Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




(How) Would you recommend GW2?

7:18 pm, August 14, 2014 I noticed GW2 is on 50% sale and I was like "maybe it's a good time to convince some friends to get it". That was moslty a hypothetical thought, since my friends who're into MMOs are already [..] View

Megaservers or not Megaservers?

9:16 pm, April 20, 2014 Is anyone else having a problem with the new Megaserver set up?  I don't know about how it affects WvW; this is from just a World Event PvE view.  With world events [..] View

Introducing the new DrumInstrument!

9:16 pm, April 9, 2014 Hi Guild Wars 2 music fans! Im Aaron McLeran, the audio programmer here at ArenaNet. Im here to tell you a little bit about the new drum instrument thats available now from the Black [..] View


3:16 am, April 3, 2014 A lot of the pay-to-win arguments Ive seen lately stink of what I call subjective advantage. It was summed up best in a recent thread I shall link at the end of this post. In a nut shell the purposed [..] View

Exotic Items MUST be modified to include Infusion Slots or..

2:16 am, December 22, 2013 The whole concept of Ascended Gear is working counter-productive to the concept of using various stats combinations to counter different situations to the advantage of playerbase. With the advent of a [..] View

Fractals: My gripes.

8:16 pm, November 30, 2013 Hey all. I'm a supporter of fractals, I enjoyed them immensly prior to the patch, as it seemed the only truly challenging pve content (L40 and above only). However, the recent changes has left me di [..] View

Observations on leveling

1:39 pm, November 23, 2013 Having leveled two characters to 80, I have the following observations and opinions: - The time it takes to get from 1 to 80 is suitable, but the first 40 levels can feel really slow while the last 1 [..] View

Fractals: The source of the problem

8:16 pm, November 19, 2013 Well after looking over these new previews for the next update I found myself immensely underwhelmed, and even bordering on offended. This is primarily because I dont play Fractals, and dislike gettin [..] View

Guild Events - Balanced?

2:13 pm, October 25, 2013 I wonder what people's opinions on the balancing of guild events: - Guild Bounty - Guild Rush - Guild Trek - Guild Challenge and - Guild Puzzle I'm particularly interested in what small guild's takes [..] View

gw2 interview with Isaiah Cartwright

6:01 pm, October 15, 2013 a german fansite posted an interview with isaiah cartwright, discussing some upcoming things. i shortened the article as much as possible. do give the full article a read on: [..] View

Do arenanet just enjoy breaking the dungeons?

10:38 am, October 12, 2013 Path 1 of SE is the new one they have completely broken. It's near impossible with out getting an exploit perfect. Try and do it the normal way? You have no chance. Honestly, people actually start to [..] View

First-person view

4:32 pm, October 10, 2013 A big part of this game for me is running around looking at the world which is really quite beautiful. I get a bit bored doing heart events and stuff like that but I like looking around at my surround [..] View

A living story and world in a MMORPG: is it possible?

12:26 am, October 9, 2013 I have long had a soft spot for story telling in games. I unashamedly use cheats in single player games as I am more interested in seeing where the story goes than in the gameplay "challenges&quo [..] View

"Casual" PvP in GW2 feels godawful to me.

3:09 pm, October 8, 2013 How dare I say such a thing. Kinda long rant here. But really, there are 2 forms of PvP for a non-hardcore player like me: random sPvP and WvW. Both of them, both of them feel like zergfests. And I' [..] View

Levels don't make sense

4:54 pm, October 7, 2013 I'm having a hard time understanding why Guild Wars 2 uses a leveling system. You can PvP in WvW or sPvP from level 1. However the game restricts much of the content of the world PvE unless you level [..] View

"area of effects" areas in high level zones

1:58 pm, October 7, 2013 I am not sure what to call these area but in some of the high level zones 75+ there are area is the map that have constant effects going on.  These areas usually have a greenish wall [..] View

To the people that complain about the new gear grind and why I prefer this 'gear grind' over the previous game...

7:44 am, October 7, 2013 Simply put, Gear-Grind adds a much higher sense of accomplishment once you reach something than getting something that 'looks better'. IF I wanted that I wouldn't play MMORPG's, I'd play something lik [..] View

Why you shouldn't use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

6:28 am, October 6, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View

Limited character set in game chat

3:45 am, October 6, 2013 I'm very disappointed that in the latest four months that issue was not fixed. Right now it is impossible to use the most characters from Cyrillic, Greek or Japanese ingame chat, despite the numerous [..] View

ANet's handling of Halloween has been nothing but disappointment

9:37 pm, October 5, 2013 Reposted from the R and D thread on Black Lion Chests since it wasn't 100% on topic so I brought it here. This thread is to discuss the way that ANet has handled this installment of Halloween, most n [..] View

Why must Anet fail so hard against goldsellspam?

