Tyria with a free copy of Guild Wars 2 soon via ema [..] View

New Faces and More in the Gem Store!

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Wintersday is here! To celebrate, the Black Lion Trading Company is proud to present new festive and functional items! Read on to learn more about our updates to the Total Makeover Kit, the new Co [..] View

Three step solution to removing Magic Find

6:38 pm, November 28, 2013 This is my outline on how to do this right. Sort off. 1) Month 1: Discontinue MF item creation: "Rogue Second in Command after Shatterer has started consuming certain kind magic, he is rebelling [..] View

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

2:16 am, October 29, 2013 I just thought I'd go ahead and link this here, so we can have a place to discuss it. Quote Hi All, We a [..] View

Guild Events - Balanced?

2:13 pm, October 25, 2013 I wonder what people's opinions on the balancing of guild events: - Guild Bounty - Guild Rush - Guild Trek - Guild Challenge and - Guild Puzzle I'm particularly interested in what small guild's takes [..] View

Trading Post is QUADRUPLE CHARGING the "tax". Proof inside.

9:41 am, October 19, 2013 So, on top of the other indefinably long list of bugs and rushed designs that ArenaNet implemented, the Trading Post is now charging 4x the "cut" of sellers. As you can see, when I sold s [..] View

Anyone else feeling a little burnt out from this game?

5:55 pm, October 12, 2013 I'll try and make this short... I'm not gonna lie; I rushed to level 80 with my first toon (female human mesmer), blasted through the story and a good chunk of PvE content, excluding all but three du [..] View

Who else won't be Rushing Through to 80!

6:39 am, October 10, 2013 With all the talk on Guru about speed leveling and rushing to level 80, I would ask who is going to play the game and stop to enjoy the "Roses"? I plan on taking my time and just playing th [..] View

Another I love GW2 post

3:07 am, October 6, 2013 This is just me voicing my opinion after reading so many posts about people leaving and lower player number etc. To be honest i really love Guild Wars 2, I'm ex GW1 and the way GW2 plays is perfect fo [..] View

How to power level?

12:30 am, October 5, 2013 not looking to rush or anything, but is there a way besides doing what everyone else is doing? (heart, exploring, DE etc) i just don't see how you can reach 80 in 2 days. View

Limit to res in dungeons

11:55 pm, October 4, 2013 As of last patch: While in a dungeon as long as anyone in the party is in combat mode no one can use a waypoint to resurrect. Let me start by saying I do like it, it was ludicrous during my first run [..] View

Concerning the dungeons

3:19 pm, October 4, 2013 A couple friends and I decided to so our first dungeon today and it was a total train wreck. We sat outside the Ascalonian Catacombs to get 2 more people to join us and found them pretty quickly, but [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

Unable to queue new guild upgrade. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

1:59 pm, October 4, 2013 So, I'm trying to rush Guild Workshop so that our guild can rapidly start completing upgrades.  I've completed Architecture Level 1, but I am unable to queue either Architecture Leve [..] View

How do I get into the game?

10:12 am, October 4, 2013 I started playing since the release, leveled my guardian to 80, crafted full exotics, mystic forge weapon. Played a bit WvW, leveled few alts etc. I was doing pretty much anything that there was to do [..] View

What would've made the Personal Story better...

10:01 am, October 4, 2013 * Minor Spoiler Alers* Now I know everyone's disappointed about the personal story. Half the fault lies with Anet, for bad writing, cringe-worthy cinematics, clunky sequences and for rushing it all. [..] View

Altoholics stand up!

8:15 am, October 4, 2013 Straight to the point version:  Is anyone else like me where you just cannot make up your mind on what you want your "Main" to be yet?.   I'm normally the [..] View

Broken stuff

3:37 am, October 4, 2013 I am trying to complete all maps, but i am not in a rush, so i am taking my time. When i reached my first Orr map i noticed that a lot of thing seemed to be broken. So i decided to go back and work on [..] View

Armors feels out of place

2:11 am, October 4, 2013 Warning, the following statements below is a rant. Viewer discretion is advised If there is one thing that I could criticize Anet is how horrible and how out of place the armors in this game feel.& [..] View

