Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Quality in GW2?

7:18 pm, July 28, 2014 I was reading posts on the usual Trahearn-hate threads, and one person said "Quality is relative."  So I thought, what is good quality in an MMO; and where does GW2 lie in [..] View

Let's talk Nomad gear

7:18 pm, July 2, 2014 Title. For the plantlife: Nomad stats were introduced in this update, they give ++Toughness, +Vit, +Healing. Now, I want to hear your opinions about this. From the perspective of someone who plays [..] View


3:16 am, April 3, 2014 A lot of the pay-to-win arguments Ive seen lately stink of what I call subjective advantage. It was summed up best in a recent thread I shall link at the end of this post. In a nut shell the purposed [..] View

Lion's Arch Event Dilemma, The AFK Winner?

8:16 pm, February 25, 2014 The event has an interesting and unforseen flaw that I am not sure should be considered a flaw or not and want your opinions. In relation to the event you are granted credit for all the behaviors of t [..] View

Results of international Guild Wars 2 survey

2:16 pm, February 18, 2014 Hello, Some of you may remember a survey which has been done by GameStatistics on September 2013, about Guild Wars 2 players opinions about the game. The link for the survey had been put on Guild war [..] View

The most important thing (opinions)

8:16 am, February 1, 2014 Edit: Thanks much to Konzacelt for posting this on the official forms for me. Heres the link if you want to follow or partake in the discussion there. [..] View

Twisted Marionette - A step in the right direction?

8:16 pm, January 23, 2014 Hi all. So, I'm hoping you've had a chance to try out the new temp world event, and formulated your own opinions on it. Personally, my reaction is that it's a nice change. Seems like a mix of tower [..] View

Observations on leveling

1:39 pm, November 23, 2013 Having leveled two characters to 80, I have the following observations and opinions: - The time it takes to get from 1 to 80 is suitable, but the first 40 levels can feel really slow while the last 1 [..] View

How to discuss topics (like a guru)

2:16 pm, October 31, 2013 GW2G is a discussion forum. This means that we expect a certain level of quality in our posts, but it also dictates how we expect our users to act. We try to allow you to discuss all subjects in a non [..] View


7:21 am, October 26, 2013 Within the coming month, Halloween will be right around the corner! And with that, comes Mad King Thorn and holiday festivities. Do you think he will make his return in GW2? Do you want to see a Hallo [..] View

Guild Events - Balanced?

2:13 pm, October 25, 2013 I wonder what people's opinions on the balancing of guild events: - Guild Bounty - Guild Rush - Guild Trek - Guild Challenge and - Guild Puzzle I'm particularly interested in what small guild's takes [..] View

kind of getting bored already.

3:28 am, October 18, 2013 It lacks that wow factor that MMOs like WoW and ever quest gave me sure events are cool the first few times but it gets old. Jump puzzles dont give me a sense of acomplishment. It feels like it is lac [..] View

New Weapon Types- Just a little dream of mine

4:43 pm, October 10, 2013 Now, I know that it won't be any time soon. But this is more of an opinion that I'd like to share and get feedback on more than anything else. Guild Wars 2 is a very diverse game, simple enough for b [..] View

people need to calm down...

6:30 pm, October 8, 2013 I came here on guru to look at interesting threads but most of them are read. People need to try to understand the other side before they make a comment. And angry comments are just [..] View

Why is it so hard to get money in this game?

4:22 am, October 8, 2013 I've been playing since release, and I never really had LOTS of money etc, you know? I mean, I was never really broke or anything, but yeah. I just seem so spend so much money on gear, alts and THEI [..] View

SweetFX Debate

1:57 am, October 8, 2013 So I have been crusing the forums and I noticed the staff didn't comment on the use of smaa or they did rather. but it was a non answer. So let me tell you what sweetfx does and if it can potenically [..] View

I Don't Care for Weapon Swapping

10:58 am, October 5, 2013 Okay, let me start out by pointing out that I'm not saying that weapon swapping is a stupid, unneeded mechanic that should be cut from the game. So now that that's clear... In GW1 I was never one to [..] View

Profession popularity PvE/PvP

7:04 pm, October 4, 2013 So yeah, I'm interested in hearing your opinions about what are the most played professions pvp/pve wise and why is that. View

What would YOU change in the combat system?

