Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Join Us in Celebrating the World Tournament Series Invitational Qualifier Tournament this Weekend!

7:18 pm, October 24, 2014 Only this weekend’s World Tournament Series Invitational Qualifier stands between the top PvP teams in Guild Wars 2 and the Finals event in Beijing, China, where players fr [..] View

A Fresh Start: The New Player Experience in GuildWars2

7:18 pm, August 28, 2014 Hey, folks, As we continue to grow Guild Wars 2 and plan our next steps for the future of the game, its important we have a solid foundation for all the new players we plan to welcom [..] View

Congratulations to Europe for winning the GuildWars2 International All-Stars Tournament!

7:18 pm, August 27, 2014 Wed like you to join us in congratulating the European All-Stars team for their flawless showing at the Guild Wars 2 International All-Stars Tournament at gamescom in Cologne, German [..] View

Watch the Tournament of Legends 2 Qualifiers Live This Weekend!

7:18 pm, July 11, 2014 Tune in for the Tournament of Legends 2 qualifiers this weekend! Play witness to the early rounds of the biggest tournament in Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 history, with over 400 individual teams sig [..] View

Your Vote Decides the GuildWars2 International All-StarsTeams!

7:18 pm, July 10, 2014 Hello Tyria, Joshua “Grouch” Davis here, Competitive Events Manager at ArenaNet. Its my privilege to announce that at this years gamescom, well be partnering with our friends at [..] View

Unlocking traits.

3:16 pm, April 19, 2014 Apatiksremark made a fantastic post on reddit, showcasing the "achievements" that need to be completed to unlock traits under the new system. New chara [..] View

Introducing the new DrumInstrument!

9:16 pm, April 9, 2014 Hi Guild Wars 2 music fans! Im Aaron McLeran, the audio programmer here at ArenaNet. Im here to tell you a little bit about the new drum instrument thats available now from the Black [..] View


3:16 am, April 3, 2014 A lot of the pay-to-win arguments Ive seen lately stink of what I call subjective advantage. It was summed up best in a recent thread I shall link at the end of this post. In a nut shell the purposed [..] View

Introducing the WardrobeSystem

2:16 pm, March 25, 2014 One of the many exciting features coming in the April 2014 Feature Pack is the new Wardrobe, an account-wide system that allows you to collect every skin in the game! Account Wardrobe: The Basics [..] View

Learn About Critical DamageChanges

8:16 pm, March 21, 2014 One of the balance changes coming in the April 2014 Feature Pack is the introduction of ferocity, a brand new stat that will affect your critical damage. Ferocity is being introduced to make bonus cri [..] View

Traits Unleashed: Forty New Traits and More!

2:16 pm, March 20, 2014 Hello there! I’m Roy Cronacher, and as a game designer for ArenaNet, I’m excited to tell you about upcoming changes to the trait system. These changes focus on improving the ease o [..] View

Do you like the direction the LS event structure is moving in?

8:16 pm, March 5, 2014 It's a quick question based on the flow of the events and how the achievements seem to be more and more utilitarian and less individualized in my opinion. Many achievements in the game are very " [..] View

Dev for a Day: Condition Damage

2:16 pm, February 3, 2014 The purpose of this thread is to discuss Condition Damage in the game whether you think it's fine, is completely broken, or could just be tweaked to be more useful. My thoughts: Instead of a global [..] View

Job-o-Trons Journey: TheEvolution of a Gag

2:16 am, December 19, 2013 Writing for Guild Wars 2 is a hugely collaborative effort, and at times that collaboration transcends the sum of its parts. Sometimes a character takes on a life of its own and we, t [..] View

World XP and You

8:16 am, November 28, 2013 When we added the World XP system to World vs. World, it was our goal to create a sense of character progression in WvW gameplay. We wanted to reward people who put time into WvW by increasing the too [..] View

Dungeons are breaking again.

4:38 pm, October 18, 2013 network errors, players being put into individual instances, all the old stuff that happened in the first few weeks. gg arenanet, what ever you pressed broke it again... View

Release Notes for Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Edrick was a monster, he brought his family shame So the locked him in a box, mouth stuffed with candy corn But now the son has risen to take his fathers name Beware the Bloody Prince, the son of [..] View

Buddy's hacked (more appropriately, stolen) account..

11:04 pm, October 11, 2013 So, my buddy, ignorantly, used the same e-mail/password combo on a few other sites that he had in-game.  He's not very computer-literate, which is why I'm asking on this. In contact [..] View

Dungeon Story Achievement

12:36 pm, October 10, 2013 Has anybody else had this happen?  I've completed all 8 story modes for the respective dungeons, and all 8 individually show 1/4 paths completed, but the separate Dungeons Discovered [..] View

Armor galleries for Norn and Sylvari?

