Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Where did Blizzard go wrong with D3 and what A.Net could learn from it.

6:18 pm, November 12, 2014 This week's Blizzcon brought us a panel on D3. A quick summary: http://www.diablofan...ouls-panel-live A few things that stand out and seem very similar to what we are experiencing in GW2 (stole [..] View

Tyrias Point of No Return

7:18 pm, October 20, 2014 A Living World The return of Living World Season 2 is rapidly approaching. When the season resumes on November 4, we’ll see the story pick up from the cliffhanger that left one of the worl [..] View

Release Notes for The Dragons Reach: Part 2!

7:18 am, August 13, 2014 A historic summit is about to take place in the spreading shadow of Mordremoths advance, but not all of the world leaders have agreed to attend. Can you convince uneasy allies to come together and coo [..] View

2nd Anniversary Predictions

7:18 pm, July 31, 2014 Within less than a month it will have been two years since GW2 released. What do you expect or would like ANet to do? Considering the patch tuesdays fall onto 12th and 26th, I assume we'll get the Dr [..] View

Have ANet responded to weapon/skill criticism? A question about ANet transparency.

7:18 pm, June 5, 2014 Hello! I rarely visit the forums but I have seen after a bit of searching that I'm not the only one who finds the skill system very boring and static. I have found a lot of threads on different forum [..] View

Tera Rising & Guild Wars 2 - new classes

8:16 pm, March 20, 2014 Okay, so Tera is introducing a new class in May, and I feel that Anet should step up their game if they want to compete with this sort of thing. Instead of more GEM STORE bologna, and Living Story yaw [..] View

Why Being Efficient is the Only Thing Left

8:16 am, February 17, 2014 I read the quote below today and it struck a nerve that has been lingering for a while. Why is it that the only real difference in this game between casual and hardcore seems to be efficiency? I know [..] View

Job-o-Trons Journey: TheEvolution of a Gag

2:16 am, December 19, 2013 Writing for Guild Wars 2 is a hugely collaborative effort, and at times that collaboration transcends the sum of its parts. Sometimes a character takes on a life of its own and we, t [..] View

How to discuss topics (like a guru)

2:16 pm, October 31, 2013 GW2G is a discussion forum. This means that we expect a certain level of quality in our posts, but it also dictates how we expect our users to act. We try to allow you to discuss all subjects in a non [..] View

State of the Dungeon Crowd - Good or Bad?

11:36 am, October 22, 2013 Hello community.  I am an avid dungon runner.  For me, running dungeons is the best thing about the MMORPG genre.  As we all know, there is a fair [..] View

Don't ban us for farming....

6:59 pm, October 19, 2013 ... or just give us a legendary without the hassle of appealing a ban. They have people reviewing each case for botting bans, but they miss the obvious, like how I was making no money. I farmed the s [..] View

End of year GOTY Awards...agree or disagree....

7:06 pm, October 18, 2013 GW2 apparently is garnering a lot of attention in the media (mainstream as well as gaming specific), but not for what I would have expected from the amount of discussion I see on these and other forum [..] View

One thing at a time: How to add an inkling of depth to the end of the GW2 story

7:03 am, October 18, 2013 Spoiler Yay! Zaitan is dead after a severely disappointing one dimensional final battle! Everyone lives happily ever after and Trahearnia lords over everyone with his smug, dreary, cheap-motivati [..] View

Why you Can't Ignore Ascended Gear

3:16 am, October 16, 2013 This is pretty straight-forward. I know a lot of people think that you can ignore ascended gear because it is optional. So, let's run with that. Why did ascended gear get introduced? Most people agre [..] View

Just Some Desired Quality of Life Changes

6:01 pm, October 14, 2013 First, I suppose I should give the required statement of "I didnt see any similar threads, please direct me to them if they are in existence". Ok, so after my time with the game so far, the [..] View

On-demand content?

3:22 am, October 14, 2013 1. GW2 is a solo game. While the game has group content or groping makes the content more enjoyable, in it's core, GW2 is a solo game. When you buy GW2, you are buying a game that you will solo with t [..] View

PUGs are Bad, Guildies are Great

3:41 pm, October 12, 2013 This concept somewhat bothers me. I have done every single dungeon path and fractals (37 and stopped there) in GW2 with PUGs. And I have done them without any difficulty. I generally form my own grou [..] View

Incredibly ordinary?

7:55 am, October 9, 2013 I really like GW2.  Kudos to the game designers and how they took a bold step to do something different.  I think the story line mechanic, art style, dynamic events [..] View

people need to calm down...