2:23 pm, October 4, 2013 To start with, this is not a suggestion thread - hence it is not in the Primordus visions section. It's just meant as a sort of place to share our ideas about the games combat system. I am not conside [..] View

New legendaries someday

3:55 pm, October 3, 2013 With regards to legendaries, obviously with Twilight and Sunrise you can combine them to make Eternity. Are you planning on doing that with any other legendaries? Colin: Yeah, we will at some point ex [..] View

Making Combat Decisions, How do YOU do it?

1:39 pm, October 3, 2013 Hi all, as my post title states, I'm in a bit of a bind. I've found myself (and I believe many people have also voiced their concerns and opinions on this) to be guessing on what ability I should use [..] View

Recent Dungeon Token Change Bugs

9:45 am, October 3, 2013 I'm sure others have noticed this or even posted something about it, but I couldn't find a thread. I'm here to discuss two new bugs that were introduced last patch on the 25th. Not the difficulty of [..] View

Spying in GW2

12:04 pm, October 2, 2013 View

Why Attack Zhaitan?

11:57 am, October 2, 2013 A note before starting; this is intended as a conversation about the story (non-lore) behind why we are fighting Zhaitan and where the story may progress from here. It is not meant to be bashing Anet' [..] View

How has Arenanet handled pre release?

11:20 am, October 2, 2013 Ok. With the game coming out at the end of the week I would like to know how you think Anet has handled everything up to now. How has their marketing been? Have they communicated with their fans en [..] View

Seeking advice; should I quit Guild Wars 2?

10:08 am, October 2, 2013 Preface; the following is born of my own personal opinions, preferences, and principles. It is in no way intended to defame or challenge the views of others, nor to begin an argument or flame war. I s [..] View

[survey] Guild Wars 2, one year later

7:55 am, October 2, 2013 Guild Wars 2 is now more than one year old, and Gamestatistics, which makes various surveys on videogame topics, would like to gather some opinions from the players. Thus, current as well as former G [..] View

The grind

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 TO CONDENSE MY SENTIMENTS: Good players are not rewarded for overcoming challenges the majority of the games status symbols and cool items are gained from performing an easy task for an inordinate am [..] View

Improving the Game: Increased XP Percentage?

2:19 am, October 2, 2013 Hey all I was just wondering what your opinions would be of an increased XP percentage (for a limited amount of time) for those people who have been logged out for more than a day. I believe it's a [..] View

Seeking clarification

1:01 am, October 2, 2013 I am hoping that someone may be able to help me in regard to the FotM dungeon. As i'm sure all of you have realised from playing it if one of your party members or yourself are unfortunate enough to [..] View

Lost as an 80

10:41 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello everyone I recently got back into GW after a long hiatus. Unfortunately, in my absence my account was hacked and banned. I explained the situation to Anet and they gave me my account back. But w [..] View

SAB Tribulation mode: Cheap or Challenging?

10:07 pm, October 1, 2013 In most difficult games / modes, there's a fine line between what's challenging/difficult and what's simply cheap. To me, challenging means tricky, hard to master yet straightforward. Cheap would be a [..] View

[WHAT IF] Raids

9:54 pm, October 1, 2013 [WHAT IF] is going to be my series of sporadically added threads into General discussion forum, focusing on, well, discussions about various game changes, what would happen if they occurred and how to [..] View

Best looking shoulders for medium armors?

