Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




A Fresh Start: The New Player Experience in GuildWars2

7:18 pm, August 28, 2014 Hey, folks, As we continue to grow Guild Wars 2 and plan our next steps for the future of the game, its important we have a solid foundation for all the new players we plan to welcom [..] View

Things to do in Lions Arch before the patch

2:16 am, February 18, 2014 Things to do in Lions Arch before the patch QuoteHey everyone, inspired by the various discussions on Guild Wars 2 subreddit, I have decided to make a list of things to do in Lion's Arch before all t [..] View

Where would you place "new" LA?

8:16 pm, February 11, 2014 If or when we lose LA, either to Scarlet or some future events, where do you think the best safe haven for all the races of Tyria would be? Give arguments for and against your suggestions, and discu [..] View

GW2 merchandise [Need help]

8:16 pm, January 15, 2014 Howdyhowdy GW2guru community! I'm running the gaming blog and I could use some help from some of you GW2 gamers. I'm creating a list for my blog with a bunch merchandise for Guild Wars2, [..] View

One Week Only: Black Lion Weapons Discount!

2:16 pm, January 7, 2014 We here at the Black Lion Trading Company feel that each new year is full of possibility. To get this one off to a good start, were pleased to present a new facial tattoo helm; and a new Introduct [..] View

Release Notes for A Very Merry Wintersday

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Although the nights are long and dark, folks all over Tyria are in good cheer Wintersday has begun! Snowball fights, festive activities, and (best of all!) toys all help to keep joy alive through the [..] View

Release Notes for Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Edrick was a monster, he brought his family shame So the locked him in a box, mouth stuffed with candy corn But now the son has risen to take his fathers name Beware the Bloody Prince, the son of [..] View

A Guide to Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Halloween has returned to Tyria, along with the Mad Kingbut a new menace has emerged to threaten both the Mad Realm and our world! Magister Tassi needs your help to keep everyone alive long enough to [..] View

Any confirmation on whether agony will be utilized outside fractals?

12:58 am, October 15, 2013 I've noticed that the Laurel Merchant sells infusions that don't have agony resistance and was wondering whether ANet's said or suggested that agony may be utilized outside of fractals. I've not done [..] View

Warning: Do not click sell junk if you have ritlock mini

6:20 pm, October 12, 2013 It will sell him to the merchant and you can't get him back unless you re-make. View

A living story and world in a MMORPG: is it possible?

12:26 am, October 9, 2013 I have long had a soft spot for story telling in games. I unashamedly use cheats in single player games as I am more interested in seeing where the story goes than in the gameplay "challenges&quo [..] View

All this karma, what do?

4:01 pm, October 8, 2013 So here I am, a Thief with many thousand Karma, and wondering what to spend it on. What sort of karma merchants are out and about in the world? I know of the Ebonhawke weapons vendor at Ebonhawke, t [..] View

Bazaar of the Four Winds All-New Content Coming on July 9!

4:39 pm, October 7, 2013 Merchants from all corners of Tyria converging for the Bazaar of the Four Winds. But the Bazaar isnt just shady characters and risky trades; the mystical, flying Zephyr Sanctum will be making an appea [..] View

A question for knowledgeable players: Given my situation, what would you do? (Exotic armor/weapon advice)

7:54 am, October 7, 2013 Here's my current situation, I'd appreciate your advice:I have 8 characters of each of the 8 professions, all level 80.  Currently all 8 characters are mainly wearing level 80 green [..] View

Missmatched Items

9:05 pm, October 5, 2013 So recently i've discovered a few items with some... discrepantcies, i suppose might be the correct word. Has anyone else noticed any of these? both were around the time i turned lvl 30, and the only [..] View

Cutthroat Politics All-New Content Begins July 23!

11:20 am, October 4, 2013 The explosive events of the Dragon Bash festival left the Captains Council of Lions Arch with a vacant seat. Lionguard Inspector Ellen Kiel and Black Lion Trader Evon Gnashblade both want to fill that [..] View

Armors feels out of place

2:11 am, October 4, 2013 Warning, the following statements below is a rant. Viewer discretion is advised If there is one thing that I could criticize Anet is how horrible and how out of place the armors in this game feel.& [..] View

Fashionables New Items in the Gem Store!

