Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




The ESL Go4GuildWars2 Cups Are Heating Up

6:18 pm, November 14, 2014 If I had to sum up November’s ESL Go4GuildWars2 Cups in a few words, I’d describe it as entirely unexpected. The November Cup isn’t even half over, and yet we’v [..] View

Balance Changes in the September 2014 Feature Pack

7:18 pm, August 18, 2014 Hello, all! Im Karl McLain, one of the game designers here at ArenaNet. Im here to tell you about the direction were going with balance changes in the September 2014 Feature Pack. For a more specifi [..] View

gw2spidy on smartphone = fail

3:16 pm, April 7, 2014 Hey there, I recently tried to access gw2spidy via smartphone (Google Nexus 4). The site loads fast and looks almost exactly like the desktop version...with one major exception: it is missing the co [..] View

Scarlets Spaulders and Grasp in the Gem Store!

8:16 pm, March 11, 2014 All of us here at the Black Lion Trading Company would like to express our pride in the folks currently storming Lions Arch to reclaim the city. As the company is currently serving as part of the [..] View

In the end I just wish Arena Net would finish Guild Wars 2

2:16 am, March 2, 2014 And so we come to the close; the end of Living World Season 1. And as I contemplate how Arena Net is likely to ruin the one thing that quite a number of us are hoping for from this event (an end to th [..] View

I miss the GW1 armors

2:16 am, November 22, 2013 I recently logged into for the first time in a really long time and looked through my post history there. The only part I was really active was posting pictures of my armors, and wow [..] View

New Builds

5:14 am, October 20, 2013 am i missing something? everytime anet brings out a new build are they posting the changes they have made, changelogs so we know the changes they have made. View

End of year GOTY Awards...agree or disagree....

7:06 pm, October 18, 2013 GW2 apparently is garnering a lot of attention in the media (mainstream as well as gaming specific), but not for what I would have expected from the amount of discussion I see on these and other forum [..] View

Halloween Axe

4:02 pm, October 14, 2013 Does anyone know if there is a Exotic axe or axe skin in this Halloween event? I have been looking all week.. There is some nice skins for every other weapons except the Axe.. Am I just missing it or [..] View

On-demand content?

3:22 am, October 14, 2013 1. GW2 is a solo game. While the game has group content or groping makes the content more enjoyable, in it's core, GW2 is a solo game. When you buy GW2, you are buying a game that you will solo with t [..] View

Fastest way to level

11:57 pm, October 12, 2013 Hey everyone, since I am going to be leveling alts soon what is the most efficient way/ fastest way to level? I am not sure how I am going to approach this. I do not care if I will be missing any cont [..] View

Buddy's hacked (more appropriately, stolen) account..

11:04 pm, October 11, 2013 So, my buddy, ignorantly, used the same e-mail/password combo on a few other sites that he had in-game.  He's not very computer-literate, which is why I'm asking on this. In contact [..] View

Future Content Updates Discussion - What do you want to see?

5:08 pm, October 11, 2013 Guild Wars 2 has been out for quite a few weeks now, and many people are loving it. One thing the GW2 team has done that has differed from Star Wars at it's launch last year was that Guild Wars is ver [..] View

Excess Karma on Alts

6:33 am, October 9, 2013 Hello all, In order to find a profession I wanted to level to 80 (still not 100% sure!) I have a few alts that all have about 5k karma each. Before I delete them I would like to use up their Karma an [..] View

Buggy game? YES!

12:28 am, October 9, 2013 Is this game really so untested as the official forums imply? I mean I have tested noobish mistakes on my own skin(Vapour Form registering your character as rallied when cast and as downed again when [..] View

Anyone else getting bored already? First impressions, LONG

8:18 pm, October 8, 2013 I understand I'm going to receive a lot of flac for posting this but I just feel it has to be said. I'm only lvl 12 and already the game is aging quite badly for me. I'm going to try promptly outline [..] View

"Casual" PvP in GW2 feels godawful to me.