9:37 pm, October 1, 2013 Databases arent really reliable this early in the game so im wondering what are your opinions on the best looking (for transmuting) shoulders in the game? Ive seen all the faction ones and ive decided [..] View

Ascalonian catacombs and Boulders

8:02 pm, October 1, 2013 Now, if i'm not mistaken Anet Added area items such as boulders and other items but in AC Its rather stupid. Ran with a few People last night and 2 People stood Opposite each other with a Rock each. N [..] View

A discussion on opinions about the game

2:51 pm, October 1, 2013 I am a fan of the game.  Yes, there are some things which can be improved.  Any game has these.  However, I believe that, technically, the game ca [..] View

Raising the gear cap?

1:34 pm, October 1, 2013 In light of "popular demand" for better stats on ascended gear, I am actually curious how much of Guru approves of A.Net raising stats. Bugging a mod to include a poll. Please consider that [..] View

Has anything changed?

12:28 pm, October 1, 2013 I haven't played since about the 3rd month of release, was wondering if there was anything worth coming back for.  I've read some patch notes but wanted opinions from here.  [..] View

Security of GW2 - Opinions about this question

11:59 am, October 1, 2013 I've just received two alerts in my gmail telling me I've linked two gmails I've never seen before to my account as recovery e-mails. I've took them off already but am wondering if I should go a bit f [..] View

The NoXCast on youtube

11:52 am, October 1, 2013 As the title states, we (NoX = Norse Oil eXpedition) are starting our very own cast shows on youtube with the main emphasis on Guild Wars 2 only. We recently started our videos and they will focus alo [..] View

More Weapons Or All?

11:20 am, October 1, 2013 I got to thinking about the plans A-net has for weapons.  Anyone know if they will add more or do you think every class should be able to use every weapon to their own unique skills? [..] View

I'm an idiot!

10:43 am, October 1, 2013 Don't know why I'm procrastinating when I'm no longer in school but I constantly find myself more addicted to this forum than Guild Wars 2 the game itself.  I'm procrastinating towar [..] View

The End of Currency Creep?

10:18 am, October 1, 2013 In a thread about rewards in Orr, Colin Johanson made an interesting comment about reward currency: "And no, were not putting in a new currency, we have plenty of those" https://forum-en.g [..] View

Survey: Guild Wars 2, the revolutionary MMO?

10:06 am, October 1, 2013 Hello people. To collect some player's opinions about current topics and some of the changes GW2 made compared to other games, I created a survey. I avoided questions about stuff like class balance or [..] View

The Lost Shores Grand Finale: A Survivor's Memoire

8:34 am, October 1, 2013 Although there's certainly no shortage of strong opinions to be had about the Lost Shores Event in these fine forums, I figure I might as well share mine -- in the form of a long, drawn-out retrospect [..] View

A portal that is inaccessible

7:11 am, October 1, 2013 Today i've been playing with my guardian and while trying to find a POI i found this portal which is unreachable and while looking at world map it leads to an area that is inaccesible atm. Which are [..] View

Exposing the Truth, Past and Present.

6:14 am, October 1, 2013 Purpose:  In effect, what I intend to do is expose ArenaNet of lies, deceit, and otherwise facilitating or spreading  false information for the sole purpose of garn [..] View

The Power of Nonsense

4:55 am, October 1, 2013 So, I main a Necromancer class now, and I have to say after using most every class. Mesmers are nonsense. Pure utterly complete nonsense. Being able to make portals for teammates to continuously retur [..] View

What's your opinion on the cutscenes?

1:16 am, October 1, 2013 I really like the style they've chosen for regular conversations between characters. First , it brings back great memories from fire emblem on my gameboy, but more importantly it makes me really focus [..] View

Ascended Amulets : No knight stats ( tough/pow/prec)?

1:03 am, October 1, 2013 Did anyone else started to notice that Anet hasn't added any ascended gear to the game with toughness/power/precision stats? For some this might not be a problem, but I would like to see knight stats [..] View

Is it safe to farm CoF for tokens at the moment?

