Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Go with the Flow

6:18 pm, November 21, 2014 Match flow in PvP is affected by everything from team formation and arena queuing to the way players actually enter matches. I’m happy to announce that the process players use to enter PvP a [..] View

Account blocked Need help

7:18 pm, September 20, 2014 So,my account has been blocked due to unacceptable behaviour 3 days ago,i've sent 5 tickets but no answer except  the first one where a nice support guy told me my situation needed f [..] View

Introducing the New TradingPost

7:18 pm, September 4, 2014 As part of the upcoming feature pack for Guild Wars 2, well be shipping a change thats been a long time in the making: a brand-new Trading Post! Weve put a lot of work into it to str [..] View

A Rewrite. Because it Needs it. Yesterday

7:18 am, August 11, 2014 We all know that Anet's writers are frikking awful and the common meme said is "I can do better." Well I decided to literally do better by reworking a particularly painful piece of writing [..] View

Will Arena Net just let Guild Wars 2 die?

8:16 am, March 19, 2014 I know how absurd that sounds, and there was a time not long ago I would have been among the first to dismiss it. This morning in fact. But things that have happened and been said as of this newest pa [..] View

Belated Birthday Gifts to the Soldiers?

2:16 am, March 14, 2014 In GW1 I've been thinking about this for a while now. I have birthday presents now on my toons (who are naked, now). Are there enough people playing for me to login and give 'em away? My question is [..] View

Gold Farming - Do your Ascalonian Catacombs paths daily

8:16 pm, February 22, 2014 Hello Gurus! Today i wrote a little guide/reminder about doing your AC paths daily. Doing your all 3 of your AC paths daily can earn you 4 gold and 50 silver totaling up to 31 gold and 50 silver every [..] View

Outsourced Development?

8:16 pm, February 3, 2014 So a comment I read struck me as interesting earlier today.  The concept that ArenaNet outsources parts of its development.  Now, these concepts are nothing new in [..] View

Job-o-Trons Journey: TheEvolution of a Gag

2:16 am, December 19, 2013 Writing for Guild Wars 2 is a hugely collaborative effort, and at times that collaboration transcends the sum of its parts. Sometimes a character takes on a life of its own and we, t [..] View

Three step solution to removing Magic Find

6:38 pm, November 28, 2013 This is my outline on how to do this right. Sort off. 1) Month 1: Discontinue MF item creation: "Rogue Second in Command after Shatterer has started consuming certain kind magic, he is rebelling [..] View

Release Notes for Fractured

2:16 am, November 27, 2013 Ellen Kiel has done it! After being supported by players in her bid for a seat on the Captains Council of Lions Arch, Kiel has made good on her campaign promises specifically, the promise to head up [..] View

I miss the GW1 armors

2:16 am, November 22, 2013 I recently logged into for the first time in a really long time and looked through my post history there. The only part I was really active was posting pictures of my armors, and wow [..] View

New, presumably removed (again), leaked update notes

8:16 am, November 18, 2013 So, my previous thread got deleted, and I haven't (yet) been informed why. (Shoutout to you, admins!) Here are the contents of the disputable and controversial upcoming update. I am NOT supporting o [..] View

Release Notes for TowerofNightmares

8:16 pm, October 29, 2013 Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade have found a way to pierce the veil protecting the krait in Kessex Hills! When the illusion falls, brave heroes need to be nearby to deal with the kraitand whatever i [..] View

How to Create a Successful MMO (Part 1)

3:16 am, October 17, 2013 Source: Jeff Strain, one of the three founders of ANet, was asked to make a speech about how to make an MMO. I would like to provide a f [..] View

Alt leveling (which levels for events, which for crafting)

11:53 am, October 14, 2013 Does anyone have some alt char leveling tips that might be good to apply. 1) Any recently popular areas that I can put in my go to places for dynamic events that are easily repeatable and well populat [..] View

Why Not Buy Gold From Gold Sellers?

7:56 pm, October 12, 2013 This is a pretty simple argument that I recently though up. Why did we dislike people who bought from gold sellers in Guild Wars 1? Because, they could buy their way to get whatever they want in the g [..] View

What Happened to the Direction of ANet?

9:16 pm, October 11, 2013 Kymeric hit on something that I wanted to respond to, but felt it needed it's own thread. Here is the quote and the source is here: [..] View

Magic Find - Why it is bad!

