Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




In-game currencies other than gold and karma, soul-bound items

6:18 am, November 23, 2014 A nice thread on in-game currencies. Personally, they irritate me.  The gam [..] View

Thief max range issue

7:18 am, July 12, 2014 Hi all. I'm finding that playing thief (my main moreorless), the lack of 1200 range is really handicapping for a lot of pve. I do not mean dungeons, or speedclears, as range is somewhat useless there [..] View

Right or Wrong?

7:18 am, May 11, 2014 There are many things about the game I believe they got right.  However, I do beli [..] View

Do you like the direction the LS event structure is moving in?

8:16 pm, March 5, 2014 It's a quick question based on the flow of the events and how the achievements seem to be more and more utilitarian and less individualized in my opinion. Many achievements in the game are very " [..] View

CGDP-Building content for the game

2:16 pm, February 5, 2014 Hi. I have an ideea, of users creating content that could be implemented in Guild Wars 2. I oppened a topic here:  &nb [..] View

Do you think Ascended Trinkets will be fixed?

2:16 pm, January 19, 2014 When you create an ascended weapon or armor you can choose from almost all of the available prefixes available in the game. The prefixes are set for ascended trinkets and some variations are deliberat [..] View

State of the Game?

8:16 pm, November 20, 2013 Haven't seen a state of the game video or stream in a while..... Any idea why? I enjoyed seeing guru and arena net  discuss builds/classes/traits. What do you guys think? What happen [..] View

The lag

2:16 am, October 28, 2013 So it's been a year and the lag has gotten worse (understatement) not better.  With the introduction of WvW leagues the lag has hit extrodinary levels. We all know it's there, we've [..] View

exploration in gw2

11:09 pm, October 17, 2013 hey all iv been watching these forums for a long time and thaught id do my first post iv played gw1 since first beta, and cannot wait for gw2, but the one thing im not 100% on is the exploration, in [..] View

Something to add to level scaling..

10:33 am, October 10, 2013 It would be nice if rewards in lower level areas are scaled to at least 2/3 of the player's actual level (for higher lvl players entering lower lvl areas). You're lvl 80 helping a friend in a lvl 10 z [..] View

Recent GW2 Tweets

2:10 pm, October 7, 2013 Am I the only one slightly confused by the last (as of this post) 3 Tweets from the GW2 Twitter? Quote"We learned that no single nation can fight alone and succeed." "It is time for le [..] View

Areas after level 80

1:39 pm, October 7, 2013 Recently I have seen many people who grow bored of the game. One possibility to improve the current situation is to have more lvl80+ areas. Unlike guildwars 1, when I reached level 80, there are only [..] View

Will Combo Fields See Proper Use?

1:18 pm, October 6, 2013 This has been bugging me probably a month after the feature was announced long long ago. I kind of had it answered throughout the stress tests / BWEs and from what I am experiencing the answer is no i [..] View

Trait Templates and Removal of Retraining Feature

4:32 pm, October 5, 2013 I think GW2 is missing a very important feature from GW1. That is a Trait Template similar to GW1's Skill Template. Also, I still don't see the purpose of retraining traits and the associated fees. I [..] View

An idea

3:53 am, October 5, 2013 Let's take combat and general mechanics of GW 2(dodges, self heals, ...) and something to it. I think, and I can see that is general consensus, that GW 2 is too bland. Meh prototype, what can you do.. [..] View

Skills cast time

5:05 am, October 4, 2013 Hello, I thought Anet wanted GW2 to be action oriented.. But if you look at skills cast time, so many of it have quite long cast time and it is not fun to watch you cast some simple skill few seconds, [..] View

I dont know what to put as a title

10:37 pm, October 3, 2013 Well, i love Guild Wars 2, i have a Female Sylvari Thief at level 16(just turned 16) and now ill go to the nearby 15-25 area in order to continue leveling, which is actually A LOT OF FUN, all these ev [..] View

What's a Trading Post without.... trading?

9:08 pm, October 3, 2013 So recently I've been talking to some friends how they regret going for a specific Legendary but unless they knew 1000 of people there was no way they could maybe trade it for another, but rather pay [..] View

Puzzles and Mini-Dungeons, do things need to change?

1:30 pm, October 3, 2013 I haven't done everything in the game by a long shot.  I have a level 38 Elementalist, a level 10 Guardian and a level 13 Engineer (well, and a level 1 Mesmer).  Bu [..] View

Possible FMV opening movie? (proof inside)

1:28 pm, October 3, 2013 here is Martin Kerstein (sp?) at the guild wars 2 booth in Gamescon, if you look at the Television in the back at 1:26 you will see a start of a FMV cutscene.. What do you guys think??? View

Over enthusiastic banning?

7:08 pm, October 2, 2013 Two of my guild-mates bumped into each other in-game, and one made a jokey comment in guild chat about the others *****, and they started to do the /dance emote. Next thing we know she finds herself w [..] View

Largos and Tengu

7:52 am, October 2, 2013 So Anet said they'd probably release new playable races with the expansions and I was just wondering how likely you think that the Largos and Tengu would be as a new playable race. I mean I think the [..] View

Is GW2 dead?

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 Ok, well this is simply just a thread to find out what everyone else thinks. I've noticed a large decrease in the player population in game and it's only going to get smaller as time goes on (but that [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

Raids in GW2?

1:12 am, October 2, 2013 So my question is do you think it work with raids in GW2? I myself would love to have some raids to do something that needs 15+ coordinated friends to beat and i have never understood why so many on [..] View

The N Word

11:48 pm, October 1, 2013 So I suddenly got this message while i was chilling with my guildies. Now, I know why I got banned. I use the N word a lot in a friendly way. Such as "Yo *insert name* , you my N" and so o [..] View

Wintersday impressions!