6:30 pm, October 8, 2013 I came here on guru to look at interesting threads but most of them are read. People need to try to understand the other side before they make a comment. And angry comments are just [..] View

Make PvE separate from PvP

11:07 am, October 8, 2013 This got me thinking.  People call me a troll and disagree with me because I want holy trinity. mounts, raid, and most importantly "build wars".   People [..] View

A compilation of ideas

8:00 pm, October 7, 2013 (sorry for posting here but the ideas section always seem to be dead) These are my ideas that I believe could be adapted to the game, and I've tried to simplify them and made them manageable for anet [..] View

Why this game will never meet my expectations

4:58 am, October 7, 2013 or be as good a game as I thought it would be, or I would like it to be. The developers/producers behind this game are NOT from the original Guild Wars crew.  That is it in a nutshe [..] View

How to turn GW2 into GW1 without breaking the game

10:46 pm, October 6, 2013 This thread is for everyone who agrees that GW1 was a better game than GW2. If you don't agree, stop reading now please. The idea here is to build ideas on how to improve GW2 based on gameplay streng [..] View

Ascended-tier Stat Projections (theorycrafting)

1:34 am, October 6, 2013 Some people may argue that it is largely pointless to speculate about a future tier of gear when it has barely been released, and I would agree. However, it gets exceedingly tiresome to read thread af [..] View

Volrick Banned for something he havent done i need your help

6:33 am, October 5, 2013 i am a guild leader always played legally and supported this game (No.1 fan) however i got banned about 10 days ago for something i havent done Anet ignored me and now they dont answer my tickets ,&am [..] View

Dare to Criticize Guild Wars 2

12:35 am, October 5, 2013 I'm probably going to get shot down for sharing this but: The guy is more direct then I'd ever be in my videos but it really makes me feel better knowing there's somone out there genuinly invested in [..] View


8:41 pm, October 4, 2013 I got scammed like a week ago and i reported the guy on the support page and this is the reaction i got back.... Quote Response GM Xionaque via Email 10/07/2012 06:23 PM Hello, I know transactions th [..] View

You are not making it easy for me to answer, let me try again

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 "Hello, It seems you already expected this thread to be locked or deleted, but I didn't just close this to meet your expectations. There are many valid reasons threads, comments, etc. may be de [..] View

Cutthroat Politics All-New Content Begins July 23!

11:20 am, October 4, 2013 The explosive events of the Dragon Bash festival left the Captains Council of Lions Arch with a vacant seat. Lionguard Inspector Ellen Kiel and Black Lion Trader Evon Gnashblade both want to fill that [..] View

Terrible GW2 Customer Service Experience

7:18 am, October 4, 2013 Well, its been almost 3 days now. After playing game since release, i been always an example to follow. Always reporting for botting, or gold sell spamming in every case did apply. I been a fellow gu [..] View

Armors feels out of place

2:11 am, October 4, 2013 Warning, the following statements below is a rant. Viewer discretion is advised If there is one thing that I could criticize Anet is how horrible and how out of place the armors in this game feel.& [..] View

Promote New Guild Leader

1:59 am, October 4, 2013 Background story: A few friends from across the country decided to start up their own guild at the beginning of early release weekend. We all agreed to let the one player with the most GW1 experience [..] View

Selecting "default" guest world.

1:42 pm, October 3, 2013 We will soo have way of playing on another server without having to leave our current one. What about agreeing as a community on server where everyone would guest when playing open world PvE? It wou [..] View

Puzzles and Mini-Dungeons, do things need to change?

1:30 pm, October 3, 2013 I haven't done everything in the game by a long shot.  I have a level 38 Elementalist, a level 10 Guardian and a level 13 Engineer (well, and a level 1 Mesmer).  Bu [..] View

When did Guild Wars players turn in to such whiners?

7:21 am, October 3, 2013 I feel this forum has turned into a place for players to come complain.  Most seem to complaint about things they wish were given to them.  They view themselves as [..] View

Can we agree on a dedicated PvE server?

6:09 am, October 3, 2013 Since guesting is being added tomorrow, can we all agree on a server where we can all guest for regular Non-Dungeon PvE content? One where maps aren't completely empty? That way DE's are always acti [..] View

Suspended from GW2 Forum. Anyone else?

6:02 am, October 3, 2013 Hi all, Just tried to log into the GW2 forums. Found that I was suspended without any reason given and no time frame given. I did not troll, insult or did any bad behavior. The only thing I did was s [..] View

Single vs Multiple Race Factions

1:34 am, October 3, 2013 First of all, what is your take on having all races living in a friendly, co-operational environment? On one hand, it's cool from the world event perspective and whatnot, that everyone can help and w [..] View

Anyone miss having true outposts?