3:09 pm, October 8, 2013 How dare I say such a thing. Kinda long rant here. But really, there are 2 forms of PvP for a non-hardcore player like me: random sPvP and WvW. Both of them, both of them feel like zergfests. And I' [..] View

A compilation of ideas

8:00 pm, October 7, 2013 (sorry for posting here but the ideas section always seem to be dead) These are my ideas that I believe could be adapted to the game, and I've tried to simplify them and made them manageable for anet [..] View

"Slayer" achievement, missing kills?

12:38 pm, October 7, 2013 I logged in today after almost a week of no playing, and started running around. I ****** a rabbit and noticed I earned the Indiscriminate slayer achievement again. I already earned that achievement s [..] View

Where's the Loot?

11:08 pm, October 6, 2013 So this may be a stupid question... Where is all the good loot at? I understand that this is a "different" MMO, but why can't there be ANY decent loot in instances or something difficult li [..] View

Ascended-tier Stat Projections (theorycrafting)

1:34 am, October 6, 2013 Some people may argue that it is largely pointless to speculate about a future tier of gear when it has barely been released, and I would agree. However, it gets exceedingly tiresome to read thread af [..] View

Trait Templates and Removal of Retraining Feature

4:32 pm, October 5, 2013 I think GW2 is missing a very important feature from GW1. That is a Trait Template similar to GW1's Skill Template. Also, I still don't see the purpose of retraining traits and the associated fees. I [..] View

Are all of the emotes in the game?

8:51 am, October 5, 2013 I have tried multiple emotes that were in the original game, but have done nothing, such as /attention and I can't remember the others right now. They give no error message, but no animation or text i [..] View

Dual wield - HUGE advantage

8:36 pm, October 4, 2013 Grab sigil of minor accuracy on offhand, anything on main hand. Get 25 stacks. Switch to other weapon, stacks stay there. That's like free 250 precision. Unless I'm missing something, those stacks do [..] View

Guild Wars 2 Research [Revisited]

3:22 pm, October 4, 2013 Hello everyone. Some of you may remember me from this thread: http://www.guildwars...r-gather-here/. Im backbut not with the best news. Unfortunately the survey program ate one of my questions, and [..] View

A Historical Guide to Tyria, GW1 locations in GW2 [Map]

3:14 pm, October 4, 2013 Hello my fellow explorers! I present to you my new Guild Wars 1 locations on the Guild Wars 2 map, or as I like to call it "A Historical Guide to Tyria". First of all, let me tell you whats [..] View

Dungeons and stories

2:24 pm, October 4, 2013 * Past few days I've been running a lot of dungeons and in one AC run, one team member asked me why do I use a staff (on my elementalist ofc). I told him with some notes of sarcasm "Yeah, cause u [..] View

Guilds across worlds

2:19 pm, October 4, 2013 I think its generally well accepted that the way guilds have been implemented in GW2 isn't perfect.  The lack of halls, initial membership cap of 50, etc. all seem to have been at le [..] View

Missing weapon?

1:04 pm, October 4, 2013 Hello. Firstly, I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but I don't have the time or patience to filter through to find it. It may also be something AN have confirmed to be an upcoming update, or [..] View

What are some of the 'must have' items before Halloween ends?

11:36 am, October 4, 2013 I've been collecting candy corn and been clearing the Mad King's Labyrinth's tower for the chest. What else am I missing that I will regret I missed? Note that I'm only lvl 30. View

Downscaling fixed? Mobs AI improved? Whut

4:02 am, October 4, 2013 So, I went to play today after a somewhat big patch, and I noticed mobs are circle strafing me, dodge rolling and interrupting casts. I also noticed I am getting level 75-80 drops on all the zones, w [..] View

Promote New Guild Leader

1:59 am, October 4, 2013 Background story: A few friends from across the country decided to start up their own guild at the beginning of early release weekend. We all agreed to let the one player with the most GW1 experience [..] View

What's a Trading Post without.... trading?