10:02 pm, October 3, 2013 The Bazaar of the Four Winds is finished, the Zephyrites have signed their deal and flown away and the Queens Jubilee is in full sway! The Black Lion Trading Company is getting into the celebrato [..] View

Queens Jubilee Release Notes

7:10 pm, October 3, 2013 Divinitys Reach is hosting a magnificent celebration! Her Majesty Queen Jennah of Kryta is commemorating the tenth year of her rule and using the occasion to celebrate the triumph of humanity over the [..] View

My attempt to rein in the materials market bubble

3:38 pm, October 3, 2013 As some of you may have noticed, copper is... overpriced. This current bubble is caused by high level players on their first character, people who probably sold all their copper to the merchant (lik [..] View


9:56 am, October 3, 2013 did my daily today but i didnt recieve my jugs of karma, instead i recieved black lion merchant express. are daily rewards random aside from mystic coin? View

Ridiculous high level shoulderpads (medium)

8:35 am, October 3, 2013 I'm on the lookout for a piece of medium shoulderpads, relatively large I guess because that fits my character more. However, it seems that most shoulderpads classified as large seem to have some quir [..] View

Anyone miss having true outposts?

8:40 pm, October 2, 2013 When I think back to GW1, I think of the nostalgia factor of Droknar's Forge, Marhan's Grotto (remember the icy floor?), Ascalon City, Kaineng, Yak's Bend, and many of the other outposts. They were me [..] View

Armors in Guild Wars 2

2:38 pm, October 2, 2013 Thanks to everyone that gathered this info and posted it on the Internet. I simply was bookmarking what I find a long the way and I thought I compile them in one post here on GW2GURU. Armors that do [..] View

Things that bother me about this game

9:50 pm, October 1, 2013 Here is my disappointment not in any particular order of most to least importance. I have other disappointment but they are not game breaking and more of a minor annoyance so I won't list them. 1. C [..] View

What are you spending your Laurels on?

5:21 pm, October 1, 2013 What have you spent (saving for) with your Laurels?, I'm saving for the 30% magic find trinket/infusion. View

A Guide to Dragon Bash

5:10 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello, fellow Dragon Bashers! Want to know where to go and how to get started with the celebration? Read on! Spoiler-Free Mini Guide Spoiler-Free New Items and Rewards Spoiler-Free New Achievemen [..] View

Pricing for Dummies - tips and advise for using the Black Lion Trading Company

4:18 pm, October 1, 2013 First of all, at the risk of sounding like an idiot, players probably knew this, plus I am not the most efficient /effective seller in the trading house, but, it irks me to see what is happening there [..] View

Special New Items in the Gem Store!

10:51 am, October 1, 2013 Merchants from all over Tyria are putting out their finest wares for the Bazaar of the Four Winds and the Black Lion Trading Company is no exception! Were bringing you new miniatures, great deals [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

Dungeon armor stats - confused

9:16 am, October 1, 2013 Please explain something to me... Essentially I want a max stat Ascalonian armor. Does it mean I need to get all the tokens needed to buy it from the merchant PLUS craft the set myself (to be able to [..] View

GW2 doesn't feel like a true sequel to Guild Wars

5:56 am, October 1, 2013 I played guild wars since just before Factions, its the best online game ive ever played, been waiting for so long for GW2. Its not a bad game, its far better value for money than most games,&nbsp [..] View

Get Your Holiday Cheer Now in the Gem Store

5:43 am, October 1, 2013 Its time for Wintersday, the favorite holiday of children and merchants all over Tyria! Here at the Black Lion Trading Company, weve decked our halls and stocked our shelves...Read More View

Festive Lionguard Leaving Tyria

5:39 am, October 1, 2013 With the holiday season at an end, the last remaining Wintersday merchant is closing shop. Make sure to finish your exchanges before January 28th PST, when the Festive Lionguard will be packing his wa [..] View

Thoughts on the Temple of Balthazar event

5:37 am, October 1, 2013 I have recently played my last class to level 80 and am now in the process of map completion. Having been to Orr with 5 chars before this one gave me sufficient insight to say this event has never bee [..] View

Completed My First Dungeon

5:36 am, October 1, 2013 So today, I broke my dungeon cherry with Ascalonian Catacombs Story Mode. So far, when playing GW2, I've been over-leveled for the content as I enjoy exploring. However, this time I wanted to try&am [..] View

the end of Southsun: instance and Karka Queen

4:38 am, October 1, 2013 So, despite a sad excuse for a "dungeon", Southsun actually ended on a high point for me. Loved the little instance where you escort the Dolyak.  I would love to see more [..] View

Fashionable New Items in the Gem Store!

2:15 am, October 1, 2013 The Bazaar of the Four Winds is finished, the Zephyrites have signed their deal and flown away and the Queens Jubilee is in full sway! The Black Lion Trading Company is getting into the celebrato [..] View

Cutthroat Politics Begins Today!

12:37 am, October 1, 2013 Two candidates, war hero Ellen Kiel and Black Lion trader Evon Gnashblade, are trying to secure a trade agreement with the Zephyr Sanctum but neither of them can seal the deal without your support! T [..] View

Thirst Slayer Achievement - Near Impossible

12:12 am, October 1, 2013 Okay, so thirst slayer supposedly requires something rediculous like 100,000 drinks to complete. I have spent quite some time getting my drinks up (using the booze from blazeridge merchant that counts [..] View

Did The Creators of Guild Wars 2 even Play Guild Wars 1?

