Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




My friend cant log in for 4 days!

7:18 am, October 23, 2014 Im so sad and lonely, my bestfriend cant log into the game. Her cellphone crashed and factory reset and she cant log in with google authenticator. She sent a ticket on sunday and till now theres no re [..] View

Super Newbie: 3.0

7:18 am, July 16, 2014 Hey guys, so I've played a few free to play mmo's and even paid for a Runescape gold membership like 5 years ago (Oh lord, go ahead, criticize me for my poor choices xD), and anyways, I don't know whe [..] View

[Blog Carnival] What was the first Living World season like for you?

8:16 pm, March 11, 2014 Hey thar! With the first Living World season at an end, and just an epilogue patch to come, GuildMag's asking you for your views on the first Living World story arc! We're collecting the community's [..] View

Your opinion about PvP bans over missed Solo Tournaments

2:16 pm, January 31, 2014 Well, this is the kind of 'ban' I am talking about. I actually wrote a thread about this in reddit, but I'm not going to lie - it went terrible. The backstory is that I accidentally failed to enter [..] View

DDE and CE Items in 8/21 Stress Test

6:14 am, October 19, 2013 I'm just wondering if it was mine, or a thing in general.  I only received the Hero's Band, even though I have prepurchased the CE from Gamestop.  Did anyone else w [..] View

The 'die and run back mechanic' in dungeons

5:41 pm, October 11, 2013 So, I have done quite a few dungeons so far, ranging from level 30 to 80. Overall, I am very happy with them, I think they are great fun and the rewards are usually pretty good. As far as some of th [..] View

Make Guild Wars 2 More Like World of Warcraft!

6:46 am, October 6, 2013 *Whoa there guys! Before you type your reply how about listening to the first mintue of the video. After that you're welcome to ignore the rest * Now I know there are those that hate videos/my voic [..] View

Simply creating the next SotG for WvW - Not So Simple

10:51 pm, October 5, 2013 Why dont we just start State of the Game with WvW? If you are an active Guild Wars 2 sPvP player there is a big chance you have heard about our State of the Game stream and if you arent into sPvP t [..] View

Aren't my thankful in support.gw2 (@nctaiwan issues)

6:56 pm, October 5, 2013 Greetings, I am from Hong Kong with an gw1 account in past. In 2006, GW1 sales in Taiwan, NCTaiwan take care all players from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Player in Taiwan / Hong Kong with have no choose, [..] View

New Website Design & Graphic | Can Anyone Assist? [Blackgate Guild]

3:23 am, October 5, 2013 Hello I am Soulgage, the Founder and Leader of WarCry on Blackgate I am looking to have my current website design and graphics changed. As I do not have the skills to do so myself, I am here askin [..] View

Elitist vs. Objective

7:07 pm, October 4, 2013 I'm a fairly experienced dungeon runner.  I probably have enough experience to lord it over others and be an "Elitist," but I generally prefer to not be a total **** to oth [..] View

How would you improve Guild Wars 2?

3:48 pm, October 4, 2013 I'm going to make this thread a little different from my other threads.  To avoid another "thehotsung" thread where I voice my opinion and make everyone go cucoo for coco p [..] View

You are not making it easy for me to answer, let me try again

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 "Hello, It seems you already expected this thread to be locked or deleted, but I didn't just close this to meet your expectations. There are many valid reasons threads, comments, etc. may be de [..] View

Save ANet and yourself time when requesting refund:

2:41 pm, October 4, 2013 I just got my refund for the digital online purchase. Not bashing but the game is just not for me. Thought I'd save the user and ANet some time by sharing what they sent me as a request for informati [..] View

Frost and Flame Finale - Why 13 Days?