4:39 pm, October 5, 2013 Every time I start playing a new game there crops up goldsellers after a while, this is obviously inevitable. The interesting thing for me is how every game seems to be completely inept at dealing wit [..] View

Why you should use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

2:16 pm, October 5, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View

I'm forced to use weird quest toolkits too often

7:37 am, October 5, 2013 You know the kind. Some quest requires you to use a certain gun or enter a golem suit or something, and it gives you a new bar of skills. And it almost always sucks. This is just not good gameplay. I [..] View

Importance of daily achievements

6:28 am, October 5, 2013 Daily achievements are very important in game, so current plans to fiddle with it are worrying. 1) Daily achievement provide alternative to rested xp found in other games and were kinda supposed to b [..] View

Parts of personal quest nearly impossible due to insane difficulty

1:39 am, October 5, 2013 This game is good, but certain steps of some personal storylines are just completely overtuned. Stuff like being put into dialogue and then having five mobs spawn on top of you after the dialogue ends [..] View

What bothers me the most in PvE

9:57 pm, October 4, 2013 First i wanna say there are many things that aren`t right in pve,but there are also many that are amazing,so this is not just another random bashing thread. I played 500+ hours,and i played since rel [..] View

This game HAS roles.

3:48 pm, October 4, 2013 I really like what ArenaNet is doing....creating a game that says they don't have roles, but in all reality, it does.  It's basically impossible to create a game that has 5 dps throw [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

Why Samwell Loves GW2

2:16 am, October 4, 2013 I'm tired of seeing all of these threads about people crying over how 200 hours of content at launch isn't good enough. Here is my response to (for lack of a better term) cry babies. I'm not sure if i [..] View

There are serious problems with the servers

7:49 pm, October 3, 2013 At the moment there are  issues with the guild and server system in game. Several large guilds on dedicated servers will end up splitting up, many players from other servers will nev [..] View

Why I'm probably quitting the game after only a few weeks

11:56 am, October 3, 2013 Just a quick background on myself. I consider myself the casual gamer that ArenaNet said would especially love this game (MMO Manifesto). I have a PS3. Ive played popular games like Skyrim and Assassi [..] View

Challenge seekers! A Peasant's Quest.

5:44 pm, October 2, 2013 I have an idea, a silly, hilarious, impossible idea that I would toss out there to get flames, lols, and feedback. I've considered trying something called a 'peasant quest'. The idea is this: Pick [..] View

The grind

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 TO CONDENSE MY SENTIMENTS: Good players are not rewarded for overcoming challenges the majority of the games status symbols and cool items are gained from performing an easy task for an inordinate am [..] View

The Ghost Rite, Personal Storyline bug, Stuck & Unable to progress

11:31 pm, October 1, 2013 This personal storyline quest seems to be bugged making it impossible to complete and so I'm now stuck (Lvl 51 priory storyline). The first time I tried doing it with a friend the mobs just kept comi [..] View

[WHAT IF] Raids

9:54 pm, October 1, 2013 [WHAT IF] is going to be my series of sporadically added threads into General discussion forum, focusing on, well, discussions about various game changes, what would happen if they occurred and how to [..] View

Attempting Pacifism

6:41 pm, October 1, 2013 So I have been inspired by It had an article that talked about the pacifist run done in World of Warcraft and I thought: "Well is that possible in Guild Wars 2?" ~~ Day 1 :: [..] View

The Jumpdodge: My findings

12:14 pm, October 1, 2013 Hi! TLDR: Yes, it gets your further. What is a jumpdodge? You jump and dodge simultaneously. Advantages: A further jump while in/out of combat. My testing has been for jumping forward only since [..] View

Troll's End Jumping Puzzle is not for Norns

11:54 am, October 1, 2013 Go and try to do this jumping puzzle in Lion's Arch with a Norh, it's nearly impossible: A big Norn is just too big for the cave part of this jumping puzzle. It is a total mess, when you try to go [..] View

gw2 devs 'missed concept' very important

11:34 am, October 1, 2013 Ive seen a large amount of threads being made regarding such things as: Server Populations Server Xfers 3 Teams Server Rankings Zerging Although these are separate factors, they all come together to [..] View

Orr, what a wonderful place...

11:01 am, October 1, 2013 One does not simply walk 10cm and not get bombarded with undead attacks. Is anyone else annoyed at this map as well as several other high leveled areas? Now dont tell me it is because it is a high lev [..] View

***** of small guilds

11:00 am, October 1, 2013 So I was a GM in gw1 and an officer in wow. I've had many years experience in being a guild leader. My gw1 guild was a top 100 gvg guild for a while (not bad for pvp casuals), we owned hzh, had some s [..] View

Orr Map Completion LFG

9:17 am, October 1, 2013 Hello everyone, It appears that Orr is dead on my server (Crystal Desert for the week, but usually Isle of Janthir). As such it is quite difficult to get all the exploring done for map completion. Th [..] View

