Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




GW2: Master of Salami Slicing

6:18 pm, November 13, 2014 (Please note that the following post could not be posted on the Official Forums, due to me being banned from creating new threads.  If you'd like to repost this in the official forum [..] View

Quality in GW2?

7:18 pm, July 28, 2014 I was reading posts on the usual Trahearn-hate threads, and one person said "Quality is relative."  So I thought, what is good quality in an MMO; and where does GW2 lie in [..] View

Have ANet responded to weapon/skill criticism? A question about ANet transparency.

7:18 pm, June 5, 2014 Hello! I rarely visit the forums but I have seen after a bit of searching that I'm not the only one who finds the skill system very boring and static. I have found a lot of threads on different forum [..] View

The Trinity, Roles, GW2, and You

8:16 pm, March 19, 2014 I'm now genuinely curious what the psychological attachment to the Trinity is. GW2 does not have the typical Holy Trinity and throughout many of the threads here there seems to be some form of attachm [..] View

Has anyone else been affected by the map exploration bug?

8:16 pm, March 6, 2014 This started 16 days ago. The day of the LA invasion patch. They added two new POI's into LA that apparently completely ed the world exploration reward system and does not reward the gifts of explorat [..] View

In the end I just wish Arena Net would finish Guild Wars 2

2:16 am, March 2, 2014 And so we come to the close; the end of Living World Season 1. And as I contemplate how Arena Net is likely to ruin the one thing that quite a number of us are hoping for from this event (an end to th [..] View

Do you think GW2 players are stupid customers?

8:16 pm, February 21, 2014 In many threads here I keep coming across a baseline conspiracy theory which is that Anet is bleeding people dry of their money and they are doing it successfully because ... Well that's where the log [..] View

The most important thing (opinions)

8:16 am, February 1, 2014 Edit: Thanks much to Konzacelt for posting this on the official forms for me. Heres the link if you want to follow or partake in the discussion there. [..] View

Grouping for Storyline Finale, how long does it take?

8:16 am, January 23, 2014 Hello, I'm working on my first character in GW2 and I've reached the part in the storyline where I'm required to group.  I've found many threads complaining about it so I'm not here [..] View

The end of the Scarlet Story Line - And after that?

8:16 pm, November 27, 2013 So I was doing my daily dose of random browsing when I stumbled upon this post of a dev https://forum-en.gui...rst#post3266648 QuoteI mentioned this elsewhere on the forums, but Ill say it here agai [..] View

Where are the world builders?

8:16 pm, November 26, 2013 So recently there has been a ton of talk about the living story, the quality of it, the cons, the pros etc etc(please keep that discussion out of this thread). All of this has me wondering, where are [..] View

Just Some Desired Quality of Life Changes

6:01 pm, October 14, 2013 First, I suppose I should give the required statement of "I didnt see any similar threads, please direct me to them if they are in existence". Ok, so after my time with the game so far, the [..] View

Stress Test Wednesday August 15th

5:12 am, October 10, 2013 This was posted on FB a couple of hours ago.  I didn't see any threads about it so I figured I would post it. https://www.facebook...ars2?ref=stream Quote We will be conducting a st [..] View

Armor galleries for Norn and Sylvari?

2:05 pm, October 9, 2013 I see threads showing all the armors on humans. I see threads showing individual characters in a few armors. If anyone can show me all the armors for Sylvari, Asura, and (especially) Norn, I'd appre [..] View

people need to calm down...

6:30 pm, October 8, 2013 I came here on guru to look at interesting threads but most of them are read. People need to try to understand the other side before they make a comment. And angry comments are just [..] View

The Gw2 site.

2:09 am, October 8, 2013 For those who have been posting threads worried that there was something wrong. No worries, just maintenance View

Let's talk about server jumping.

2:08 pm, October 7, 2013 First of all, let me just say that i stay away from "QQ" threads in general. If you have a suggestion or something constructive to say to improve something in the game you should always repo [..] View

WvW is flooded by bots

8:05 am, October 7, 2013 Almost unplayable every map is filled with 30-40 Bots. This prevents real players from getting on the maps. No matter how much Threads you are going to delete, this is getting out of hand and ruins th [..] View

Looking for Spankus Maximus or The Tainted players

7:13 am, October 7, 2013 Hello, my brother and I, like many stopped playing wow a long time ago. We lost touch with some guildies and would like to get involved with them playing GW2. We love it and plan to play for a long ti [..] View

