Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Talking Backpack, Mini Belinda, and New Guild Flag Finisher in the Gem Store!

6:18 pm, November 4, 2014 The Mad King is at rest again – until next year. Here at the Black Lion Trading Company, we have everything you need to get back out to adventuring. A new finisher that makes a bold stat [..] View

Citizens of Tyria, Meet YourChampions

6:18 pm, November 3, 2014 The battle for the top spot in the North American and European World Tournament Series Invitational Qualifiers is now over and the dust has settled. Two months ago, we saw hundreds of teams step into [..] View

Halloween Outfit, Minis, and Finishers in the Gem Store!

7:18 pm, October 14, 2014 As the month plods on and we grow closer to that eerie time when the barrier between our world and the next wanes, the Black Lion Trading Company is showing the Mad King’s influence more [..] View

Tireless Harvesting Minions and Glowing Green Mask in the Gem Store!

7:18 pm, October 7, 2014 The air is getting chilly, leaves are beginning to fall, and theres a definite hint of spookiness around Tyria! The Halloween celebration may not be coming back until later this month, but I just [..] View

Thoughts on the September Feature Pack?

7:18 am, August 29, 2014 I don't feel like they're at all addressing any of the actual needs of the game. New backpacks, a cleaner crafting UI, and new commander colors are all very nice things. But where is precursor craftin [..] View

A Fresh Start: The New Player Experience in GuildWars2

7:18 pm, August 28, 2014 Hey, folks, As we continue to grow Guild Wars 2 and plan our next steps for the future of the game, its important we have a solid foundation for all the new players we plan to welcom [..] View

Worth coming back to Guild wars 2?

3:16 pm, April 25, 2014 I was pretty hyped when the game was released and got some friends to join me as well. However, they powerleveled to 80, got bored after 1-2 weeks since there was "nothing to do" and left th [..] View


3:16 am, April 3, 2014 A lot of the pay-to-win arguments Ive seen lately stink of what I call subjective advantage. It was summed up best in a recent thread I shall link at the end of this post. In a nut shell the purposed [..] View

Will Arena Net just let Guild Wars 2 die?

8:16 am, March 19, 2014 I know how absurd that sounds, and there was a time not long ago I would have been among the first to dismiss it. This morning in fact. But things that have happened and been said as of this newest pa [..] View

"[ArenaNet] trying to make the game easier to learn."

2:16 am, March 7, 2014 https://forum-en.gui...rst#post3087123 Initial topic of the thread was largely about the particle effects and how they render the game unplayable in many instances, so the response itself is kinda OT [..] View

Damage Downtime as a Component in DPS Calculation?

2:16 am, February 24, 2014 What is Damage Downtime?: DDT is the time spent not attacking that is unrelated to an attack's central action window. What increases DDT?: Dodges, Movement, Knockdowns, Interrupts, Fear, etc. Why ca [..] View

Another PUG Experience

8:16 pm, January 24, 2014 So, today I was pugging for a CoF P1 run (yes, CoF P1, that's how serious this issue is) and clearly stated in the LFG that the requirements were that the people joining for using a zerker setup and w [..] View

Do you think comparing GW1 to GW2 makes sense?

2:16 pm, January 24, 2014 Why or why not? Before you instantly say "Yes" or "No" consider that they are two different games with two different mission statements, systems, and almost two different genres; [..] View

Jute/linen farm exploit and bans.

8:16 am, December 30, 2013 Quote... It seems there was a popular farming spot for linen. I don't think there's any point on hiding where, if you google "guild wars 2 linen farm" [..] View

Release Notes for Fractured

2:16 am, November 27, 2013 Ellen Kiel has done it! After being supported by players in her bid for a seat on the Captains Council of Lions Arch, Kiel has made good on her campaign promises specifically, the promise to head up [..] View

State of the Game?

