Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




The ESL Go4GuildWars2 Cups Are Heating Up

6:18 pm, November 14, 2014 If I had to sum up November’s ESL Go4GuildWars2 Cups in a few words, I’d describe it as entirely unexpected. The November Cup isn’t even half over, and yet we’v [..] View

The game's content is poorly distributed, while its progression is simply lacking

7:18 am, September 18, 2014 With the New Player Experience (the NPE), A.Net set out to redistribute the game's progression, in hopes of making the game more appealing. My core issue with this idea is that they focused on a syste [..] View

The game's content is poorly distributed, while its progression is simply lacking.

7:18 pm, September 17, 2014 With the New Player Experience (the NPE), A.Net set out to redistribute the game's progression, in hopes of making the game more appealing. My core issue with this idea is that they focused on a syste [..] View

Thoughts on the September Feature Pack?

7:18 am, August 29, 2014 I don't feel like they're at all addressing any of the actual needs of the game. New backpacks, a cleaner crafting UI, and new commander colors are all very nice things. But where is precursor craftin [..] View

The new daily system.

7:18 pm, May 10, 2014 It kind of sucks, doesn't it? I am very much a fan of the unification of the daily system: I love the idea of being able to finish the daily by not being forced into a single mode. But at the same ti [..] View

GW2 has a content, not a feature problem.

9:16 am, April 17, 2014 I like the Feature patch. The PvP changes are atrocious, but since A.Net seems hell-bent on making GW2 into a PvE game, even that **** makes sense. It's not good, but it makes sense. Looking past that [..] View

Do you think GW2 players are stupid customers?

8:16 pm, February 21, 2014 In many threads here I keep coming across a baseline conspiracy theory which is that Anet is bleeding people dry of their money and they are doing it successfully because ... Well that's where the log [..] View

Exotic Items MUST be modified to include Infusion Slots or..

2:16 am, December 22, 2013 The whole concept of Ascended Gear is working counter-productive to the concept of using various stats combinations to counter different situations to the advantage of playerbase. With the advent of a [..] View

Job-o-Trons Journey: TheEvolution of a Gag

2:16 am, December 19, 2013 Writing for Guild Wars 2 is a hugely collaborative effort, and at times that collaboration transcends the sum of its parts. Sometimes a character takes on a life of its own and we, t [..] View

Release Notes for A Very Merry Wintersday

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Although the nights are long and dark, folks all over Tyria are in good cheer Wintersday has begun! Snowball fights, festive activities, and (best of all!) toys all help to keep joy alive through the [..] View

Fractals: The source of the problem

8:16 pm, November 19, 2013 Well after looking over these new previews for the next update I found myself immensely underwhelmed, and even bordering on offended. This is primarily because I dont play Fractals, and dislike gettin [..] View

Gw2 forums too strict?

2:16 am, November 9, 2013 So i was looking through the forums on gw2 today and came to a thread asking why karma was nerfed so hard. Feeling the same way, i checked out the thread. Here is it copy/pasted. "ANET, For newb [..] View

Release Notes for TowerofNightmares

8:16 pm, October 29, 2013 Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade have found a way to pierce the veil protecting the krait in Kessex Hills! When the illusion falls, brave heroes need to be nearby to deal with the kraitand whatever i [..] View

Disconnections increasing

11:11 am, October 10, 2013 So I keep being disconnected quite often lately. Yesterday my whole group got disconnected and all our progress from the last 5 minutes (including items, karma, etc) were lost/rolledback. This is beco [..] View

Additional Gear Tiers: Economic Inevitability

12:38 pm, October 9, 2013 Looking at market prices from launch until now of staple items we see a clear trend of decreasing price,  namely exotic armors and weapons.  This is partly because [..] View

Anyone else getting bored already? First impressions, LONG

8:18 pm, October 8, 2013 I understand I'm going to receive a lot of flac for posting this but I just feel it has to be said. I'm only lvl 12 and already the game is aging quite badly for me. I'm going to try promptly outline [..] View

Anyone else having dreams about GW2? Record them here.

6:52 pm, October 8, 2013 I just woke up from a long and epic GW2 dream which involved fleets of sylvari on planty bicycles with giant seedshell wheels, and an enemy moonbase where slaves were forced to mine bricks out. (Becau [..] View

Is the personal story too optional?

10:10 pm, October 6, 2013 The personal story ended up being one of those GW2 features that managed to massively reduce my enjoyment of the game. And it's not the story's writing, rewards or something similar - it's the way it' [..] View

[Long] reasons for uninstalling the game

10:53 am, October 6, 2013 So I've been playing for a few days now. I just uninstalled the game after playing four classes, leveling up to 20 on several of them, and trying out both WvW and structured PvP. The PvE game is mos [..] View

Various assorted questions

9:16 pm, October 5, 2013 1. I enjoy tanks(or controllers-but more specifically big tough mc gruff that can't be hurt). Seeing how GW 2 is more dodge focused, how would I make tough character(I Like feeling safe)? 2. I also e [..] View

Legendary Weapon - I can't decide if I really want one. Do you?