Bone-head move

11:28 am, October 2, 2013 Last night I was excited because I had been running COF for the last week to farm 3 armor pieces.  So I ran P1 after logging on which gave me the final tokens to get the pieces.& [..] View

Guild Wars 2 and Progression

9:58 am, October 2, 2013 The recent fiasco on Ascended items has prompted me to pop out of lurking, so I typed up a lengthy blurb on the state of progression in Guild Wars 2. Hopefully this can spiral into some meaningful and [..] View

I can't keep up

9:16 am, October 2, 2013 First of all, I love Guild Wars 2. I've been with the series since the beta of Guild Wars 1, which I also played way too much. It has some flaws, but overall I love it. What I don't like is somethi [..] View

How are you "supposed" to play the game?

6:45 am, October 2, 2013 Since I've heard a lot of comments in this forum and others of how people were "doing it wrong". Oh you're after progression/loot/etc, you're doing it wrong. Well, how are you supposed to pl [..] View

GW2 vs RIFT?

12:59 am, October 2, 2013 I've recently started playing RIFT since it's F2P now and it's been fantastic. Yeah it's a gear grind game but you don't have to gear grind for top of the world gear (outside of dungeons is what I mea [..] View

Anyone else feels burnt out already? Nothing to do, nothing to aim for.

12:45 am, October 2, 2013 First of all, this is not a flame or troll post and if you have nothing insightful to add, I ask you to simply not reply. I have put a little over 250 hours in the game now, playing with my old Guild [..] View

Need advice for a friend

8:22 pm, October 1, 2013 Ok so i was the first one in a circle of gaming friend to buy this game. One of my friends and his girlfriend came over from wow. They got tired of wow . But the guy went ape over the game and formed [..] View

Will Anet improve Guild Wars 2?

7:00 pm, October 1, 2013 I started this game since head-start which was 28 days ago and I have only spent 125 hours in the game which comes out to 4.6 hours per day.   I'm not a rusher yet the game is losing [..] View

The Gem Store Survey In Five Seconds - The Statistical Conclusion

6:42 pm, October 1, 2013 Abstract Would someone get Anette-chan out of here?! We don't need her tomfoolery now. Shoo you damn charr, go back to Ascalon! Gems are bad 'kay? That's what I always say. And thanks to Cube's [..] View

GW2 Music: Adding in My Own

6:17 pm, October 1, 2013 I tried adding my own music into the game, using the instructions on the official wiki. Silence. I have "Ambient" and "Battle." I fought some stuff. No music. I sat in empty areas [..] View

A Guide to Dragon Bash

5:10 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello, fellow Dragon Bashers! Want to know where to go and how to get started with the celebration? Read on! Spoiler-Free Mini Guide Spoiler-Free New Items and Rewards Spoiler-Free New Achievemen [..] View

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

11:25 am, October 1, 2013 Posted to GW2 Forums, I don't expect it to last.  Please comment there as well. TLDR: Points are boiled down here, but I encourage you to ready the body. The Right to Make Money N [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

Ascended Gear and Fractals - The Shortcomings

6:48 am, October 1, 2013 I'll admit, the Fractals have been pretty fun and I'm sure there is some way to make the Ascended gear work in some way down the line. Right now though both the Fractals and Ascended gear are carrying [..] View

ideas to have more fun? (open to suggestion)

5:33 am, October 1, 2013 First, I have to say i like this game, like a lot. I'm disappointed a little bit because i was hyped up (my own problem) but then it is a good game. I was one of those people that rush to max level an [..] View

Cutthroat Politics Begins Today!

12:37 am, October 1, 2013 Two candidates, war hero Ellen Kiel and Black Lion trader Evon Gnashblade, are trying to secure a trade agreement with the Zephyr Sanctum but neither of them can seal the deal without your support! T [..] View

Battle of Fort Trinity ( Spoilers )

12:05 am, October 1, 2013 Was anyone else really dissapointed with this part of the storyline? Iv been putting off completing the rest of the storyline for a while now because I was getting bored of it but carried on with it t [..] View

Casual, End Game, Grind, Tilapia, and You: A story of Friends

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 SEE BOTTOM FOR TLDR. "This game is for casuals, It's too grindy, this Tilapia is too wet". These are the things I see on this forum, and hell, even on the official forums. If you ask anyo [..] View

Nerf the Fun: What's Up Here?