8:24 pm, October 1, 2013 Here are mine: Spoiler Christmas has come and gone. For the most part, so has Wintersday. The events will run through Jan. 3, but no new content is scheduled between now and then. So I think its t [..] View

Would you go back to experience the lower level areas with the new Dynamic Leveling Adjustment?

5:33 pm, October 1, 2013 I noticed this blog from Izzy: I still don't find the lower level areas appealing as not all the higher level reward [..] View

The re-hauled Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon...

2:28 pm, October 1, 2013 So, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I must say I tried out the new Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon yesterday and I'm having a bit of trouble on my Thief. Other people have talked about rolling throug [..] View

Blue book, green book, yellow and orange for 3rd/4th act? :)

11:14 am, October 1, 2013 I was thinking about these halloween books we get for doing the scavenger hunt for the priory and I found it wierd that they would give us a blue one with cool skin, but for act 2 give us a green one [..] View

Old Dungeon revamp incoming?

10:54 am, October 1, 2013 With the new dungeon Fractals of the Mists, ArenaNet hit a new standard. Will they ever revamp the old dungeons, atleast the explorable versions? I've seen them talk about updating the rewards for th [..] View

Female Norn Medium Armor Clipping Issues--Time to reroll?

9:51 am, October 1, 2013 Somewhere along the way, I decided I wanted to play a female norn. But it bothered me that the race of Norn suffers from WoW-like sexual dimorphism--where the men are huge and the women are just...... [..] View

Second Account Vs. Extra Character/Bank Slots?

4:53 am, October 1, 2013 I was wondering what people thought about this. I've used up all of my character and bank slots and started to think about buying more of both. If I wanted enough character slots to make all the chara [..] View

Halloween in GW2 Announced!

2:45 am, October 1, 2013 So we finally got the news about what the Halloween update for GW2 will look like. Sounds pretty awesome so far! What do you all think? View

Transmute PvP to PvE gear

1:22 am, October 1, 2013 Finally! after some time farming while playing in a casual manner I have managed to acquire the best looking armor set for my lvl 80 Guardian main. I still have lots of content and stuff to do in pve [..] View

Magic Find and Party Loot Tables

12:05 am, October 1, 2013 Does being in a party increase the chance of loot? I see a lot of people being in parties at Cursed Shore in order to farm DEs. Is this a placebo effect or does it really increase MF in some way? Wha [..] View

Dragon Ball, where did you go wrong.

8:03 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey all. Having played a decent amount of rounds in the Dragon Ball arena, I'm thouroughly unimpressed. Aside from the exploitableness, it's all round a shoddy gametype in my humble opinion. What ha [..] View

Improving "big" DE events. (World Bosses, Dragons, etc)

7:25 pm, September 30, 2013 My main focus here is to talk about ways that Arena Net could improve upon the Dynamic Events, and other really big events such as the dragon fights. I'm currently a level 80 Guardian that's at 89% wo [..] View

World Building: Natural System in MMOs?

4:12 pm, September 30, 2013 Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lengthy and long winded post; I'm a long winded kinda guy (which works well for the ladies... (he tells himself)). I'm hopeful it'll spark a somewhat interesting [..] View

Frozen sea fractal twlight zone :o

1:04 pm, September 30, 2013 Maybe you guys already know this, but today, when I finished the bonus fractal, I decided to explore a bit around the spot where the maw is. The thing is, i fell, hit a rock, died and kept falling, a [..] View

What do you think about Guides?

10:38 am, September 30, 2013 Do you think guides are a good or a bad thing in an MMO? I personally don't use guides and I really wish people didn't make them, to me this kind of game is all about exploring and finding things for [..] View


8:19 am, September 30, 2013 I'm not a fan of Guild Wars 2.  But even I see that it has set the foundations for a new way of gaming.  Seeing Vistae, Collecting materials from the game to craft [..] View

Building the world, box by box?

7:46 am, September 30, 2013 Hey guys, I think there is no topic like this, forgive me if i'm wrong. It's time to put on those tinfoil hats again. I recently saw this picture of the CE box again. The first time i saw it i didn' [..] View

Leveling Paths (possible spoilers)

5:13 am, September 30, 2013 Looking at the below map and this wiki page I found something interesting. Humans, Charrs, and Norns can pretty much level all the way to 70 or 80 while staying in their regions (Kryta, Ascalon, and S [..] View

Fractal before 80...

4:55 am, September 30, 2013 Just curious, since the dungeon levels you to 80, if doing fractals is a good way to level and a way to get a head start into them before hitting 80. I'm pretty sure after fract 10 or 20 you would be [..] View

Dungeons are horribly broken for melee - maybe a fix:

4:37 am, September 30, 2013 I guess most people have seen it by now, dungeons are either "kite or die", making Warriors go Rifle, Thiefs go Shortbow, etc... ANet needs to do several things to make dungeons for melee p [..] View

Found a path to possible future content

4:20 am, September 30, 2013 after you find the vista in the bonerattler caverns , you can actually continue , there's a clear path made to some random platform with a bomb on it. It feels much like the pirate puzzle where you [..] View

How big do you think/want dragon "expansions" to be?

3:18 am, September 30, 2013 What do you guys think? Some of the Dragons will require opening up new areas, such as Kralkatorrikk in the Crystal Desert, or Jormag in the Northern Shiverpeaks, how big of an update content do you e [..] View


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