11:18 pm, September 30, 2013 I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but as the title says. Is it safe to farm CoF for the gear at this moment? My guts say it isn't with all the exploiting going on inside (skipping b [..] View

Nerf the Fun: What's Up Here?

11:14 pm, September 30, 2013 Penitent/Shelter playing in Cursed Shore has been effectively crushed recently by two highly effective changes: first, the baby vet spider zergs that often last long enough for loot to disappear, and [..] View

Daily achievements change

7:43 pm, September 30, 2013 Was interested in other's opinions on the changes to the Daily and Monthly Achievements which ANet implemented yesterday.  I've seen a lot of complaining from people in the environme [..] View

possible Halloween achievment of october monthly?

7:16 pm, September 30, 2013 As the above picture shows ever sicne the last update the october monthly achiements has an achievment of question marks. As Halloween is around the corner is it possible that there will be a specia [..] View

PVE State of the Game

7:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So i stumbled across this post by a site moderator here on Guru: Frozire, on 29 May 2013 - 04:09 PM, said: State of the Game was originally meant to cover all aspects of the game. Sadly after weeks [..] View

Skritt Burglar.

7:01 pm, September 30, 2013 As mentioned in the IGN preview, the Haloween patch also added the Skritt Burglar. Haven't seen any threads about it, so I figured I'd make one. For those that haven't run across one yet - you'll run [..] View

dragonbrand server!

5:37 pm, September 30, 2013 Are you joining this server? if so why? im trying to decide to join this server with 5 friends of mine but idk yet. is it focused mainly pve? i know the games not out yet but theres opinions and stuff [..] View

Making the community relevant

5:24 pm, September 30, 2013 I recently read a thread called "do mmo players demand too much" I also recently read a thread called "do you [..] View

Muting the community

5:12 pm, September 30, 2013 This is an automated message. Your post in Muting the community was infracted. Your original post in Muting the community: _______________________________________________________________ First off: [..] View

Quantifying Fun: Part II

5:08 pm, September 30, 2013 Being back on the forums after a while away, I noticed more and more people looking at the game like a checklist or beginning to realize that the amount of content tied to extrinsic rewards & [..] View

So now that's it's out, what are people's opinions of Bazaar of the Four Winds

4:28 pm, September 30, 2013 So now that it's out, what are people's opinions of Bazaar of the Four Winds? I played for a fair chunk tonight. One of the better living story updates so far (not a high bar, tho). &nb [..] View

World Events: Orr, Claw of Jormag, and beyond

4:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So, I don't know about you, but one of my favorite events at the moment is the Claw of Jormag fight in Frostgorge sound. It's really the kind of more epic scale battle I was looking for in Orr, but re [..] View

Warrior/thief/elementalist FOR open world/dungeon/WvW

11:42 am, September 30, 2013 Hi, I have a warrior, thief and elementalist. 2 80s and elementalist on the way. I want to gear, play/specialise each class in one of the three areas, namely WvW, dungeons and Open world. Primarily s [..] View

What your secret?

11:00 am, September 30, 2013 Thehotsung makes too many threads.....I know I know but this is my FIRST ever non-complaining thread, is that even possible, well read below to find out! I need everyone advice and suggestion as I va [..] View

The Most Beautiful Light Armors

7:44 am, September 30, 2013 Hey guys I am mesmer so I use light armor and I don't find one light armor set beautiful yet, I am here to ask you opinions about the most beautiful light armors. Discuss please! thank you View

Ascended & You

3:35 am, September 30, 2013 I'd like to share my thoughts positively on this matter. As you all know, a decent sum of the community are currently upset with the idea of a new tier in gear. Whether casual or people that just sha [..] View

best dye combos?

2:43 am, September 30, 2013 Hey guys...wondering what the best dye combos are in your opinion for this game. I'm using the full exotic CoF gear but none of the colors really work for me except blood and I'm deciding between som [..] View


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