8:16 pm, November 20, 2013 Haven't seen a state of the game video or stream in a while..... Any idea why? I enjoyed seeing guru and arena net  discuss builds/classes/traits. What do you guys think? What happen [..] View

Don't use the TP until fix

10:08 am, November 17, 2013 Just wanted to make a public service announcement that the TP is currently broken and that trying to retrieve retracted buy orders will result in a complete loss of your money. Furthermore, items sold [..] View

How to discuss topics (like a guru)

2:16 pm, October 31, 2013 GW2G is a discussion forum. This means that we expect a certain level of quality in our posts, but it also dictates how we expect our users to act. We try to allow you to discuss all subjects in a non [..] View

The lag

2:16 am, October 28, 2013 So it's been a year and the lag has gotten worse (understatement) not better.  With the introduction of WvW leagues the lag has hit extrodinary levels. We all know it's there, we've [..] View

So I get this today....

2:43 am, October 24, 2013 So today I was greeted in my email box with an email that saved my 60$ purchase. But now I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do to protect my account other than changing my password? I gue [..] View

Guild wars 2 Down?

8:28 am, October 21, 2013 Anybody else receiving Code 42? I was logged on about an hour or so ago before i was disconnected. Wiki or guru doesn't state a maintenance at this current moment(Or what i searched) View

The Family Business

9:16 pm, October 17, 2013 By the third night, the mob around Castle Thorn had grown so thick that their bonfires reached the river, making a constellation of pyres that stretched as far as King Oswald Thorn could see. &#8 [..] View

How to Create a Successful MMO (Part 1)

3:16 am, October 17, 2013 Source: Jeff Strain, one of the three founders of ANet, was asked to make a speech about how to make an MMO. I would like to provide a f [..] View

What is going on?!?!

1:48 am, October 16, 2013 First let me state that I am not crying or whining about the game. I love this game. I love anything Guild Wars. So before you make a smart comment about something I say, just remember that it will be [..] View

Just Some Desired Quality of Life Changes

6:01 pm, October 14, 2013 First, I suppose I should give the required statement of "I didnt see any similar threads, please direct me to them if they are in existence". Ok, so after my time with the game so far, the [..] View

What's the point?

12:54 am, October 13, 2013 I keep bringing up solo, repeatable on-demand content here and I figured I'd actually make a thread about. This probably won't be just about that, but with a title that's "slightly" open to [..] View

November Update - Date Confirmed

9:29 pm, October 11, 2013 Just thought I'd let everyone know, incase you hadn't seen already, that the date for the big November update has been confirmed as November 15th. The Anet employee that posted this also stated that t [..] View

What Happened to the Direction of ANet?

9:16 pm, October 11, 2013 Kymeric hit on something that I wanted to respond to, but felt it needed it's own thread. Here is the quote and the source is here: [..] View

Password Reset: Beware

3:49 am, October 11, 2013 In response to the prompt to consider changing my password on the login panel, I followed the link to the official site and changed my password, filling in the information exactly as prompted, and sav [..] View

Pre-emptive Guesting List

2:19 pm, October 10, 2013 Yes. This thread. We all knew it was coming. ArenaNet have stated you need FRIENDS on a server to guest to it. Now, of course... that means we can simply work around the issue (why we should have to [..] View

Stress Test Wednesday August 15th

5:12 am, October 10, 2013 This was posted on FB a couple of hours ago.  I didn't see any threads about it so I figured I would post it. https://www.facebook...ars2?ref=stream Quote We will be conducting a st [..] View

Anyone been able to get a refund?

10:57 pm, October 9, 2013 In its current state, Guild Wars 2 is un-playable and I don't think they're planning on purchasing any new servers near my location to host worlds on and consequently, I will have to deal with the inc [..] View

Magic Find - Why it is bad!