8:40 pm, October 2, 2013 When I think back to GW1, I think of the nostalgia factor of Droknar's Forge, Marhan's Grotto (remember the icy floor?), Ascalon City, Kaineng, Yak's Bend, and many of the other outposts. They were me [..] View

Seems like we'll get a big content patch on January/February

5:26 pm, October 2, 2013 Well I have to stay they were very very optimistic, but I think it's a good read nevertheless. I found this part really interesting: QuoteWe had a huge Hallowe [..] View

Lost Shore event is the worst

4:14 pm, October 2, 2013 Do you agree? 1. The chain event bug out most of the time. May be is my luck but none of my alts able to complete the chain at all. NPC always bug out. 2. The new dungeon is not bad but you must have [..] View

Arena Net censoring negative feedback on forums

10:40 am, October 2, 2013 "You are temporarily suspended from the forum because: This punishment was given due to your accumulation of points. Please check your private messages for more details." I have been suspe [..] View

Seeking advice; should I quit Guild Wars 2?

10:08 am, October 2, 2013 Preface; the following is born of my own personal opinions, preferences, and principles. It is in no way intended to defame or challenge the views of others, nor to begin an argument or flame war. I s [..] View

Guild Wars 2 and Progression

9:58 am, October 2, 2013 The recent fiasco on Ascended items has prompted me to pop out of lurking, so I typed up a lengthy blurb on the state of progression in Guild Wars 2. Hopefully this can spiral into some meaningful and [..] View

ArenaNet is Very Sensitive to Criticism

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 In a recent post on the official GW2 forums hosted by ArenaNet, I criticized ArenaNet for not disabling the WvW orbs because of an orb exploit that was causing a great deal of trouble. &n [..] View

Is GW2 dead?

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 Ok, well this is simply just a thread to find out what everyone else thinks. I've noticed a large decrease in the player population in game and it's only going to get smaller as time goes on (but that [..] View

The "Endgame" is a myth

6:18 am, October 2, 2013 I've read a number of posts on these forums; the ascended gear drama, the endless and completely unproductive GW2 versus other games discussions and the more productive what can we do to fix GW2 posts [..] View

Guild Wars, NCSoft, ArenaNet and the future...

6:16 am, October 2, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

Fractals of the mists groups

4:21 am, October 2, 2013 Further to the november release i noticed a comment on the patch notes that said they had fixed the issue of people being kicked from the final boss in dungeons to allow for guild members to join. I [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

GW2 2012 Best (Worst) of Awards

11:20 pm, October 1, 2013 GW2 2012 Best (Worst) of Awards   Its that time of the year again! Where we look back into the previous year and project into the new year. To make the best of 2013, we have to look [..] View

Why we need GvG and how to pull it off.

11:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Wall-o-text INC. Greetings to nerds and noobs alike! When looking at the conversations going around about Guild Wars 2 and it's longevity, many people state PvP is (or should be) the true endgame. I [..] View


9:47 pm, October 1, 2013 Hi all, I have submitted a ticket to Guild Wars 2 Support Team regarding macros and this is what I got for an answer: QuoteHi, We don't have the ability to say "You can use this here, but not [..] View

The future of NCSoft, ArenaNet, and Guild Wars 1 & 2.

9:31 pm, October 1, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

Wintersday impressions!

8:24 pm, October 1, 2013 Here are mine: Spoiler Christmas has come and gone. For the most part, so has Wintersday. The events will run through Jan. 3, but no new content is scheduled between now and then. So I think its t [..] View

Will Anet improve Guild Wars 2?

7:00 pm, October 1, 2013 I started this game since head-start which was 28 days ago and I have only spent 125 hours in the game which comes out to 4.6 hours per day.   I'm not a rusher yet the game is losing [..] View

Manifesto In Flames - What Can Be Done?

6:49 pm, October 1, 2013 As of Yesterday https://www.guildwar...-ascended-gear/ "This is just the beginning. In November, were only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves [..] View

Water Combat sucks.

4:47 pm, October 1, 2013 Can we all agree on this, now? Underwater mobs take forever to ****. The dodges feel clunky. Movement is too slow. The variety of mobs underwater is too narrow - and most of them are a pain. Underwa [..] View

So ArenaNet why no player moderators?