1:40 pm, October 4, 2013 So far we've had a month for each stage of FaF, and previous content rolled over into the next stage so it could be completed at a very leisurely pace. One of the things GW2 fans were excited about b [..] View

Why Samwell Loves GW2

2:16 am, October 4, 2013 I'm tired of seeing all of these threads about people crying over how 200 hours of content at launch isn't good enough. Here is my response to (for lack of a better term) cry babies. I'm not sure if i [..] View

Getting inside mad realm

7:55 pm, October 3, 2013 I put this here, so I only have to say ingame "Check on". Cause everytime people keep asking why they can't get in and other people replying that it is bugged. This quest [..] View

My hacked Account

5:44 pm, October 3, 2013 Hello I wanted to post a real life account so that the rest of the world can see how Arena Net is doing and their response to people that have been hacked. Last Saturday on Sept. 8th at about 5pm I [..] View

suspended / banned for no reason help

2:09 pm, October 3, 2013 Char name : Volrick Server EU : Gandara on Feb 7 i tried to login my account and it was suspended for account issue , i contacted support and this was their first reply This e-mail is to notify you [..] View

Engineer, Thief, or Mesmer?

9:54 am, October 3, 2013 I'm a noted alt-aholic in games like these, and I'm trying to avoid getting mired too much in fiddling around with different characters.  In the 4-5 months I played WAR, I never got [..] View

I played for the 1st time feelings/questions

1:53 am, October 3, 2013 Hello guys I ve just bought the game yesterday and today i played the stress test. I liked the game coz it has some simple quest to level up nice skill animations and generally it must be good althoug [..] View

Quests too few and far between?

12:15 pm, October 2, 2013 I find while i'm playing that i don't get to do a personal story line quest often and that is my favorite part of the game. You only get one quest for like every 3 levels so after the quest you need t [..] View

Why Attack Zhaitan?

11:57 am, October 2, 2013 A note before starting; this is intended as a conversation about the story (non-lore) behind why we are fighting Zhaitan and where the story may progress from here. It is not meant to be bashing Anet' [..] View

Gave up on Legendary weapon.

3:28 am, October 2, 2013 Hi all i wonder who else gave up on making a legendary weapon. I play the game alot and do like to have a legendary someday. However with the current pricing of the weapons needed to create 1 thats no [..] View

Anyone else feels burnt out already? Nothing to do, nothing to aim for.

12:45 am, October 2, 2013 First of all, this is not a flame or troll post and if you have nothing insightful to add, I ask you to simply not reply. I have put a little over 250 hours in the game now, playing with my old Guild [..] View

DDE Upgrade, please read...

12:19 am, October 2, 2013 The following email was sent to me the reasons why are included in the email's contents.Basically i recieved a free DDE upgrade code, because my entire head start was wasted stuck in server transfer l [..] View

Been there done that achi and title - no reward, and Anet response

12:03 am, October 2, 2013 Hello everyone, I am uZu, and I am overly pissed @ Anet's costumer service. As a start, I must say that I enjoy GW2 a lot and I think it is an amazing game, however, it's costumer care/support (even i [..] View

The N Word

11:48 pm, October 1, 2013 So I suddenly got this message while i was chilling with my guildies. Now, I know why I got banned. I use the N word a lot in a friendly way. Such as "Yo *insert name* , you my N" and so o [..] View

Simply creating the next sotg for PvE/WvW - not so simple

9:57 pm, October 1, 2013 Why dont we just start State of the Game with WvW or PvE? If you are an active Guild Wars 2 sPvP player there is a big chance you have heard about Guru State of the Game and if you arent into sPvP [..] View

3 months in and now hate paying for armor repair/travel.

8:55 pm, October 1, 2013 In beta weekends I found this charge to severly handicap my ability to solo areas beyond starting areas. They have reduced the cost for both of these at earlier levels so, at launch, I was willing to [..] View

Is Cathedral of Verdance (Melandru) Bugged on your Server?

5:25 pm, October 1, 2013 I have my points farmed but the quest chain to unlock the cathedral is bugged on my server (crystal desert).  Please reply if this quest chain is not bugged on your server. Many than [..] View

Short Story: WhatScarletSaw

3:39 pm, October 1, 2013 Professor Omadd, Headmaster Emeritus of the College of Synergetics, anxiously twisted his ear as he waited for the sylvari woman to wake. She had been thrashing violently in the isolation module for d [..] View

"New" content same old rewards...

