Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Hacked Accounts

10:03 pm, October 13, 2013 Hey guys first post here, I am just letting you know if you were unlucky like me and got your account hacked that Anet isn't going to help... Yeah you heard correctly, If your account was hacked and t [..] View

Email Not Recongized? Please help

3:26 pm, October 13, 2013 So i didnt play at all yesterday cuz I had to work all day but I've been playing since headstart no problems. So today i go to log in and it says Email not recognized. What does this mean does it mean [..] View

GW2Guru May have Malware

10:19 pm, October 9, 2013 Sense the site thing requires approval (who knows how long that will take), I'm going to post this here. I'm not sure how truthful this may be, however Chrome just notified me that GW2Guru may have b [..] View

"Confirm Password Change" when I did not request one. Anyone else?

8:13 pm, October 7, 2013 I'm just trying to figure out if this was a Arenanet mass email thing, or if my account was almost hacked into. Did anyone else get the password change email without requesting one? View

"When its ready" + "Our time is now" = "Its not ready now"

9:05 am, October 5, 2013 As much as I love this game, she still needs to cook for at least another 30 minutes.  Between the FPS issues multiple players are experiencing on decent rigs, the amount of people w [..] View

Worst Launch Experience I've Ever Had

2:51 pm, October 4, 2013 I thought the worst launch experience was Diablo 3's catastrophe. Then, I played Guild Wars 2. - Auction system down since launch, people say that it has been up part time, I've played a solid 40-50 [..] View

Some Prick Hacked my Account

5:22 am, October 4, 2013 Ive just got back from working away on the mines for 2weeks to find that some prick has hacked my account and has been playing it. So i sent a support ticket in got password and account reset go to lo [..] View

Got my account back. Cautionary tale

10:04 pm, October 3, 2013 So this is a cautionary tale. I played guildwars 2 since launch for a good while. My buddy that I mainly play games with stopped playing saying he didn't like the non-trinity thing. After losing my b [..] View

Account hacked - What is the wait time on support for resolution?

8:29 pm, October 3, 2013 I appear to be one of many people who had my account hacked in the past couple of days. With the hackers doing the whole email address change switch a roo. After sending in all the correct informatio [..] View

My hacked Account

5:44 pm, October 3, 2013 Hello I wanted to post a real life account so that the rest of the world can see how Arena Net is doing and their response to people that have been hacked. Last Saturday on Sept. 8th at about 5pm I [..] View

Account hacked, been a week. Any suggestions?

4:29 pm, October 3, 2013 Last saturday, my account got hacked and they changed my account email. I emailed support with the requested information, and 4 days later they sent an email asking for the same exact info - display [..] View

suspended / banned for no reason help

2:09 pm, October 3, 2013 Char name : Volrick Server EU : Gandara on Feb 7 i tried to login my account and it was suspended for account issue , i contacted support and this was their first reply This e-mail is to notify you [..] View

Anyone's password not working? ...And is this a sign of being hacked?

2:51 am, October 3, 2013 Hey guys, let me explain my problem I'm having: I have GW2 on my desktop, it worked fine. I installed the game on my laptop, since I knew I was travelling to another state for the weekend and wanted [..] View

Me getting hacke 20+ hours ago

11:48 pm, October 2, 2013 I got hacked yesterday at around midnight est, I sent a ticket to still no response, the hacker also hacked my email and change the gw2 account email. Although through the login authenticati [..] View

Do you reckon Arenanet has damaged their reputation?

10:56 am, October 2, 2013 Between the thousands of hacked accounts, downtime, lots of major bugs that should have been fixed before launch and major exploits slipping through, do you think this has damaged gw2/arenanet in anyw [..] View

Account Login vs Game Login

8:03 am, October 2, 2013 Anyone having any issues trying to login to their account settings (saying invalid password), but able to login to the game (same user/pass) just fine? When I noticed the trade broker up, I went to g [..] View

Hacked or Banned?

2:28 am, October 2, 2013 was i hacked or banned? in order to acheive 100% on malchors leap , i was left with a bugged SP; i was told to switch servers until i found one thats not bugged. I did that a couple of times until it [..] View

"Our customer support team is prioritizing hacked accounts"

1:53 am, October 2, 2013 This really isn't impressing me much considering well over 90% of "hacked" accounts are the account owners fault. So while Anet is cleaning up after these peoples carelessness the rest of u [..] View

Chinese hackers still a problem?