3:45 pm, October 1, 2013 So ArenaNet why no player moderators? Ok so we all have seen an increases in botters, hacked accounts, cash for gold for spammer and people spamming you mail inbox FUUUUUUUU!! and I'm for one am sick [..] View

Short Story: WhatScarletSaw

3:39 pm, October 1, 2013 Professor Omadd, Headmaster Emeritus of the College of Synergetics, anxiously twisted his ear as he waited for the sylvari woman to wake. She had been thrashing violently in the isolation module for d [..] View

A discussion on opinions about the game

2:51 pm, October 1, 2013 I am a fan of the game.  Yes, there are some things which can be improved.  Any game has these.  However, I believe that, technically, the game ca [..] View

A players thoughts or GW2 State of the Game

12:06 pm, October 1, 2013 Good Afternoon Fellow Tyrians! I sat down this morning was looking over the forums again and started writing.  This post may be a little disjointed and hop around a lot but I think [..] View

Anet should add content, without adding content

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Warning, the following thread is long as it is not just a "this is what I hate" list but is an explanation of where I feel those lists come from and a look at possible ways to fix the issues [..] View

Cutting to the chase.

6:46 am, October 1, 2013 Having played most of the MMO's that are and was on the market for over 12 years now, I'm starting to get tired of the same cycle. Maybe I'm just getting older and less patient though, who really know [..] View

How much does this resonate with you?

6:17 am, October 1, 2013 Here's a review written by forbes. I like to think of forbes as a reputable source. Much of what's written there is reasonable and it resonates with me as what I see to be problems with GW2. Whilst G [..] View

Exposing the Truth, Past and Present.

6:14 am, October 1, 2013 Purpose:  In effect, what I intend to do is expose ArenaNet of lies, deceit, and otherwise facilitating or spreading  false information for the sole purpose of garn [..] View

GW2 doesn't feel like a true sequel to Guild Wars

5:56 am, October 1, 2013 I played guild wars since just before Factions, its the best online game ive ever played, been waiting for so long for GW2. Its not a bad game, its far better value for money than most games,&nbsp [..] View

Come together, right now, over me

5:55 am, October 1, 2013 Seeing as how fewer and fewer people are logging in each week and guilds seem to be dying very long and painful deaths... Do you think there should be a movement to merge guilds so that the 10% who s [..] View

Halloween Skins from lottery / casino style grab bags

5:49 am, October 1, 2013 It is unregulated gambling. Why is arena net going down this route of skins inside black lions chests? Why not make them part of rewards for event chains? Or scavenging? Or Jumping puzzle rewards? Or [..] View

How my Ban for Snowflake is different and unjustified!

5:37 am, October 1, 2013 I am posting this topic here because I needed a place to type this text since I can't post on the official forums. Letting my friend copy paste it here and thought well the more people that see this t [..] View

The Power of Nonsense

4:55 am, October 1, 2013 So, I main a Necromancer class now, and I have to say after using most every class. Mesmers are nonsense. Pure utterly complete nonsense. Being able to make portals for teammates to continuously retur [..] View

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Mode - Front Door Path

2:34 am, October 1, 2013 Seriously, just don't even do it. Four hours later, you will agree. View

Important New Items in the Gem Store!

2:24 am, October 1, 2013 A new week means new items available through the Black Lion Trading Company! This week Im pleased to offer up a very special new item: Candidate Support Bundles that let you show your support and [..] View

Petition to change SE to SF

1:59 am, October 1, 2013 For the sake of all Guild Wars players, ANet: Please PLEASE change the name of Sorrow's Embrace back to Sorrow's Furnace as it was originally titled in the original game. There are two benefits to d [..] View

Cutthroat Politics Begins Today!

12:37 am, October 1, 2013 Two candidates, war hero Ellen Kiel and Black Lion trader Evon Gnashblade, are trying to secure a trade agreement with the Zephyr Sanctum but neither of them can seal the deal without your support! T [..] View

Casual, End Game, Grind, Tilapia, and You: A story of Friends

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 SEE BOTTOM FOR TLDR. "This game is for casuals, It's too grindy, this Tilapia is too wet". These are the things I see on this forum, and hell, even on the official forums. If you ask anyo [..] View

It's not grind

11:29 pm, September 30, 2013 I saw something in a thread recently. It was about the living story content, and it went something like this: QuoteQuoteIt wasn't so bad at first, but once you fall behind a bit and the content goes a [..] View

it seems scamming is allowed

11:23 pm, September 30, 2013 I got scammed like a week ago and i reported the guy on the support page and this is the reaction i got back.... Quote Response GM Xionaque via Email 10/07/2012 06:23 PM Hello, I know transactions th [..] View

Jumping puzzles in GW2 - a guide & discussion

11:03 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey everyone, I recently completed all 37 jumping puzzles (those with achievements) and I thought I would share my experiences of them with the GW2guru community as well as providing guides for each i [..] View