4:17 pm, October 9, 2013 *[Flame wall: Initiated!]* Magic find is a bad stat. This is not news to many, and many others refuse to accept it. I'm here to draw the line and briefly explain some of the reasons why it is bad. - [..] View

X-Post Chris Whiteside on "Collaborative Development"

9:16 am, October 9, 2013 From the official forums. QuoteHi All, I would like to thank everyone for their support toward the pioneering work we are doing, as we drive the world of Tyria forward. The passion, and intelligence [..] View

A living story and world in a MMORPG: is it possible?

12:26 am, October 9, 2013 I have long had a soft spot for story telling in games. I unashamedly use cheats in single player games as I am more interested in seeing where the story goes than in the gameplay "challenges&quo [..] View

Anyone else getting bored already? First impressions, LONG

8:18 pm, October 8, 2013 I understand I'm going to receive a lot of flac for posting this but I just feel it has to be said. I'm only lvl 12 and already the game is aging quite badly for me. I'm going to try promptly outline [..] View

Make Guild Wars 2 More Like World of Warcraft!

6:46 am, October 6, 2013 *Whoa there guys! Before you type your reply how about listening to the first mintue of the video. After that you're welcome to ignore the rest * Now I know there are those that hate videos/my voic [..] View

Where would you live in-game? (screenshots)

6:22 am, October 6, 2013 Alrighty lets get rid of the negative talk for a bit, and talk about something else! If you could chose a play inside GW2 to live, as your character, for the rest of your life, where would it be? Th [..] View

Simply creating the next SotG for WvW - Not So Simple

10:51 pm, October 5, 2013 Why dont we just start State of the Game with WvW? If you are an active Guild Wars 2 sPvP player there is a big chance you have heard about our State of the Game stream and if you arent into sPvP t [..] View

Uuuuh, dungeons and parties broken now? (or are they?)

9:14 pm, October 5, 2013 So I was just playing a CoE game... And midway through people just started "dropping". From my perspective everyone was still in the party. All players were in the instance, but one player [..] View

Cursed Shore: Overflow - does it happen?

8:19 pm, October 5, 2013 Did you ever get into cursed shore overflow? I don't recall ever getting it. I get Lion's Arch overflow quite regularly, and i'm not sure what to make of it regarding state of the game (fractal entran [..] View

Do you think think elder dragons will be expansions or patches?

10:27 am, October 5, 2013 This isn't a question, I'm asking what do you think they will be? Do you think elder dragons should be expansions or patches? Arenanet hasn't really hinted at what they will do (unless I completely mi [..] View

My thoughts: reasons to play or not to play GW2, after 2+ months.

7:46 am, October 5, 2013 Ironically enough, the part of the game anet has been neglecting the most, WvW (World vs World), is the only reason I'd recommend this game.  Rather than explain why, I'll link 1 of [..] View

You are not making it easy for me to answer, let me try again

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 "Hello, It seems you already expected this thread to be locked or deleted, but I didn't just close this to meet your expectations. There are many valid reasons threads, comments, etc. may be de [..] View

Concerning the dungeons

3:19 pm, October 4, 2013 A couple friends and I decided to so our first dungeon today and it was a total train wreck. We sat outside the Ascalonian Catacombs to get 2 more people to join us and found them pretty quickly, but [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

How to get UNpermabanned (anet)

3:09 pm, October 4, 2013 Today we banned a number of players for exploiting Guild Wars 2. We take our community and the integrity of the game very seriously, and want to be clear that intentionally exploiting the game is unac [..] View

Save ANet and yourself time when requesting refund:

2:41 pm, October 4, 2013 I just got my refund for the digital online purchase. Not bashing but the game is just not for me. Thought I'd save the user and ANet some time by sharing what they sent me as a request for informati [..] View

Thinking of returning.

1:57 pm, October 4, 2013 However, I want to know more of the state of the game. I stopped playing around the time they added that new dungeon with the different levels, I can't even remember. I'm mainly concerned with balanc [..] View

Why are we playing GW2?

1:39 pm, October 4, 2013 I want to start off by saying - This is NOT meant to be a post to complain about the game I'm just wondering if anybody has an idea of what they plan on doing to add substance to the game's content. [..] View

Quick update and expansion news?