2:24 pm, October 5, 2013 FYI.  This is not a post about the cost of precursors.  It is a general discussion about the reality of obtaining a Legendary weapon. I have been debating if I rea [..] View

Map Completion Issues

12:27 pm, October 5, 2013 So I've just realised (maybe the horse has well bolted but still) that for 100% map completion, you need to do the WvW zones too... at least I think that's right? This seems like such a stupid idea, [..] View

I'm forced to use weird quest toolkits too often

7:37 am, October 5, 2013 You know the kind. Some quest requires you to use a certain gun or enter a golem suit or something, and it gives you a new bar of skills. And it almost always sucks. This is just not good gameplay. I [..] View

"Play for fun" unviable, I'm starting an in-game protest.

3:20 pm, October 4, 2013 Premise I'm one of those who plays the game to have fun; I do not care for treadmills, grinding, farming, and all those brain-dead activities. I like to entertain myself through different, funny activ [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

Things you miss about Guild Wars...

8:25 pm, October 3, 2013 Again, I never know where to put my threads... so please move this if it's in the wrong spot! Anyways, this isn't meant to be a negative thread, so please don't treat it as so. More so one to reminis [..] View

There are serious problems with the servers

7:49 pm, October 3, 2013 At the moment there are  issues with the guild and server system in game. Several large guilds on dedicated servers will end up splitting up, many players from other servers will nev [..] View

Account hacked, been a week. Any suggestions?

4:29 pm, October 3, 2013 Last saturday, my account got hacked and they changed my account email. I emailed support with the requested information, and 4 days later they sent an email asking for the same exact info - display [..] View

Ridiculous high level shoulderpads (medium)

8:35 am, October 3, 2013 I'm on the lookout for a piece of medium shoulderpads, relatively large I guess because that fits my character more. However, it seems that most shoulderpads classified as large seem to have some quir [..] View

Non-religious holiday discussion

8:25 am, October 3, 2013 Holidays - why does the game have some and not others? The fact is that holidays in the real world have national, religious, or cultural implications that aren't universal. Obviously, even the WORD & [..] View

Main Quest/Story doesn't quite work out *spoilers*

7:00 am, October 3, 2013 While I'm stuck in the unfinishable lvl76 Main Quest mission I have been giving some tought to the story and the plot this far. I have been playing Human/Whispers storyline and it doesn't just feel ri [..] View

Well played Anet.

8:13 pm, October 2, 2013 After doing many, many ascalonian catacomb Pugs, I just got my full AC set. Happy as can be, I've started to put on some dyes, ready to post an awesome picture on Guru, when I suddenly get logged out [..] View

Game world and the hidden "dungeons" in it.

1:49 pm, October 2, 2013 A rather simple question I hope someone can give some feedback on. I'm trying to find some good tucked away "dungeons" that are built into the world (admittedly for RP, but that's irrelevant [..] View

Why Attack Zhaitan?

11:57 am, October 2, 2013 A note before starting; this is intended as a conversation about the story (non-lore) behind why we are fighting Zhaitan and where the story may progress from here. It is not meant to be bashing Anet' [..] View

utility/elite tiered skills

10:20 am, October 2, 2013 Can  someone  tell  me  why  Anet  changed  from  a& [..] View

Dungeons and fotw - disconnects and bugs getting worse?

9:41 am, October 2, 2013 I've been running dungeons and fotm for a while now and I noticed that there seems to be no decrease in bugginess and people disconnecting for no apparent reason. I was running AC yesterday and both [..] View

Guild Wars, NCSoft, ArenaNet and the future...

6:16 am, October 2, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

The future of NCSoft, ArenaNet, and Guild Wars 1 & 2.

9:31 pm, October 1, 2013 This is more intended for ArenaNet employees to read. I know they read these forums and I'm hoping they will see this, think about it, and maybe even respond to it. It is also open for discussion from [..] View

No Mercy Community Cup is here!

6:40 pm, October 1, 2013 Who doesn't like explosions? Subject Register today, the No Mercy Community Cup is here! This is your official invitation to the first ever No Mercy Community Cup present [..] View

anyone else stuck in charr tutorial?

3:45 pm, October 1, 2013 The gate won't open. There's a never ending wave of foes. I've gotten two weapons and unlocked all five skills. I may be forced to use banker golem because my inventory is full. Just unlocked all fiv [..] View

Finally forced to Validate Email and sudden attempts from China...