4:17 pm, October 9, 2013 *[Flame wall: Initiated!]* Magic find is a bad stat. This is not news to many, and many others refuse to accept it. I'm here to draw the line and briefly explain some of the reasons why it is bad. - [..] View

Additional Gear Tiers: Economic Inevitability

12:38 pm, October 9, 2013 Looking at market prices from launch until now of staple items we see a clear trend of decreasing price,  namely exotic armors and weapons.  This is partly because [..] View

A compilation of ideas

8:00 pm, October 7, 2013 (sorry for posting here but the ideas section always seem to be dead) These are my ideas that I believe could be adapted to the game, and I've tried to simplify them and made them manageable for anet [..] View

How to turn GW2 into GW1 without breaking the game

10:46 pm, October 6, 2013 This thread is for everyone who agrees that GW1 was a better game than GW2. If you don't agree, stop reading now please. The idea here is to build ideas on how to improve GW2 based on gameplay streng [..] View

So, I couldn't play GW2 for almost 2 weeks..

9:14 pm, October 4, 2013 So, a bit before headstart I purchased the game, played it from the 25th of August, and all was cool ever since... til the 5th or so of September. At that date, I suddenly started getting this every t [..] View

Lack of beefy weapons

3:18 pm, October 4, 2013 So, I just made this thread to express my disappointment in anets art direction regarding weapon design. Most of them just look FLAT, literally they have no real volume and many of them are very disp [..] View

How to get UNpermabanned (anet)

3:09 pm, October 4, 2013 Today we banned a number of players for exploiting Guild Wars 2. We take our community and the integrity of the game very seriously, and want to be clear that intentionally exploiting the game is unac [..] View

I absolutely do not like this..Gear grind in GW

3:07 pm, October 4, 2013 QuoteIn November well unveil the first Ascended items. This new rarity type falls between Exotic and Legendary on the spectrum of rarity and has slightly higher stats than Exotics. Source: https://ww [..] View

Guilds across worlds

2:19 pm, October 4, 2013 I think its generally well accepted that the way guilds have been implemented in GW2 isn't perfect.  The lack of halls, initial membership cap of 50, etc. all seem to have been at le [..] View

What's a Trading Post without.... trading?

9:08 pm, October 3, 2013 So recently I've been talking to some friends how they regret going for a specific Legendary but unless they knew 1000 of people there was no way they could maybe trade it for another, but rather pay [..] View

Anyone's password not working? ...And is this a sign of being hacked?

2:51 am, October 3, 2013 Hey guys, let me explain my problem I'm having: I have GW2 on my desktop, it worked fine. I installed the game on my laptop, since I knew I was travelling to another state for the weekend and wanted [..] View

VP - Reading Between the Lines

2:49 am, October 3, 2013 In this thread we will be discussing the most recent addition of vertical progression to GW2 with the Lost Shores update & what it really means for GW2.  This topic has a tendenc [..] View

Arathi Basin, Alliance Battles and GW2

11:22 pm, October 2, 2013 Little bit of context: for the past 8 years I've considered GW1's pre-Nightfall PvP to be the best PvP among MMOs, no contest. In particular I think GW1's Alliance Battles were the best casual hot-joi [..] View

looking for dungeon team or people

10:16 pm, October 2, 2013 I'm not sure where this post should belong because i couldn't find the thread to write it on. if there is one please redirect it there. My friend and i are looking for group or people to party with [..] View

Well, the reason they got rid of the trinity is now obselete.

8:36 pm, October 2, 2013 Can barely get into decent dungeon parties now as parties are only looking for certain classes (warriors, mesmers, some guardians) and won't accept anything else. Pretty disheartening really. View

Well played Anet.

8:13 pm, October 2, 2013 After doing many, many ascalonian catacomb Pugs, I just got my full AC set. Happy as can be, I've started to put on some dyes, ready to post an awesome picture on Guru, when I suddenly get logged out [..] View

Dungeons and fotw - disconnects and bugs getting worse?

9:41 am, October 2, 2013 I've been running dungeons and fotm for a while now and I noticed that there seems to be no decrease in bugginess and people disconnecting for no apparent reason. I was running AC yesterday and both [..] View

Anyone else starting to plan around never having guesting?