10:48 pm, October 1, 2013 OK, i havent played this game much in the past 2 months . Logged in a couple of evenings for some PVP. So im not update at all with news/anything. Ive played MMO games for many years starting out on [..] View

Lost as an 80

10:41 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello everyone I recently got back into GW after a long hiatus. Unfortunately, in my absence my account was hacked and banned. I explained the situation to Anet and they gave me my account back. But w [..] View

So ArenaNet why no player moderators?

3:45 pm, October 1, 2013 So ArenaNet why no player moderators? Ok so we all have seen an increases in botters, hacked accounts, cash for gold for spammer and people spamming you mail inbox FUUUUUUUU!! and I'm for one am sick [..] View

News about the precursor scavenger hunt!

11:30 am, October 1, 2013 See, this thread: https://forum-en.gui...endaries-Rework and scroll down a bit. tldr version: not in active development, not even a final concept, just a bunch of ideas. You can find precursors in th [..] View

Is gw2 finally safe or hackers still roaming around?

10:54 am, October 1, 2013 So i just taking a break from gw2 for a month, and 2 days ago, before i come back, my guild mate text me sayin that a lot of commanders, golden titles, legendary wielders and even somebody without tho [..] View

Plea for ideas to help get my account back

6:07 am, October 1, 2013 I'm not quite sure what to do right now. Guild Wars 2 has been the only truly fun and addicting game that LASTS and keep my attention in the past few years, and I've been perma banned simply because I [..] View

Account Names can now be changed.

2:02 am, October 1, 2013 I just logged into my Guild Wars 2 Account on the website, and it let me change me account name, I don't know if everybody knows and I'm sorry if this is like some 3 day late post because everybody k [..] View

This Community is one of the BEST.

1:55 am, October 1, 2013 So, I just found a post on reddit that I believe everyone should see: Quote I believe I can speak for a large number of people from Sanctum of Rall when I say that tonight something happened that I [..] View

A happy ending to being hacked :)

5:57 pm, September 30, 2013 Just thought I would sign up to brag about my unexpected windfall of gold thanks to China About a month and a bit ago I stopped playing GW2 due to me being busy for the Christmas season. I recently [..] View

Always Look at the Positives.

5:45 pm, September 30, 2013 This doesn't mean ignore the negatives, but there's a whole helluva lot things GW2 has avoided that, sadly, other MMO titles have failed terribly at. Bullet points won't make me any more right or wron [..] View

Things About GW2 That Anger Me.

2:59 pm, September 30, 2013 Sometimes I just can't stand this game at all. In a lot of ways it feels like ArenaNet developed this game to be unfair in a manner that almost seems like "developer trolling". So here start [..] View

How is it possible?

2:18 pm, September 30, 2013 That i got hacked? this is the first game i have ever been hacked in! and yes i have anti-virus and dont visit dodgy websites. I took a break come back and cant log in... so i check my email and it sa [..] View

Should I be worried?

2:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I know this will sound a bit impatient but here I go: So I found out yesterday that my account was hacked, they got my email and were able to get all of my info. So I send in a ticket to ArenaNet and [..] View

ArenaNet gives Dhuum free reign?

2:04 pm, September 30, 2013 Now, I'm not sure if many of you have heard, but recently within the last two weeks, ArenaNet has unleashed Dhuum. Yeah, him and his ban scythe. Thing is, Dhuum is just slaying anyone. For those of [..] View

Account Hack FAIL

1:07 pm, September 30, 2013 So I got an E-mail saying my account was trying to be axcessed from "x" place and "x" router number. If I wanted to I could let it be axcesses from there click this link. Of coarse [..] View

GW2 client suggest I change password?

12:06 pm, September 30, 2013 Has anyone else had this happen? When I started up the GW2 client on top is said "Please consider changing your password" Why? My password is 16 characters long and I've never used it on a [..] View

2012-09-26 Penny Arcade, Slapping GW2 in the Face?

5:59 am, September 30, 2013 I haven't experienced the joy of being hacked, so I am not sure what the poke is. Poor account security?Poor customer support in resolving account issues?Gabe didn't find the game interesting? I've [..] View


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