9:08 pm, October 3, 2013 So recently I've been talking to some friends how they regret going for a specific Legendary but unless they knew 1000 of people there was no way they could maybe trade it for another, but rather pay [..] View

Filling in Tyria - Expansions or Content Updates?

7:22 pm, October 3, 2013 So we all know that some of Tyria's most famous regions are not accessible in the game, most notably the Crystal Desert and Fire Islands. In a way, I understand why they chose these two to leave out b [..] View

Queens Jubilee Release Notes

7:10 pm, October 3, 2013 Divinitys Reach is hosting a magnificent celebration! Her Majesty Queen Jennah of Kryta is commemorating the tenth year of her rule and using the occasion to celebrate the triumph of humanity over the [..] View

How much content would you be missing out on if you didn't play a race?

8:26 am, October 3, 2013 I'm thinking that I might not bother playing a norn, charr, and possibly asura due to not liking them for aesthetic reasons. How much content do you think I would be missing out on via their personal [..] View

Game is starting to feel boring, level 30 is too long to do a dungeon

8:16 pm, October 2, 2013 Ok, first off I think the game is great however I'm sorry but I have to bring Wow up to make a point about what makes a game fun for a lot of people. So I have been playing since day one and my chara [..] View

question about armor/runes

4:18 pm, October 2, 2013 I have a question about applying runes to armor pieces. I tested it with something, cause I had no idea what to do. If I get 2 runes of the same thing, like, 2 major runes of the pirate, and apply 1 o [..] View

Armors in Guild Wars 2

2:38 pm, October 2, 2013 Thanks to everyone that gathered this info and posted it on the Internet. I simply was bookmarking what I find a long the way and I thought I compile them in one post here on GW2GURU. Armors that do [..] View

Constructive Game Process Improvement (Opinion)

12:15 pm, October 2, 2013 Hello all! First and foremost, I would like to give a very deserving shout out to the entire Guild Wars 2 development team which has (in my opinion at least) had one of if not THE best launch in the [..] View

Problems with FotM

11:25 am, October 2, 2013 I started running FotM last week and am having some issues.  I seem to be really, really bad at them and could use some tips.  I'm running them in PUGs. Worst one [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

Living World in Guild Wars 2

12:26 am, October 2, 2013 How do we craft an online world that feels like it is a truly living world? For years, MMO developers have been chasing the answer to this question; it’s one of the holy grails of MMO dev [..] View

Been there done that achi and title - no reward, and Anet response

12:03 am, October 2, 2013 Hello everyone, I am uZu, and I am overly pissed @ Anet's costumer service. As a start, I must say that I enjoy GW2 a lot and I think it is an amazing game, however, it's costumer care/support (even i [..] View

Why we need GvG and how to pull it off.

11:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Wall-o-text INC. Greetings to nerds and noobs alike! When looking at the conversations going around about Guild Wars 2 and it's longevity, many people state PvP is (or should be) the true endgame. I [..] View

ANet must have fun writting posters!

9:51 pm, October 1, 2013 So, about an hour ago, I was boring. I was walking around Lion's Arch, and I found a poster related to karkas, so I started to translate it. Here is the translation to english: DANGER Enter at your o [..] View

Things that bother me about this game

9:50 pm, October 1, 2013 Here is my disappointment not in any particular order of most to least importance. I have other disappointment but they are not game breaking and more of a minor annoyance so I won't list them. 1. C [..] View

Trying to understand a few things

9:46 pm, October 1, 2013 First, I am sorry for creating a new thread for this, but there are so many floating around that cause me to have these questions I simply couldn't make a response on page "x" of all of them [..] View

Any old MMO tanks kinda missing that feeling.

9:21 pm, October 1, 2013 That epic feeling you get when you're holding massive horde of foes at bay with your trusty shield, that feeling of epicness as you go toe to toe with a towering boss, slapping away his strikes and op [..] View

Forsaken Halls (new Mini Dungeon) [Spoiler Alert]

7:15 pm, October 1, 2013 So, I found this new mini dungeon but it seems the dungeon is bugged or I am doing something wrong, when I enter, the first dark hall, it says to help an NPC and find a treasure, and there is a Vetera [..] View

Superior Sigil of Strength bugged ?