9:22 am, October 4, 2013 Hi, i have not been here for couple of months, so has a net announced stanlone exp yet. Anyone have link to cuurent state of exp yet View

Terrible GW2 Customer Service Experience

7:18 am, October 4, 2013 Well, its been almost 3 days now. After playing game since release, i been always an example to follow. Always reporting for botting, or gold sell spamming in every case did apply. I been a fellow gu [..] View

Armors feels out of place

2:11 am, October 4, 2013 Warning, the following statements below is a rant. Viewer discretion is advised If there is one thing that I could criticize Anet is how horrible and how out of place the armors in this game feel.& [..] View

Karma Zerg/Gold Zerg

12:29 am, October 4, 2013 After the demise of Plinx as a useful way of farming karma and money, I was curious if anyone has found or created a new zerg that fills the place of this one, I've found a few ones at lower levels bu [..] View

Open letter to the Guild Wars 2 Devs

11:09 pm, October 3, 2013 I posted the text below on the Guild Wars 2 site earlier this evening. I hope that many of you feel the same way and will lend your voice to getting this changed. Happy hunting. Dear Devs, I've bee [..] View

Server with highly active Jelako d/e farmers?

9:58 pm, October 3, 2013 Trying to level an alt and having a sluggish time.  Let me state up front I am not a completionist and I prefer to shove as much time into direct levelling as I can, when levelling [..] View

Anet on why there is vertical progression

8:05 pm, October 3, 2013 some of you may have the same question as a user lately: Quote How is slowly introducing more and more elements of CEVP respecting the player? I made an informed decision about this game based on the [..] View

There are serious problems with the servers

7:49 pm, October 3, 2013 At the moment there are  issues with the guild and server system in game. Several large guilds on dedicated servers will end up splitting up, many players from other servers will nev [..] View

My hacked Account

5:44 pm, October 3, 2013 Hello I wanted to post a real life account so that the rest of the world can see how Arena Net is doing and their response to people that have been hacked. Last Saturday on Sept. 8th at about 5pm I [..] View

Nov. 15th Patch: Breaking Point?

5:32 pm, October 3, 2013 I've been trying to defend this game's pvp for some time now and after today, there's not much else I can do anymore.  I know there are people, like me, who were expecting this patch [..] View

Selecting "default" guest world.

1:42 pm, October 3, 2013 We will soo have way of playing on another server without having to leave our current one. What about agreeing as a community on server where everyone would guest when playing open world PvE? It wou [..] View

Making Combat Decisions, How do YOU do it?

1:39 pm, October 3, 2013 Hi all, as my post title states, I'm in a bit of a bind. I've found myself (and I believe many people have also voiced their concerns and opinions on this) to be guessing on what ability I should use [..] View

Why I'm probably quitting the game after only a few weeks

11:56 am, October 3, 2013 Just a quick background on myself. I consider myself the casual gamer that ArenaNet said would especially love this game (MMO Manifesto). I have a PS3. Ive played popular games like Skyrim and Assassi [..] View

The Summer PR Storm, What Gives?

7:27 am, October 3, 2013 So I will say that I have never seen such a tightly controlled message as I have this week. An interview embargo that just released Wednesday/Tuesday in the first week of July, with the ArenaNet Comm [..] View

Suspended from GW2 Forum. Anyone else?

6:02 am, October 3, 2013 Hi all, Just tried to log into the GW2 forums. Found that I was suspended without any reason given and no time frame given. I did not troll, insult or did any bad behavior. The only thing I did was s [..] View

Anyone's password not working? ...And is this a sign of being hacked?