2:05 pm, October 9, 2013 I see threads showing all the armors on humans. I see threads showing individual characters in a few armors. If anyone can show me all the armors for Sylvari, Asura, and (especially) Norn, I'd appre [..] View

X-Post Chris Whiteside on "Collaborative Development"

9:16 am, October 9, 2013 From the official forums. QuoteHi All, I would like to thank everyone for their support toward the pioneering work we are doing, as we drive the world of Tyria forward. The passion, and intelligence [..] View

"Casual" PvP in GW2 feels godawful to me.

3:09 pm, October 8, 2013 How dare I say such a thing. Kinda long rant here. But really, there are 2 forms of PvP for a non-hardcore player like me: random sPvP and WvW. Both of them, both of them feel like zergfests. And I' [..] View

Botters and Exploiters Caught

2:02 am, October 8, 2013 There is a group of "people" using an event in the Gendarran Fields to farm coin, exp and karma. These people are "botting" an event that spawns every 5 mins and insta-killing the [..] View

Be careful when purchasing anything

12:06 am, October 7, 2013 The other night, I made a missclick when buying Karma goods. I doubleclicked the Karma NPC because he was swarmed by other interactables, but apparently my previous interact was just delayed--With my [..] View

Current state of PvP.

11:24 am, October 6, 2013 I made this thread on reddit and would also like to receive feedback from gw2guru community as well. I haven't experienced the whole experience of PVP in Guildwars 2 (as in reaching level 80 and so o [..] View

Mob Spacing and Variety in PvE

5:18 am, October 6, 2013 This is one of the reasons why I enjoyed PvE in Guild Wars 1 a lot more, and that's because mobs were spaced into 4-6 tightly knit groups of different professions, as opposed to having a bunch of mobs [..] View

This game HAS roles.

3:48 pm, October 4, 2013 I really like what ArenaNet is doing....creating a game that says they don't have roles, but in all reality, it does.  It's basically impossible to create a game that has 5 dps throw [..] View

You are not making it easy for me to answer, let me try again

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 "Hello, It seems you already expected this thread to be locked or deleted, but I didn't just close this to meet your expectations. There are many valid reasons threads, comments, etc. may be de [..] View

Dungeon Rewards

1:42 pm, October 4, 2013 Hello! Im Isaiah Cartwright, the lead game designer for Guild Wars 2, and I would like to talk to you about some of up upcoming changes to the ways we reward players for participatin [..] View

What did you think Guild Wars 2 would be like?

2:27 am, October 4, 2013 Anet own quote "Were a company of passionate gamers with one mission: to make Guild Wars 2 the best MMORPG ever created." Since for some, including myself, the game is no where as great as [..] View

The idea of swapable Utility Spells

9:48 pm, October 3, 2013 There are currently 2 main Systems for Skill progression in MMO- or Action-RPGs the "vertical" and the "horizontal" progression: In the "vertical" progression you have u [..] View

Queens Jubilee Release Notes

7:10 pm, October 3, 2013 Divinitys Reach is hosting a magnificent celebration! Her Majesty Queen Jennah of Kryta is commemorating the tenth year of her rule and using the occasion to celebrate the triumph of humanity over the [..] View

Undercutting on the trading post, what's the point?

12:50 am, October 2, 2013 can somebody please explain to me why do players keep undercutting each other on the trading post? in other mmo's sales are individual, but in gw2 they are grouped by value and sold in bulk to the m [..] View

Why we need GvG and how to pull it off.

11:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Wall-o-text INC. Greetings to nerds and noobs alike! When looking at the conversations going around about Guild Wars 2 and it's longevity, many people state PvP is (or should be) the true endgame. I [..] View

Guild Influence Accounting Issues

10:46 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello all, I'm looking to see if anyone else is noticing problems in Guild Influencing accounting. As an officer of a small guild I can easily keep track of our guild influence. 5 members, 10 charact [..] View

A discussion on opinions about the game

2:51 pm, October 1, 2013 I am a fan of the game.  Yes, there are some things which can be improved.  Any game has these.  However, I believe that, technically, the game ca [..] View

A seven-step guide to fix GW2's PvE

12:32 pm, October 1, 2013 Before fixing anything, let's quickly identify the core problems with GW2's PvE today. And by "PvE", I mean only the open-world PvE here, not personal story or dungeons. So, the problems: - [..] View

A players thoughts or GW2 State of the Game

12:06 pm, October 1, 2013 Good Afternoon Fellow Tyrians! I sat down this morning was looking over the forums again and started writing.  This post may be a little disjointed and hop around a lot but I think [..] View

gw2 devs 'missed concept' very important

11:34 am, October 1, 2013 Ive seen a large amount of threads being made regarding such things as: Server Populations Server Xfers 3 Teams Server Rankings Zerging Although these are separate factors, they all come together to [..] View

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

11:25 am, October 1, 2013 Posted to GW2 Forums, I don't expect it to last.  Please comment there as well. TLDR: Points are boiled down here, but I encourage you to ready the body. The Right to Make Money N [..] View

Anet should add content, without adding content

10:42 am, October 1, 2013 Warning, the following thread is long as it is not just a "this is what I hate" list but is an explanation of where I feel those lists come from and a look at possible ways to fix the issues [..] View

Cutting to the chase.