[Looking Ahead Discussion] New Skills & Traits

7:13 am, October 6, 2013 In an effort to keep the noise down over discussing the various points hit upon by Colin's most recent post, I've taken the time to create different threads in the General Discussion forums to cover t [..] View

[Looking Ahead Discussion] PvE Reward Restructuring

6:49 am, October 6, 2013 In an effort to keep the noise down over discussing the various points hit upon by Colin's most recent post, I've taken the time to create different threads in the General Discussion forums to cover t [..] View

Stop crying, Learn how to work around overflow

9:36 pm, October 5, 2013 I've seen so many threads on "how I can't play with my friends because of overflow" Well, here's your answer until ANet can put some more work into it.. honestly can't believe so many peopl [..] View

What we can learn from the forums

8:06 pm, October 5, 2013 I am just going to post some statistics here that I found looking at the differences between GW1 Guru forums and GW2 guru forums for the first 6 months of GW1 and GW2's releases: Guild Wars 2 Sales i [..] View

Best dungeon experience ever!

6:55 pm, October 5, 2013 For some reason everytime I open this forums, there's about 90% whine and moan and doom threads. I'm gonna be the ugly ducking here. Don't care what enyone else things. Fractals is imo the best dunge [..] View

Satchels and db's data

1:02 am, October 5, 2013 The ingredients listed in db for making satchels are wrong, made me happy when I saw it for the first time, but yeah, it actually costs a lot more. I'm have tailor so I don't know how's the other pro [..] View

Dear Arena Net

7:03 pm, October 4, 2013 Sure there has been quite a few problems with the game on launch, lots of issues with skill points and quests (which I believe are all fixed today) Sure trading post messed up Friday and you owe me 8 [..] View

Don't you think the game difficulty is way too easy?

3:52 pm, October 4, 2013 There are already a lot of threads discuss about the social issue in gw2. Personally I think it the difficulty. You can solo your story, explore, farm, and level to 80. Some new comer already felt bo [..] View

How would you improve Guild Wars 2?

3:48 pm, October 4, 2013 I'm going to make this thread a little different from my other threads.  To avoid another "thehotsung" thread where I voice my opinion and make everyone go cucoo for coco p [..] View

You are not making it easy for me to answer, let me try again

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 "Hello, It seems you already expected this thread to be locked or deleted, but I didn't just close this to meet your expectations. There are many valid reasons threads, comments, etc. may be de [..] View

Why Samwell Loves GW2

2:16 am, October 4, 2013 I'm tired of seeing all of these threads about people crying over how 200 hours of content at launch isn't good enough. Here is my response to (for lack of a better term) cry babies. I'm not sure if i [..] View

Things you miss about Guild Wars...

8:25 pm, October 3, 2013 Again, I never know where to put my threads... so please move this if it's in the wrong spot! Anyways, this isn't meant to be a negative thread, so please don't treat it as so. More so one to reminis [..] View

Proof that most of the active Guru posters are just here to criticize the game...

9:19 pm, October 2, 2013 This patch is great its the best we've gotten so far but they still find a way to nitpick about it. Now that it's eventually been discovered that this is pretty much linking up to the crystal desert a [..] View

Fix coming to dungeons on Monday

9:13 pm, October 2, 2013 There are many threads in the official Guild Wars 2 forums and I had to weave in and out of them to find this specific post but here is the quoted copied text from Robert Horuda (content designer). Th [..] View

Faction quests should have been done different.

10:25 am, October 2, 2013 I didn't follow everything about Guild Wars 2 as closely as some of you guys so I don't know if Anet said much about what faction quests would be like?   This is just my opinion as [..] View

I need to appologize and kinda explain

6:55 am, October 2, 2013 I'm here to eat my crow.  I am a mental ill which is no excuse, but I do take things to extremes.  ie When someone said "Getting around Orr is not to hard" [..] View

Is GW2 dead?

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 Ok, well this is simply just a thread to find out what everyone else thinks. I've noticed a large decrease in the player population in game and it's only going to get smaller as time goes on (but that [..] View

Stop using a forum like your personal blog

6:04 am, October 2, 2013 Nowadays it is has become really really frustrating, how more and more people are using forums like their personal blog. Forums used to be for discussions about IMPORTANT topics, so threads like &qu [..] View

Been there done that achi and title - no reward, and Anet response

12:03 am, October 2, 2013 Hello everyone, I am uZu, and I am overly pissed @ Anet's costumer service. As a start, I must say that I enjoy GW2 a lot and I think it is an amazing game, however, it's costumer care/support (even i [..] View

Partying for instances

11:37 pm, October 1, 2013 I did a quick search, and I couldn't find a recent thread on this issue, only the mentioning of it in various different threads. So, days into the game, I'm sure many of you have either reached level [..] View

Why we need GvG and how to pull it off.

11:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Wall-o-text INC. Greetings to nerds and noobs alike! When looking at the conversations going around about Guild Wars 2 and it's longevity, many people state PvP is (or should be) the true endgame. I [..] View

Looking for Confirmation - Name Grabbing Tactics

10:56 pm, October 1, 2013 So I've seen it mentioned in threads that (I cannot seem to find due to there really not being a name for this technique) you can create a character to save a name by just jumping to the last page and [..] View

[WHAT IF] Raids

9:54 pm, October 1, 2013 [WHAT IF] is going to be my series of sporadically added threads into General discussion forum, focusing on, well, discussions about various game changes, what would happen if they occurred and how to [..] View

(Unofficial) Guild Wars 2 Free Weekend - Invite Thread

5:19 pm, October 1, 2013 Hey all I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet but I keep seeing Free Trial Invite threads so I imagine not. Instead of making a bunch of separate topics for this just post here. Makes it easier for [..] View

Classes feeling similar?

4:40 pm, October 1, 2013 So in a couple different threads people have been saying that the classes in GW2 feel very similar to each other I don't see this personally as I have a 80 engineer and like a lvl 15 guardian and the [..] View

A discussion on opinions about the game

2:51 pm, October 1, 2013 I am a fan of the game.  Yes, there are some things which can be improved.  Any game has these.  However, I believe that, technically, the game ca [..] View

What happened with Tyrian assembly?

2:08 pm, October 1, 2013 3 weeks ago, it was the universal trend to disregard any negative feedback towards ANet and their amazing game, whether it was valid criticism or just pointless ranting. Those posts would commonly be [..] View

Raising the gear cap?

1:34 pm, October 1, 2013 In light of "popular demand" for better stats on ascended gear, I am actually curious how much of Guru approves of A.Net raising stats. Bugging a mod to include a poll. Please consider that [..] View

Will I enjoy this game as a casual player who can only play in short spurts?

12:44 pm, October 1, 2013 I've done some search and found a few old threads that address this topic in certain ways, but I have some lingering questions and I was hoping some of you pros can provide some sagely wisdom. I'm lo [..] View

gw2 devs 'missed concept' very important

11:34 am, October 1, 2013 Ive seen a large amount of threads being made regarding such things as: Server Populations Server Xfers 3 Teams Server Rankings Zerging Although these are separate factors, they all come together to [..] View

Raiding and Housing Coming to GW2? (Interview Translated from French)

11:07 am, October 1, 2013 I am posting this here because the source article has been removed (the Internet never forgets though), so it's more Rumor Mill than news, I suppose. Source: T [..] View

Thank you ArenaNet for helping those whose client crashed during the Ancient Karka event

11:05 am, October 1, 2013 They just sent me the box through mail in the game.  I didn't get a precursor, but with all these negative threads around, I just want to thank ArenaNet for doing the right thing! T [..] View

Anet should add content, without adding content

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Warning, the following thread is long as it is not just a "this is what I hate" list but is an explanation of where I feel those lists come from and a look at possible ways to fix the issues [..] View

So I Relogged in.......

10:05 am, October 1, 2013 I actually couldn't wait.   Then I read further on the official forums...the more I read, the more I couldn't care, threads of wealth 200g+Does this mean game over for me? & [..] View

Cutting to the chase.

6:46 am, October 1, 2013 Having played most of the MMO's that are and was on the market for over 12 years now, I'm starting to get tired of the same cycle. Maybe I'm just getting older and less patient though, who really know [..] View

Is the April 30th Update "make or break"?

5:31 am, October 1, 2013 As an avid GW1 player I was rather disappointed that many of the aspects of GW1 that I loved had not returned for GW2. Many of the lessons learned in GW1 also it seemed had not been passed on to the s [..] View

What were you expecting at 80?

5:17 am, October 1, 2013 Hi, just thought I'd open a thread to see what everyone was expecting at level 80, content wise and "endgame wise".  I myself am enjoying no raiding.  No [..] View

Defeating the Holy Trinity - Success or Failure?