2:51 am, October 3, 2013 Hey guys, let me explain my problem I'm having: I have GW2 on my desktop, it worked fine. I installed the game on my laptop, since I knew I was travelling to another state for the weekend and wanted [..] View

Fractals makes me sad :(

11:55 pm, October 2, 2013 First off this isn't a rant of some sort, merely expressing my disappointment at the game's state as of late. I am a casual gamer and before this dungeon was introduced I had fun in most of the high [..] View

The WvW - its problems and how to fix them

8:36 pm, October 2, 2013 Lately I've been doing WvW mainly to explore the zone's maps and I've noticed a few things that would make this massive battle feel much more pleasant than it currently is. The system itself is intere [..] View

Is the concept of a living story a good or bad thing for Guild Wars 2?

2:29 pm, October 2, 2013 Just curious to see what others think, not just about Flame and Frost, but about the entire concept of Anet's living story as a whole. Personally, I can think of a few reasons why I'm not so sure if t [..] View

Should "Vanquishing" be reintroduced into the game?

12:38 pm, October 2, 2013 With the current state of the game, the moment you 100% a map, you rarely ever revisit it. People only do when they're partying up with a lower level friend, and even then most are reluctant to go bac [..] View

Why Attack Zhaitan?

11:57 am, October 2, 2013 A note before starting; this is intended as a conversation about the story (non-lore) behind why we are fighting Zhaitan and where the story may progress from here. It is not meant to be bashing Anet' [..] View

Anet did Dynamic Events in a really lame way

11:28 am, October 2, 2013 TL;DR, Dynamic events aren't dynamic because they don't depend on each other, and are basically public quest loops that respawn 5 minutes after completion. Also, this Forbes article sums up how I feel [..] View

Faction quests should have been done different.

10:25 am, October 2, 2013 I didn't follow everything about Guild Wars 2 as closely as some of you guys so I don't know if Anet said much about what faction quests would be like?   This is just my opinion as [..] View

What are your favorite zones/regions of the world?

10:06 am, October 2, 2013 When I first started playing, I was afraid that there wouldn't be much difference between zones since they were all set in the same 6 regions (Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, Shiverpeaks, Maguuma, & Steamspu [..] View

Guild Wars 2 and Progression

9:58 am, October 2, 2013 The recent fiasco on Ascended items has prompted me to pop out of lurking, so I typed up a lengthy blurb on the state of progression in Guild Wars 2. Hopefully this can spiral into some meaningful and [..] View

The grind

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 TO CONDENSE MY SENTIMENTS: Good players are not rewarded for overcoming challenges the majority of the games status symbols and cool items are gained from performing an easy task for an inordinate am [..] View

Guild Wars, NCSoft, ArenaNet and the future...

6:16 am, October 2, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

Exotic Armor grind is good for the game!

2:09 am, October 2, 2013 This is a western game! They introduce all their grind at at the endgame so it lets the casuals feel good while steadily leveling up over the course of a few months and gives the hardcore players some [..] View

Misconception: GW2 Loot

1:58 am, October 2, 2013 Perhaps I was mistaken but I could have sworn at some point A-Net stated that every zone would have loot appropriate to your level.  To be more specific, if a player is level 80 righ [..] View

Appealed Bans Lifted Soon

1:40 am, October 2, 2013 Status of appeal changed to waiting and a message that was attached: Quote Hello, In the coming hours, we will be restoring account access to those who were suspended for exploiting the bugged vendo [..] View

Undercutting on the trading post, what's the point?

12:50 am, October 2, 2013 can somebody please explain to me why do players keep undercutting each other on the trading post? in other mmo's sales are individual, but in gw2 they are grouped by value and sold in bulk to the m [..] View

Living World in Guild Wars 2

12:26 am, October 2, 2013 How do we craft an online world that feels like it is a truly living world? For years, MMO developers have been chasing the answer to this question; it’s one of the holy grails of MMO dev [..] View

DDE Upgrade, please read...