6:46 am, October 1, 2013 Having played most of the MMO's that are and was on the market for over 12 years now, I'm starting to get tired of the same cycle. Maybe I'm just getting older and less patient though, who really know [..] View

Plea for ideas to help get my account back

6:07 am, October 1, 2013 I'm not quite sure what to do right now. Guild Wars 2 has been the only truly fun and addicting game that LASTS and keep my attention in the past few years, and I've been perma banned simply because I [..] View

Completed My First Dungeon

5:36 am, October 1, 2013 So today, I broke my dungeon cherry with Ascalonian Catacombs Story Mode. So far, when playing GW2, I've been over-leveled for the content as I enjoy exploring. However, this time I wanted to try&am [..] View

Can Gems be Traded?

3:38 am, October 1, 2013 I am looking to find out if Gems can be traded to a person, instead of via the Trading Post, can the currency Gem be traded to a individual? View

The Social (Media) Side of Guild Wars 2

3:37 am, October 1, 2013 Hi! Im Rubi Bayer, ArenaNets Social Media Coordinator. The Guild Wars 2 social media outlets are a big part of our interaction with all of you, so Id like to talk a bit about what yo [..] View

GW2 not meant for 1v1?

12:07 am, October 1, 2013 "You are extremely misinformed and the main problem with what you're saying is you seem to have the flawed notion that 1v1 matters in GW2. Just because profession x can **** profession y (althoug [..] View

Casual, End Game, Grind, Tilapia, and You: A story of Friends

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 SEE BOTTOM FOR TLDR. "This game is for casuals, It's too grindy, this Tilapia is too wet". These are the things I see on this forum, and hell, even on the official forums. If you ask anyo [..] View

Forget about Ascended gear, Has Anet been honest about anything?

11:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Repost of a repost - OP was lost in the shuffle. I apologize. This thread has been deleted from the official forums without any reason. Banns have been issued to the people posting. Please spread th [..] View

Jumping puzzles in GW2 - a guide & discussion

11:03 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey everyone, I recently completed all 37 jumping puzzles (those with achievements) and I thought I would share my experiences of them with the GW2guru community as well as providing guides for each i [..] View

My Beefs w/ GW2 & ArenaNet

10:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Please let me preface this with: If you are still enjoying GW2 and/or happy with ArenaNet, that's fine and I'm happy for you. --- Some of you may recognize me (mainly for my math posts) if you freq [..] View

The Bazaar of the Four Winds Begins Today!

8:04 pm, September 30, 2013 LIVING WORLD Bazaar of the Four Winds The Bazaar of the Four Winds is gathering; merchants are converging from all corners of Tyria to sell their wares. Its not just shady characters and risky trade [..] View

What If ......Expansions

5:41 pm, September 30, 2013 What If GW2 expansions have nothing to do with the dragons? so hear me out. the coming event in Nov what if we get to know that Bubbles have emerged from the depths? What If all the other dragons [..] View

Guild Communication Issues

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 While we're all pretty excited about the upcoming launch of GW2, as a guild leader I have to say that I'm worried about what I see as the coming fragmentation of our guilds, something I've seen in the [..] View

About ideas

4:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Ideas: 1. ArenaNet says: People do not have to join a guild to gain valuable item. Friends have created guilds. - And I answer: How can I find friends since the lack of common goals? How long can I pl [..] View

Release Notes for Tequatl Rising

1:00 pm, September 30, 2013 The scourge of Splintered Coast has risen, more deadly and powerful than ever before. Band together with other heroes, old friends, and new allies to fight the rising evil. Bewareagainst a foe of this [..] View

For get about Ascended gear, Has Anet been honest about anything?

10:36 am, September 30, 2013 Repost of a repost - OP was lost in the shuffle. I apologize. This thread has been deleted from the official forums without any reason. Banns have been issued to the people posting. Please spread th [..] View

Gem Store Buyers Beware

9:03 am, September 30, 2013 Buyer beware on GW2. Is this the start of the f***-all customer service attributed to free subscription? [START] Dear ArenaNet, I made a purchase at the gemstore for a Witches Outfit available duri [..] View

Anyone else slightly disappointed with the story in GW2?

7:32 am, September 30, 2013 Before I start, I would like to say that I have played GW2 since release, and I really like the game itself. My problem is that, to me, the story seems so weak and bland. It doesn't engage me, or mak [..] View

Guild Wars 2 frequently asked questions

2:45 am, September 30, 2013 General Questions Will there be a subscription fee? No. There is no monthly subscription fee. Once your purchase the box or a game key, you are free to play as much as you want. Will there be micro [..] View


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