11:13 pm, September 30, 2013 (i had this posted on guild wars official forums but the admins destroyed it changing my posts changing the topic names and deleting multiple posts, So hopefully i can get my concerns heard properly h [..] View

GW2's Infinite Inventory System

8:45 pm, September 30, 2013 You almost NEVER have to go to a bank or a merchant to free up your inventory. Below is a quick video explaining the system for remotely freeing up your inventory space and sending all the mats back [..] View

Modus Sceleris Events [Spoiler Alert]

8:40 pm, September 30, 2013 Alright, so these new events (so far I am only able to find 1 Defeat Orma of Modus Sceleris ) but the rest I cannot find. By luck I found one (Freeth - Charr Engineer) in Fireheart Rise close to the G [..] View

new contents announcement, dynamic events and one time events

8:07 pm, September 30, 2013 When I first heard about Guild Wars 2 being a "dynamic" centered mmorpg, I had no idea at all what it meant, after following the news for years I grew to like the idea of it. To me it meant, [..] View

The Bazaar of the Four Winds Begins Today!

8:04 pm, September 30, 2013 LIVING WORLD Bazaar of the Four Winds The Bazaar of the Four Winds is gathering; merchants are converging from all corners of Tyria to sell their wares. Its not just shady characters and risky trade [..] View

[Discussion] Black Friday Sale Items - Friday

5:40 pm, September 30, 2013 25 Black Lion Keys: 1560 Gems, 50% off. No sale on any amount lower than that. Fine Transmutation Stones: 5 for 120 gems, 10 for 215 gems, 25 for 480 gems. 40% off. Black Lion Merchant Express: 5 fo [..] View

The Current State of GW2 and its Future

5:12 pm, September 30, 2013 So I have over 1k hours on one toon and on the verge of finishing my 2nd and 3rd legendaries I wanna know what people think about where GW2 is at and where its headed. I came into this game thin [..] View

Slendy Guide! Sept 10th, Todays Topic: Cutting corners and saving money.

5:11 pm, September 30, 2013 Its no big secret that a lot of people are having money issues at higher levels. Especially for someone like me (Working on the Incinerator), you need to save as much money as you can! So here are som [..] View

Super Spooky Shadow of the Mad King Thread! [2012]

5:11 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey everyone! Since the Shadow of the Mad King starts today, I thought it'd be a great idea to put together one big compilation of all the cool stuff that's happening this week. So if you've made s [..] View

GW2 Combat System

5:09 pm, September 30, 2013 Originally I just wanted to do the math, but then it became more than that and i feel the need to share my thoughts. Disclaimer: Lots of text, also might belong in suggestion/ideas but that's what mod [..] View

GW2 and Novelty

5:01 pm, September 30, 2013 GW2 has major issue with novelty of its content. The developer have spent most of their time developing each unique zone with its own content to complete  and while it was incredibly [..] View

A Guide to Bazaar of the Four Winds

2:53 pm, September 30, 2013 Welcome to our newest release, the Bazaar of the Four Winds! You may be wondering what there is to do and how to get around, so what follows is a short guide to point you in the right direction. Spoi [..] View

Release Notes for Tequatl Rising

1:00 pm, September 30, 2013 The scourge of Splintered Coast has risen, more deadly and powerful than ever before. Band together with other heroes, old friends, and new allies to fight the rising evil. Bewareagainst a foe of this [..] View

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic Available in the Gem Store!

11:21 am, September 30, 2013 Here at the Black Lion Trading Company, we understand the needs of the modern adventurer. Heroes of today are busy; theyre always on the move and always looking for innovative ways to save on time [..] View

What to do with ascended rings?

7:36 am, September 30, 2013 Well,im starting to have many ascended rings. And if it cant be seel,what you do with the rings that you have? Merchant?? What a pity.... View

Ascended items appear to require an insane grind...

7:32 am, September 30, 2013 The Gift of Ascension requires 500 Fractal Relics. You get 5 Fractal Relics per fractal (15 f [..] View

Modus Sceleris [Spoiler Alert]

6:39 am, September 30, 2013 Alright, these new events (introduced in Halloween updates) are about the Guild Modus Sceleris, so far I found and posted all events, locations etc of Lornar's Pass, but there is more, I hear people t [..] View

Fractals of the Mists - New Dungeon 'Hub'

4:52 am, September 30, 2013 First off: This might be asking a lot, but please, don't turn this into a Ascended Armour QQ thread. We've already got a thread for this. This is merely a speculation thread on what people think this [..] View


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