5:14 pm, October 1, 2013 I've been using dual-pistol as an Engineer and I'm 100% certain my Superior Sigil of Strength, on the main hand pistol, isn't triggering anywhere as often as it should. With a baseline 45% critical s [..] View

That feeling. GW2 topic

4:57 pm, October 1, 2013 also do anyone else have that feeling of something is missing. Have had that feeling since the launch of the game anyone else got this feeling? don't get me wrong i love the game and the world of Tyri [..] View

New dungeon glitched?

4:55 pm, October 1, 2013 So i went inside the dungeon wich has fleshgazer, this is the last phase of the mini dungeon wich Gerrvid the charr starts... i lost the chance to do it yesterday because i DC'ED in the middle of it. [..] View

Lost & Found / Secret Contracts Broken!

3:50 pm, October 1, 2013 Pretty hard to complete the Molten Alliance achievement when every server I tried last night were missing these. Anyone see an ArenaNet response to this? Servers I tried:  Sanctum [..] View

Where are the remaining map points?

3:46 pm, October 1, 2013 So I've completed all zones (bar 1 bugged skill point), and all WvW zones for map completion, and there's still some missing. I've checked dungeons, those don't count towards it. I've checked structur [..] View

Hidden areas - true 100% completion

2:32 pm, October 1, 2013 I have not been able to play a whole lot recently and I keep hearing about all these secret areas and thing that I am missing in the map. Can someone please give me a rundown of just one area about th [..] View

Inflation: Out of Hand or Alright for Now?

12:18 pm, October 1, 2013 Well, I noticed something rather odd on the TP today. Earlier this morning unidentified dyes were 10s each, and last time I checked(a few minutes ago) they were 19s each, which is... uh, a bit crazy. [..] View

Sell it to me, again...

11:23 am, October 1, 2013 So, I got the game when it released and did a lot of coverage for the game on YouTube and noticed it pretty much exploded  However, for me personally the game really didn't seem to d [..] View

Karma is useless?

11:11 am, October 1, 2013 I mean what am I going to spend this on, why does almost every event generate it but at 80 all i can spend it on is 1 set of armor, and maybe some cultural weapons (that are stupidly expensive for jus [..] View

Raiding and Housing Coming to GW2? (Interview Translated from French)

11:07 am, October 1, 2013 I am posting this here because the source article has been removed (the Internet never forgets though), so it's more Rumor Mill than news, I suppose. Source: T [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

Soemone from CN logged into my account :/

9:32 am, October 1, 2013 When I logged into my email account today I got a message saying that there was a password change on my GW2 account, I immediately logged into the GW2 website and there was no actual change but it sho [..] View

New classes problem with expansions

8:37 am, October 1, 2013 I've been thinking about this issue for a while and I want to know what you guys think. Well, in GW1, new classes came with expansions, it made sense because they were classes native to their contine [..] View

I am astonished GW2 is still alive, what keeps you guys playing?

8:33 am, October 1, 2013 I quit the game around level 50 several months ago because I just couldn't take it any more. This is a guy who played several F2P mmo's, including a korean mmo, and getting pretty far in it. What keep [..] View

Gw2 Chat

7:37 am, October 1, 2013 Just me missing gw1s local chat? And shortcouts? Are there any of em and I don`t know? Clicking everytime on guild/map/and so its just annoying. View

More Teleporting Bots, anyone?

7:14 am, October 1, 2013 Hey Anet people, if you read this forum, it's not too late, they're probably still there.  How about going to catch them?   Edit:  They're still [..] View

Make Guild Wars 2 more like World of Warcraft

6:09 am, October 1, 2013 Whoa there White Knight! Take a moment to read this paragraph before jumping to a conclusion on what this thread is really about! Guild Wars 2 is already like WoW in many ways, and unfortunatley in so [..] View

GW2 doesn't feel like a true sequel to Guild Wars

5:56 am, October 1, 2013 I played guild wars since just before Factions, its the best online game ive ever played, been waiting for so long for GW2. Its not a bad game, its far better value for money than most games,&nbsp [..] View

We are missing some features on the Hero page.