2:56 pm, October 1, 2013 By new content I mean "editing" the existing content.  Editing as in the multiple 4-5+ champion npc's with insta dead abilities that now spawn during defend the camps in Cu [..] View

Anet should add content, without adding content

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Warning, the following thread is long as it is not just a "this is what I hate" list but is an explanation of where I feel those lists come from and a look at possible ways to fix the issues [..] View

How much does this resonate with you?

6:17 am, October 1, 2013 Here's a review written by forbes. I like to think of forbes as a reputable source. Much of what's written there is reasonable and it resonates with me as what I see to be problems with GW2. Whilst G [..] View

Make Guild Wars 2 more like World of Warcraft

6:09 am, October 1, 2013 Whoa there White Knight! Take a moment to read this paragraph before jumping to a conclusion on what this thread is really about! Guild Wars 2 is already like WoW in many ways, and unfortunatley in so [..] View

Plea for ideas to help get my account back

6:07 am, October 1, 2013 I'm not quite sure what to do right now. Guild Wars 2 has been the only truly fun and addicting game that LASTS and keep my attention in the past few years, and I've been perma banned simply because I [..] View

How my Ban for Snowflake is different and unjustified!

5:37 am, October 1, 2013 I am posting this topic here because I needed a place to type this text since I can't post on the official forums. Letting my friend copy paste it here and thought well the more people that see this t [..] View

Accended, was missing at launch

3:37 am, October 1, 2013 So my opinion on the Gear treadmill debate  and what this means. I personally feel that this tier was missing from launch, its the tier that will keep the majority of players busy a [..] View

Came back after 9+ months off, what to do?

1:06 am, October 1, 2013 I have a Guardian that was level 80 within a pretty short time after launch. When I last logged out, I had all exotic gear across the board.. the last event I remember doing was the new island area th [..] View

Isle of Janthir Raid Group

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 Hello guys, I am not posting on behalf of a guild, but rather in hopes to get a wvw group that plays anytime between 7pm -12pm GMT (8PM - 1am EST/9pm - 2am CST) and sometimes later. I have a small g [..] View

My Beefs w/ GW2 & ArenaNet

10:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Please let me preface this with: If you are still enjoying GW2 and/or happy with ArenaNet, that's fine and I'm happy for you. --- Some of you may recognize me (mainly for my math posts) if you freq [..] View

Question to those using Combat Mode 1.1 (alt-tab)

8:06 pm, September 30, 2013 I would strongly suggest you to avoid replying here, if you are here to debate yet again if this script is ok or not it has already been discussed Anyway i love this mod been using it since it was re [..] View

lifesteal food and sigil stacking?

6:33 pm, September 30, 2013 Hi, i'm sure it's been discussed before but i really couldn't find info about it, anyway does sigil of blood and omnom pie share the same cd? And are the cds correct? I mean it should be 2secs on blo [..] View

GW2 and the Trinity

5:41 pm, September 30, 2013 hey folks, i wanted to start this thread because i wanted to respond to a topic brought up in another thread without derailing said thread. and because i want Tyrian Assembly to have topics that do n [..] View

Making the community relevant

5:24 pm, September 30, 2013 I recently read a thread called "do mmo players demand too much" I also recently read a thread called "do you [..] View

Lunch with Colin Johanson - Give Us Your Questions!

8:20 am, September 30, 2013 We've been given a great opportunity to ask Colin some questions over lunch next week. So if you have any burning questions that you'd like to see answered, reply to this thread! View


6:23 am, September 30, 2013 TOPIC ALSO GOES FOR PRE PURCHASE ITEMS A day or two after headstart I used my tome of influence for my guild, due to guild bugs the game swallowed my tome of influence and gave 0, no influence to my [..] View

ERROR code 45

6:06 am, September 30, 2013 i went to log in today and got an error saying i couldnt log in for approx. 60 hours. also said something about impersonating an arena net employee.. WTF. the only few people i have been playing with [..] View

Unable to authenticate gameplay privelages

6:06 am, September 30, 2013 There was a topic earlier with this same exact name but it became locked due to it being posted before the servers opened up. I would have posted it there but I'm unable to do that. Here is my messag [..] View


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