2:04 am, October 1, 2013 Guild Wars 2 has been out for a full year now, and it seems to be continuing to grow as more players purchase the game and join. One of the big selling points for GW2 is the fact that the game is uniq [..] View

They going to nerf events in Straits of Devastation next?

1:26 am, October 1, 2013 So the whole quarry of people complaining about the nerfed Dungeons preventing people and me from being able to run them to get money has been really evident so far. You could have easily netted 1 gol [..] View

My Beefs w/ GW2 & ArenaNet

10:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Please let me preface this with: If you are still enjoying GW2 and/or happy with ArenaNet, that's fine and I'm happy for you. --- Some of you may recognize me (mainly for my math posts) if you freq [..] View

Guild Wars 2 and Fading

7:27 pm, September 30, 2013 No this isn't a rant topic, I would prefer all that garbage and discussion be left to the many threads that plague this open discussion forum. I am here hoping to get some discussion going and hopeful [..] View

Skritt Burglar.

7:01 pm, September 30, 2013 As mentioned in the IGN preview, the Haloween patch also added the Skritt Burglar. Haven't seen any threads about it, so I figured I'd make one. For those that haven't run across one yet - you'll run [..] View

Making the community relevant

5:24 pm, September 30, 2013 I recently read a thread called "do mmo players demand too much" I also recently read a thread called "do you [..] View

The buffs and nerfs

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I know there are already hundreds of threads across the forums and gwguru regarding the recent nerfs/buffs to dungeons and so forth. But I do want to point out certain things I've noticed so far regar [..] View

Muting the community

5:12 pm, September 30, 2013 This is an automated message. Your post in Muting the community was infracted. Your original post in Muting the community: _______________________________________________________________ First off: [..] View

Why i am bored.

12:37 pm, September 30, 2013 I prepurchased GW2 and played the head start, and let me tell you. This game was the most fun i have ever had.... from levels 1-60. Therein derives the problem. I loved finding secret areas, and wande [..] View

What your secret?

11:00 am, September 30, 2013 Thehotsung makes too many threads.....I know I know but this is my FIRST ever non-complaining thread, is that even possible, well read below to find out! I need everyone advice and suggestion as I va [..] View

Anti-farm code and Magic Find: A farmer's Perspective

9:46 am, September 30, 2013 I've been lurking about on here for a while now, and here is my first contribution, please excuse my English as it is not my first language, but here goes: THIS IS NOT ABOUT EVENT OR KARMA FARMING!!! [..] View

Most awesome thing about Halloween update

9:42 am, September 30, 2013 Are Jugs of Liquid Karma I love them. They fix so many things: First, they provide way for characters to obtain Cultural Weapons while they are still relevant stat-wise (Tier 1 is worth 2 jugs, Tier [..] View

Asura Feet/Ears and Medium Armor

7:47 am, September 30, 2013 So what is it with asura ears with medium armor? In every single helmet selection that SHOULD cover ears, ex: starter hood, COF helm...they just stick out. It doesn't even look right. I have posted a [..] View

[WHAT IF] Race change

7:41 am, September 30, 2013 [WHAT IF] is going to be my series of sporadically added threads into General discussion forum, focusing on, well, discussions about various game changes, what would happen if they occurred and how to [..] View

[WHAT IF] Uncapping conditions

7:37 am, September 30, 2013 [WHAT IF] is going to be my series of sporadically added threads into General discussion forum, focusing on, well, discussions about various game changes, what would happen if they occurred and how to [..] View

Three things...

4:59 am, September 30, 2013 Name up to three things that Guild Wars 2 does that you want other developers to take note of. The point of this thread is because I wanted to show people how you do a constructive, positive thread w [..] View

Constructive idea regarding improving the game

4:53 am, September 30, 2013 First off, I do not want this thread turning into a flame-war, nor do I want anything other than constructive criticism and beneficial ideas added to the conversation.  Far too many [..] View

[Looking Ahead Discussion] Crafting: Account Bound Materials & Level 500 & Legendaries/Precursors

4:30 am, September 30, 2013 In an effort to keep the noise down over discussing the various points hit upon by Colin's most recent post, I've taken the time to create different threads in the General Discussion forums to cover t [..] View

Official forums since last patch...

2:33 am, September 30, 2013 it me, or there are more negative posts on official forums than here nowadays? I checked the first page of General GW2 Discussion and most of the threads were complaints. Which is kinda strange [..] View


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