5:17 am, October 1, 2013 So we missing alot of info in the hero page, i mean were is the: conditional damge amount? I mean that is very important for me, and were is the magicfind %? You guys could make one tab that we can cl [..] View


3:59 am, October 1, 2013 So I remember a while ago I found this little quaggan over in Bloodtide coast that sold two items that cost like 2 silver each, but gave some awesome free buffs.  Boon of Regeneratio [..] View

Accended, was missing at launch

3:37 am, October 1, 2013 So my opinion on the Gear treadmill debate  and what this means. I personally feel that this tier was missing from launch, its the tier that will keep the majority of players busy a [..] View

Missing ONE POI for World Completion

2:04 am, October 1, 2013 I finally got my last POI in WvWvW to get 100 map completion and I though I was done, I'm missing one POI now I know for a fact that I have 100 in all the maps but I notice that they added 2 POI to LA [..] View

Came back after 9+ months off, what to do?

1:06 am, October 1, 2013 I have a Guardian that was level 80 within a pretty short time after launch. When I last logged out, I had all exotic gear across the board.. the last event I remember doing was the new island area th [..] View

Ascended Amulets : No knight stats ( tough/pow/prec)?

1:03 am, October 1, 2013 Did anyone else started to notice that Anet hasn't added any ascended gear to the game with toughness/power/precision stats? For some this might not be a problem, but I would like to see knight stats [..] View

Henge of Denravi Orichalcum

12:42 am, October 1, 2013 First time doing this, hope to keep it up. Here are the Orichalcum locations. Only missing one in Frostgorge View

What happened to the separate world pvp that was promised?

12:23 am, October 1, 2013 I remember before the game launched there were interviews and blogs that people will be able to choose between PvE or PvP which would be completely separate and people could do that from lvl 1 and lev [..] View

Thirst Slayer Achievement - Near Impossible

12:12 am, October 1, 2013 Okay, so thirst slayer supposedly requires something rediculous like 100,000 drinks to complete. I have spent quite some time getting my drinks up (using the booze from blazeridge merchant that counts [..] View

Should Karma Gear be able to be Salvaged?

12:08 am, October 1, 2013 Simple question, as stated in the topic:  Should gear bought with karma be salvagable?  Why or why not?  How would this affect the trading market, [..] View

Casual, End Game, Grind, Tilapia, and You: A story of Friends

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 SEE BOTTOM FOR TLDR. "This game is for casuals, It's too grindy, this Tilapia is too wet". These are the things I see on this forum, and hell, even on the official forums. If you ask anyo [..] View

Mad kings clock tower window ?

11:49 pm, September 30, 2013 I have been to the clock tower window so many times now and I just can't get through it.... Am I missing something? Is there some special trick to get through the window? I've looked at videos of peo [..] View

Food Fight Exploit? (halloween event)

11:06 pm, September 30, 2013 When I click on the food fight table, it does its thing, then has a cooldown before i can click it again.. and YET i see some people standing there spamming it non stop.. are these players abusing an [..] View

Anyone using a Logitech G13 or something similar?

10:48 pm, September 30, 2013 Hi, is anyone here using a Logitech G13 or something similar, like e.g. the Razer Nostromo? I own a G13, but I haben't been using it for GW2 until now. The reason, I bought it was, because I played m [..] View

Ascalon Catacombs annoying bug.

9:02 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey. So I've just reached my first character to level 30. Took about 26 hours (how fast / slow is that?). Was eager to try Ascalon Catacombs, bought myself some nice armor and nice weapons (well &quo [..] View

Modus Sceleris Events [Spoiler Alert]

8:40 pm, September 30, 2013 Alright, so these new events (so far I am only able to find 1 Defeat Orma of Modus Sceleris ) but the rest I cannot find. By luck I found one (Freeth - Charr Engineer) in Fireheart Rise close to the G [..] View

Would you ever have reason not to rez someone after fight?