2:04 am, October 2, 2013 Now, I don't mean to be a doomsayer here, but because of the delayed implementation of guesting, I've started to dial back the "home server doesn't matter unless you're into WvW" pitch when [..] View

DDE Upgrade, please read...

12:19 am, October 2, 2013 The following email was sent to me the reasons why are included in the email's contents.Basically i recieved a free DDE upgrade code, because my entire head start was wasted stuck in server transfer l [..] View

Thoughts on this Stress Test?

11:55 pm, October 1, 2013 Since BWE3 which is when I started playing, I had no problems frame rate wise. Obviously latency was a problem but that's what a stress test is about. This stress test however, it started good, but t [..] View

Guild Influence Accounting Issues

10:46 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello all, I'm looking to see if anyone else is noticing problems in Guild Influencing accounting. As an officer of a small guild I can easily keep track of our guild influence. 5 members, 10 charact [..] View


9:47 pm, October 1, 2013 Hi all, I have submitted a ticket to Guild Wars 2 Support Team regarding macros and this is what I got for an answer: QuoteHi, We don't have the ability to say "You can use this here, but not [..] View

No Mercy Community Cup is here!

6:40 pm, October 1, 2013 Who doesn't like explosions? Subject Register today, the No Mercy Community Cup is here! This is your official invitation to the first ever No Mercy Community Cup present [..] View

Short Story: WhatScarletSaw

3:39 pm, October 1, 2013 Professor Omadd, Headmaster Emeritus of the College of Synergetics, anxiously twisted his ear as he waited for the sylvari woman to wake. She had been thrashing violently in the isolation module for d [..] View

Thanks to everyone that showed their support! (UNBANNED!)

2:58 pm, October 1, 2013 ---- This is me right now sharing my thoughts about their system and my experience [..] View

Anet should add content, without adding content

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Warning, the following thread is long as it is not just a "this is what I hate" list but is an explanation of where I feel those lists come from and a look at possible ways to fix the issues [..] View

Not being able to accept Guild invites.

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Just want to let everybody know, theres a bug that requires you to sign out and back in of GW2 before accepting Guild invites. I've had to tell 4 to 5 people to do that, as they were confused as to w [..] View

Clockwork Chaos Guide

8:50 am, October 1, 2013 Emissaries and citizens are gathered in Divinitys Reach, but someone else has plans for the Queens speech! NOTE: At the beginning of this release, the Crown Pavilion will become temporarily unavailab [..] View

Exposing the Truth, Past and Present.

6:14 am, October 1, 2013 Purpose:  In effect, what I intend to do is expose ArenaNet of lies, deceit, and otherwise facilitating or spreading  false information for the sole purpose of garn [..] View

Is the April 30th Update "make or break"?

5:31 am, October 1, 2013 As an avid GW1 player I was rather disappointed that many of the aspects of GW1 that I loved had not returned for GW2. Many of the lessons learned in GW1 also it seemed had not been passed on to the s [..] View

Cutthroat Politics Begins Today!

12:37 am, October 1, 2013 Two candidates, war hero Ellen Kiel and Black Lion trader Evon Gnashblade, are trying to secure a trade agreement with the Zephyr Sanctum but neither of them can seal the deal without your support! T [..] View

paysafecard Now Accepted in Gem Store

10:50 pm, September 30, 2013 Were happy to announce that the Gem Store is now accepting paysafecard from players in select European countries as a payment method.Read More View

Did you buy gems and still haven't received minis? Wait no longer, cause you aren't getting them...

3:21 pm, September 30, 2013 *edit*  forgot to put in the title... "still haven't receive the free minis".. can't seem to edit title Did you buy gems with real money? Are you patiently waiting for you [..] View

Trading, Inspecting, Dueling, and CoD Mail

11:41 am, September 30, 2013 These 4 features may seem small, but their absence is certainly noticeable. Person-to-person trade is important in any MMO - particularly in one where the Auction system is under maintanance. Insp [..] View

If you thought the clock tower was hard...

9:44 am, September 30, 2013 Try doing it with a personal story reward that hasn't been accepted yet. The shield obstructs your entire view. View

Frost and Flame Finale - Why a Dungeon?

6:07 am, September 30, 2013 Is anyone else a little pissed that the very slow evolving, 4 month, SINGLE PLAYER, living story event's finale is a dungeon? Did ANet not learn from the outra [..] View


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