Ascended Gear and Fractals - The Shortcomings

6:48 am, October 1, 2013 I'll admit, the Fractals have been pretty fun and I'm sure there is some way to make the Ascended gear work in some way down the line. Right now though both the Fractals and Ascended gear are carrying [..] View

Depth & The Trinity

6:39 am, October 1, 2013 One of the posts at the official forums caught my attention. Ensign, a well known member of the GW1 community posted the following in response to the lack of combat depth and the trinity as it applies [..] View

Halloween Skins from lottery / casino style grab bags

5:49 am, October 1, 2013 It is unregulated gambling. Why is arena net going down this route of skins inside black lions chests? Why not make them part of rewards for event chains? Or scavenging? Or Jumping puzzle rewards? Or [..] View

Some of my suggestions for GW2 so far

5:47 am, October 1, 2013 1. Movable target health frame. it gets in the way of seeing the whole world 2. A target of target frame -> we need this because its not the easiest thing in the world to know when you are be [..] View

Thoughts on the Temple of Balthazar event

5:37 am, October 1, 2013 I have recently played my last class to level 80 and am now in the process of map completion. Having been to Orr with 5 chars before this one gave me sufficient insight to say this event has never bee [..] View

TA Explorable Forward - Up path seems too hard after recent update

8:03 pm, September 30, 2013 I've done every path in this dungeon before the update, the final boss was usually quite easy except on the forward-forward path with the pink trees, but last night we found the forward-up boss to be [..] View

"Explorable Mode Just Isn't Worth It"

7:29 pm, September 30, 2013 For a while like a lot of people I thought explorable mode dungeons were just a mess of spells and waypoint zerging. I do feel this way still to an extent. But the purpose of this thread is that I rec [..] View

No overflow in lions arch becoming an issue

6:35 pm, September 30, 2013 Anyone know how to get around needing an overflow for fractals in lions arch? Sometimes at late night or very early morning time even on high populated servers there is no chance of getting an overflo [..] View

The buffs and nerfs

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I know there are already hundreds of threads across the forums and gwguru regarding the recent nerfs/buffs to dungeons and so forth. But I do want to point out certain things I've noticed so far regar [..] View

My opinion on the state of the game

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I have over 3,000 hours in Guild Wars 1 which was my first real MMO (for as much of one as it was with instances and all) and enjoyed every minute of it. Even after 7 years I still found myself pushin [..] View

Fractal of the Mists; Swampland Fractal

5:04 pm, September 30, 2013 We need help with figuring out how to do this one, me and my group spent about 1-2 hours in here dying, being knocked over and bleeding to *****. Spoiler All the ones in the green circle we f [..] View

Crucible of Eternity Exp - Too Difficult?

4:39 pm, September 30, 2013 I've thought about writing this a lot before I decided to actually do it, because I wanted to get some feedback from other players to make sure it wasn't just me. I held off a day when I saw the patch [..] View

World Building: Natural System in MMOs?

4:12 pm, September 30, 2013 Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lengthy and long winded post; I'm a long winded kinda guy (which works well for the ladies... (he tells himself)). I'm hopeful it'll spark a somewhat interesting [..] View

[Guide] Damaging Tequatl Guide By The Gates Assassin

4:00 pm, September 30, 2013 This is not MY guide its The Great Assassins Guide off the GW2 forums i think it will be helpful so i am posting it here This guide has one purpose: To teach people how to damage a world boss. This is [..] View

SPvP vs WvWvW

10:08 am, September 30, 2013 So as you all know I'm mostly a PvE guy just like I was in Guild Wars 1.  Probably toward the 3rd year of the game, that was when I became a pretty hardcore Pvper with warrior, dervi [..] View

Metrica Province Jumping Puzzle made Impossible, anyone know why?

9:57 am, September 30, 2013 If you've tried the Metrica Province Jumping puzzle in the last few hours or so, you'll know its been made impossible. I was wondering why they've done this, anyone know? View

Sorrow's Embrace after 10/22/12 update

9:36 am, September 30, 2013 Just a few thoughts on SE(one of my favorite instances) post update. I tried Path 1 last night, which was definitely in need of an update to lengthen the path as well as remove a certain 'platforming [..] View

Achievement points over 5000+ ? Bugged or ?

8:01 am, September 30, 2013 Hi guys, I just saw someone in my guild got achievement points over 5000 pts+ and I dont know is it a bug or something like it ? Because imo getting 5000 achievement points at the moment is impossible [..] View

X Masters "Slayer Achievement" Guide

7:36 am, September 30, 2013 Hello community, Until now I haven't found any really useful thread about the slayer achievement. Four days ago I started getting my slayer achievement on my own... with very nice progress =) Anyway [..] View

Caudecus's Manor Explorable (Spoiler Warning)

2:36 am, September 30, 2013 WARNING: I am going to QQ. (Just so we are clear) So a group of people and I decided to do the asuran route for CM.  It took us about 2.5 hours, but we beat the first three bosses [..] View


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