5:41 pm, September 30, 2013 My guard went down under umpteen stacks of poison in an event just now. Only one other PC running around. I supported that player and pulled agro so they could do their thing. Did they bother to raise [..] View

Why do we have to craft everything?

5:38 pm, September 30, 2013 I hate crafting. I hate gathering materials. but at the moment that seems to be the only method of getting items of any cool factor. am i missing something? doing dungeons rarely gives you anything. k [..] View

Whats with parties asking for warriors/guardians for dungeons

4:09 pm, September 30, 2013 While searching for catacombs members it seems that warriors/guardians are favored.I didn't list all the instances i observed but there were around 4 different parties over 30mins. Am I missing someth [..] View

Did you buy gems and still haven't received minis? Wait no longer, cause you aren't getting them...

3:21 pm, September 30, 2013 *edit*  forgot to put in the title... "still haven't receive the free minis".. can't seem to edit title Did you buy gems with real money? Are you patiently waiting for you [..] View

Medium Armor Choices - Asthetically Speaking

2:01 pm, September 30, 2013 Is anyone else struggling with the lack of diversity in the medium armor lineup?  I feel like every armor set has the same sillouette (i.e. trenchcoat) and none of them really fit my [..] View

GW2 makes me hate being colorblind!

1:23 pm, September 30, 2013 EDIT:  I WISH I COULD FIX THE ERROR IN THE TITLE.  DO'H! I absolutely love the fact that you can customize the colors, it's about damn time.  But [..] View

Release Notes for Tequatl Rising

1:00 pm, September 30, 2013 The scourge of Splintered Coast has risen, more deadly and powerful than ever before. Band together with other heroes, old friends, and new allies to fight the rising evil. Bewareagainst a foe of this [..] View

Bloodtide Coast, Underwater Puzzle

11:34 am, September 30, 2013 Can anyone help me figure out this underwater puzzle? I have been at it for about two hours and I'm not having any luck! I must be missing something... The location can be found here: http://hunters [..] View

confirmed - ori respawn timers is not a bug

10:34 am, September 30, 2013 sad but true. I like it how such huge updates and changes are added as "missing notes" especially when the discussion on the issue was so big. Anyway, here's the devtracker note: https://fo [..] View

Eurogamer Expo 2013 - Guild Wars 2

8:47 am, September 30, 2013 Quote The Living World conceptAn ever changing worldUnique experience with each loginPlayer banding together and building towards a persistent world.New content every 2 weeks with unique rewards and a [..] View

After playing w/ editor I have questions...

8:16 am, September 30, 2013 So I was playing with this editor and man I feel like I'm missing something... So what are runes?  How much will the 70 trait points ACTUALLY matter? [..] View

Missing 1 POI and 1 Shiverpeak area

7:43 am, September 30, 2013 At the moment I pretty much have 100% world completion (except the 1 broken skillpoint in Malchor's Leap), missing 1 area in the Shiverpeaks and somehow missing 1 Point of Interest even though I 100%' [..] View

Furnace Reward fitting colors?

7:33 am, September 30, 2013 What colors do you guys think would fit Furnace Reward armor set on Charr? I kind of like what I have going right now but I feel it's missing something. Any suggestions? View

Anyone else slightly disappointed with the story in GW2?

7:32 am, September 30, 2013 Before I start, I would like to say that I have played GW2 since release, and I really like the game itself. My problem is that, to me, the story seems so weak and bland. It doesn't engage me, or mak [..] View

Cross-world Guilds

6:50 am, September 30, 2013 First time poster, sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere, but my friends and I have been very excited for Guild Wars 2 for a long time and are enjoying it immensely, but I have some serio [..] View

Orr karma heavy armour: No power/toughness/vitality helm?

6:45 am, September 30, 2013 On the karma vendors in Orr, I can't seem to find a heavy helm with the power, toughness, vitality stats. Am I missing it or did Anet forget to implement a helm with those stats? There are other slots [..] View


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