12:41 pm, October 1, 2013 So I've always been able to press the Play button on my account without validating my email address. This allowed me to keep the same username I have been using on Guild Wars 1 for some time. Now I ha [..] View

Forcing players to PvP for World Completion

9:31 am, October 1, 2013 Currently, to get world completion you need to also explore all 4 of the WvWvW maps.  I hate to start a negative thread but I don't think it is fair to force someone to PvP just to g [..] View

Obsidian Shards - Better way of obtaining them through npcs?

8:46 am, October 1, 2013 I wanted to write this topic, because it really have concerned me for the past months. Orr has been known to have several bugs and stops progression of the meta event to Cathedral of Glorious Victory. [..] View

I am astonished GW2 is still alive, what keeps you guys playing?

8:33 am, October 1, 2013 I quit the game around level 50 several months ago because I just couldn't take it any more. This is a guy who played several F2P mmo's, including a korean mmo, and getting pretty far in it. What keep [..] View

My Thoughts On Guild Wars 2

8:30 am, October 1, 2013 Warning: Massive Wall of Text Ahead. A 3001 word wall to be exact! I will start out by saying that I have played a wide variety of games over the years, however guild wars was the very first online m [..] View

Which jumping puzzles are the easiest do you think?

8:30 am, October 1, 2013 Need to do the monthly but I pretty much hate jumping puzzles in this game. Being forced to to them though, I was wondering which are the easiest/fastest ones to complete? View

And Once You go Ascended way.....

2:48 am, October 1, 2013 One question popped out in my head over and over again, Ascended gear is here (small dose) whether we like it or not and that`s not gonna change. But what happens now since Ascended will not be that & [..] View

SMAA Injector

1:18 am, October 1, 2013 So I searched. Couldn't find anything. I looked up official responses from ANet and a GM said it was bannable, but Gaile, herself, says that the GM isn't exactly correct. She can't give it a direct O [..] View

Forget about Ascended gear, Has Anet been honest about anything?

11:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Repost of a repost - OP was lost in the shuffle. I apologize. This thread has been deleted from the official forums without any reason. Banns have been issued to the people posting. Please spread th [..] View

Why mess with the authentication procedure so close to launch?

9:31 pm, September 30, 2013 I wasn't able to login to the game after being forced to change my email for login, and looking at the official forum, many many more had the same problem.  If they feel they needed [..] View

Don't flame negative predictions/discussion of GW2 so quickly

9:02 pm, September 30, 2013 The title is such b/c I thought it less argumentative than "my victory lap over the GW2 community". I was basically right about all my predictions for GW2 widely derided as "trolling&qu [..] View

man I cannot wait fore gw2!

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 edit: "for" lol. drinking wine, cheers! I've grown so weary of all other games I've been playing. Diablo 3 just really sucks, you can't make one post on the forums without fanboys reporting [..] View

Crucible of Eternity Exp - Too Difficult?

4:39 pm, September 30, 2013 I've thought about writing this a lot before I decided to actually do it, because I wanted to get some feedback from other players to make sure it wasn't just me. I held off a day when I saw the patch [..] View

I'm complaining about something that you may or may not care about

2:18 pm, September 30, 2013 Arena Net hinted at maybe doing something and I still haven't seen it, even though the game hasn't been released. I'm here to complain about it because there's few things I have to complain about. As [..] View

Medium Armor Choices - Asthetically Speaking

2:01 pm, September 30, 2013 Is anyone else struggling with the lack of diversity in the medium armor lineup?  I feel like every armor set has the same sillouette (i.e. trenchcoat) and none of them really fit my [..] View

Casual player taking a break

11:34 am, September 30, 2013 I'm a casual player that loved GW1 and started out loving GW2. I've run into enough things that have slowly turned playing this game from enjoyable to frustrating and uninteresting, to the point that [..] View

Criticism of personal storyline

11:21 am, September 30, 2013 Most people have talked about how bad the ending was or about trahearne the archaeologist-to-commander transformation. What I haven't really seen yet was how bad the writing is in general. Half the li [..] View

For get about Ascended gear, Has Anet been honest about anything?

10:36 am, September 30, 2013 Repost of a repost - OP was lost in the shuffle. I apologize. This thread has been deleted from the official forums without any reason. Banns have been issued to the people posting. Please spread th [..] View

New Build = ?

6:51 am, September 30, 2013 What the hell is up with the complete and utter lack of patch/build notes?  They release a new build that fixes the join party member bugs and they don't say anything, we are forced [..] View

Soulbound armor/weapons and mules - Please Read

5:48 am, September 30, 2013 I'll go straight to the point here: ANet has almost completely destroyed the "Mule" character in GW2. Having multiple dungeon armors and weapons fills up my bank pretty quickly and continuin [..] View

Guild Wars 2 frequently asked questions

2:45 am, September 30, 2013 General Questions Will there be a subscription fee? No. There is no monthly subscription fee. Once your purchase the box or a game key, you are free to play as much as you want. Will there be micro [..] View


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