12:19 am, October 2, 2013 The following email was sent to me the reasons why are included in the email's contents.Basically i recieved a free DDE upgrade code, because my entire head start was wasted stuck in server transfer l [..] View

Been there done that achi and title - no reward, and Anet response

12:03 am, October 2, 2013 Hello everyone, I am uZu, and I am overly pissed @ Anet's costumer service. As a start, I must say that I enjoy GW2 a lot and I think it is an amazing game, however, it's costumer care/support (even i [..] View

Dungeons / Repairs are ridiculous

11:21 pm, October 1, 2013 Today I wanted to play with a reallife friend that started a few days ago and he needed to do a few dungeons in storymode. As I already have done them I know the tactics to have a pretty solid run wit [..] View

Why we need GvG and how to pull it off.

11:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Wall-o-text INC. Greetings to nerds and noobs alike! When looking at the conversations going around about Guild Wars 2 and it's longevity, many people state PvP is (or should be) the true endgame. I [..] View

Simply creating the next sotg for PvE/WvW - not so simple

9:57 pm, October 1, 2013 Why dont we just start State of the Game with WvW or PvE? If you are an active Guild Wars 2 sPvP player there is a big chance you have heard about Guru State of the Game and if you arent into sPvP [..] View

The future of NCSoft, ArenaNet, and Guild Wars 1 & 2.

9:31 pm, October 1, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

Wintersday impressions!

8:24 pm, October 1, 2013 Here are mine: Spoiler Christmas has come and gone. For the most part, so has Wintersday. The events will run through Jan. 3, but no new content is scheduled between now and then. So I think its t [..] View

An Open Appeal - Obsidian Sanctum Kite

6:45 pm, October 1, 2013 Hey all. I'd like to ask the members of gw2guru forums not to gank their other servers in EB JP unless attacked first, while the first week or so of this kite achievement is going on. You may (or may [..] View

The Gem Store Survey In Five Seconds - The Statistical Conclusion

6:42 pm, October 1, 2013 Abstract Would someone get Anette-chan out of here?! We don't need her tomfoolery now. Shoo you damn charr, go back to Ascalon! Gems are bad 'kay? That's what I always say. And thanks to Cube's [..] View

How is server populations these days, specifically, Darkhaven?

6:11 pm, October 1, 2013 Just checking in, i put the game on the shelf a bit since when MoP released my server went from awesome to so empty quick it seemed. I was running and doing quests, and all of the sudden events i want [..] View

Count down to halloween

5:19 pm, October 1, 2013 Does anyone have the coundown or help me with the time to that damn 1 time event in LA? I find the time zone really hard when you live outside the states (or sydney, australia in my case) I tried goog [..] View

LOL Stress Test in 15mins; Arenanet took down the message though

3:46 pm, October 1, 2013 Was just on facebook home screen and Arenanet posted (I am paraphrasing): Stress test in 15mins 9:10PDT to 10:10PDT. They took down the message when I went to their page...Edit: 10 mins for the stres [..] View

A discussion on opinions about the game

2:51 pm, October 1, 2013 I am a fan of the game.  Yes, there are some things which can be improved.  Any game has these.  However, I believe that, technically, the game ca [..] View

Arah story mode & me - SPOILERS

2:16 pm, October 1, 2013 Ok so this weekend I finally got my personal story completed. Those were 2 long hours (my party was not exactly pro, myself included) and I'd like to share my feelings about this part of the game. Thi [..] View

level 80 in a week...

1:36 pm, October 1, 2013 before people start saying, reaching level 80 is pointless an that everything in the game gives exp, and so forth. I would like to state discussion is more for leveling Alt purposes. Now, since the g [..] View

A players thoughts or GW2 State of the Game

12:06 pm, October 1, 2013 Good Afternoon Fellow Tyrians! I sat down this morning was looking over the forums again and started writing.  This post may be a little disjointed and hop around a lot but I think [..] View

The NoXCast on youtube

11:52 am, October 1, 2013 As the title states, we (NoX = Norse Oil eXpedition) are starting our very own cast shows on youtube with the main emphasis on Guild Wars 2 only. We recently started our videos and they will focus alo [..] View


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