11:14 pm, September 30, 2013 Penitent/Shelter playing in Cursed Shore has been effectively crushed recently by two highly effective changes: first, the baby vet spider zergs that often last long enough for loot to disappear, and [..] View

Eternal Battlegrounds Jump Puzzle in 4:54

9:09 pm, September 30, 2013 This video took a very long time to make but I am happy with the result. If the griefers weren't there in the beginning the run would have been even faster. Select scenes with commentary0:15 - Deali [..] View

Sea of Sorrows is Available for Preorder!

8:37 pm, September 30, 2013 Were proud to announce that Sea of Sorrows, the third original Guild Wars novel, is available for preorder! Written by Ree Soesbee, Sea of Sorrows follows the daring adventures of young Cobia [..] View

Making the community relevant

5:24 pm, September 30, 2013 I recently read a thread called "do mmo players demand too much" I also recently read a thread called "do you [..] View

Discussion about most used weaponset for each Class to be upgraded to Ascended

5:08 pm, September 30, 2013 Since focus of the game has now shifted from "using a weapon" to "getting a weapon", I think it's probably appropriate to discuss what weaponset people primarily use in PvE for eac [..] View

World Events: Orr, Claw of Jormag, and beyond

4:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So, I don't know about you, but one of my favorite events at the moment is the Claw of Jormag fight in Frostgorge sound. It's really the kind of more epic scale battle I was looking for in Orr, but re [..] View

[Guide] Damaging Tequatl Guide By The Gates Assassin

4:00 pm, September 30, 2013 This is not MY guide its The Great Assassins Guide off the GW2 forums i think it will be helpful so i am posting it here This guide has one purpose: To teach people how to damage a world boss. This is [..] View

I'm complaining about something that you may or may not care about

2:18 pm, September 30, 2013 Arena Net hinted at maybe doing something and I still haven't seen it, even though the game hasn't been released. I'm here to complain about it because there's few things I have to complain about. As [..] View

Casual player taking a break

11:34 am, September 30, 2013 I'm a casual player that loved GW1 and started out loving GW2. I've run into enough things that have slowly turned playing this game from enjoyable to frustrating and uninteresting, to the point that [..] View

Abyssal Scepter Recipe Bugged, A-Net says "oh well"!

10:29 am, September 30, 2013 Posting this up on here as well because A-Net has felt the need to suspend me from their forums after I posted this up on there.  This is the exact post word for word that they banne [..] View

Eurogamer Expo 2013 - Guild Wars 2

8:47 am, September 30, 2013 Quote The Living World conceptAn ever changing worldUnique experience with each loginPlayer banding together and building towards a persistent world.New content every 2 weeks with unique rewards and a [..] View

Questing Like Usain Bolt

7:34 am, September 30, 2013 So the new guild rush quests reminded me of something I tried a while ago, where I made an elementalist that traded damage for movement speed (partly because I'm an impatient sonofabitch). Firstly I' [..] View

Anyone else slightly disappointed with the story in GW2?

7:32 am, September 30, 2013 Before I start, I would like to say that I have played GW2 since release, and I really like the game itself. My problem is that, to me, the story seems so weak and bland. It doesn't engage me, or mak [..] View

Dye drop rate now way too low

3:37 am, September 30, 2013 (Opening new thread on mod suggestion to keep relevant and timely) As people may know, unidentified dyes' drop rates spiked in (IIRC) the 11/2 patch, to the point people were getting a dozen dyes in [..] View

Opinions on the end game content conversation

3:31 am, September 30, 2013 First I want anyone who reads to understand I am not trying to bash the game at all and do got my resevre paid off. As we see in thi slink there is a comment on end game not being finished. http://bi [..] View

Zombies, MegaLasers, and More in the Gem Store!

2:57 am, September 30, 2013 Travelers with an aversion to ***** and disease have been warned to stay away from the Splintered Coast, as Tequatl the Sunless appears to be more vicious than ever before. For those daring advent [..] View


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