Nudity in Non-Human Races

10:22 pm, September 30, 2013 (This topic contains subject matter which is being posted by a person who uses immature terms, but would prefer if people could take a mature attitude towards it) (Please keep the "But then all t [..] View

Chests+ Events swarmed by players causing lag

9:30 pm, September 30, 2013 Large groups of players in one spot to loot a chest- like never before in the history of Guild Wars 2. People have commented on topics such as guesting... and lag... and drop rates...and all kinds of [..] View

About difficult to obtain armor skins

9:18 pm, September 30, 2013 Am I the only one that considers them to look pretty bad? It could simply be because I use heavy armor. Order armor (not that hard but you can only get the armor from 1 order) looks pretty bad. Dunge [..] View

Anet sad that more people aren't charr and asura

7:49 pm, September 30, 2013 Once again Anet is not communicating properly with their consumer base... They are sad?  Let me tell you what's sad...the c [..] View

Guild Wars 2: The App

7:24 pm, September 30, 2013 Hopefully ANet will come across this. I was thinking, wouldn't it be pretty great to have a, for example Black Lion Market App? (Would not mind paying for it what so ever) That way you can play the ma [..] View

PVE State of the Game

7:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So i stumbled across this post by a site moderator here on Guru: Frozire, on 29 May 2013 - 04:09 PM, said: State of the Game was originally meant to cover all aspects of the game. Sadly after weeks [..] View

Bunny Ears Headband

5:50 pm, September 30, 2013 I know I can't be the only one who likes Bunny Ear headbands. Lots of games have had them (or in the case of TERA they just had the Elin). The only disappointing thing here is that the headband is tow [..] View

Making the community relevant

5:24 pm, September 30, 2013 I recently read a thread called "do mmo players demand too much" I also recently read a thread called "do you [..] View

The buffs and nerfs

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I know there are already hundreds of threads across the forums and gwguru regarding the recent nerfs/buffs to dungeons and so forth. But I do want to point out certain things I've noticed so far regar [..] View

Magic Find: Pros/Cons & Its Impact on GW2

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 In this thread we'll be discussing magic find.  The benefits, the negatives & its impact on GW2 as whole.  This topic has a tendency to draw opposition from bot [..] View

Let's see how interesting and innovative fractals are

5:11 pm, September 30, 2013 After reading various posts on FotM, I have realized that there is a common theme to them: The encounters are well designed and challengingSuperior Loots and Chest Rewards So, I wanted to check it ou [..] View

World Building: Natural System in MMOs?

4:12 pm, September 30, 2013 Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lengthy and long winded post; I'm a long winded kinda guy (which works well for the ladies... (he tells himself)). I'm hopeful it'll spark a somewhat interesting [..] View

My Apologies topic regarding Grind. There is no true Grind.

2:28 pm, September 30, 2013 Hello guys. So I've been complaining alot lately about the grind on endgame etc, and I have been receiving lots of messages regarding Grind being optional and the easily accessible crafted Exotics. [..] View

Trading, Inspecting, Dueling, and CoD Mail

11:41 am, September 30, 2013 These 4 features may seem small, but their absence is certainly noticeable. Person-to-person trade is important in any MMO - particularly in one where the Auction system is under maintanance. Insp [..] View

Anyone else slightly disappointed with the story in GW2?

7:32 am, September 30, 2013 Before I start, I would like to say that I have played GW2 since release, and I really like the game itself. My problem is that, to me, the story seems so weak and bland. It doesn't engage me, or mak [..] View

Why Guild Wars 2 Has the Potential to Re-Shape the MMORPG Market.

5:43 am, September 30, 2013 Let me preface this with the following: Do not let this thread devolve into bickering and moaning over which game is better, WoW or GW2. I often referenced WoW in this thread in order to provide a bas [..] View

Constructive idea regarding improving the game

4:53 am, September 30, 2013 First off, I do not want this thread turning into a flame-war, nor do I want anything other than constructive criticism and beneficial ideas added to the conversation.  Far too many [..] View

Good PvE server for guesting (EU)?

3:52 am, September 30, 2013 Hi, I can remember, there was a thread about agreeing on a dedicated PvE server for guesting, but apparently nothing happened. So what EU server has a nice high population and would currently be good [..] View

Guild Wars 2 frequently asked questions

2:45 am, September 30, 2013 General Questions Will there be a subscription fee? No. There is no monthly subscription fee. Once your purchase the box or a game key, you are free to play as much as you want. Will there be micro [..] View


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