Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Finding the perfect match

6:18 pm, November 20, 2014 Hello, world! My name is Justin O’Dell, and I’m one of the server programmers on the Structured Player vs. Player (sPvP) team. I’m here to talk to you about the upcomin [..] View

Tournament of Glory Qualifiers Update

7:18 pm, September 19, 2014 After battling through a harrowing bracket last weekend, the first four of eight North American teams have qualified for the Tournament of Glory Finals! If qualifying teams meet eligibility requiremen [..] View

GW2 Main Forum is so unfun

7:18 pm, May 15, 2014 An Error Prevented Saving:Flood Control: Please wait 600 seconds between posts! What exactly is the point of 600 seconds? Isn't 60 seconds enough? Or are they expecting people to type out wall of pos [..] View

PvP Reward Tracks and GearUnification

8:16 pm, March 28, 2014 Hello again Tyria! There are a lot of great new changes happening in the Mists with rewards, gear, build-making, and more! Its incredibly exciting to finally be able to share with you all of the updat [..] View

Runes, Sigils, and BalanceUpdates

8:16 pm, March 21, 2014 Yesterday we introduced you to some of the upcoming changes to the traits system. Those changes, while exciting, are just one part of the balance updates bundled into the April 2014 Feature Pack! Toda [..] View

2 things to discuss

8:16 pm, March 20, 2014 First up, I mapped my PS4's Dualshock 4 controller to GW2 and thought I'd let you guys know how it's been going, and thats FANTASTIC! For the past 2-3 months when I play I play with the DS4 and recent [..] View

Control/Support/DPS roll and class.

2:16 pm, March 15, 2014 Rolls Control:   Normally : Main :Weakening foes and mobility   Secondary : Self sufficient and immobilization   Guild Wars 2 : Selfish grand e [..] View

Damage Downtime as a Component in DPS Calculation?

2:16 am, February 24, 2014 What is Damage Downtime?: DDT is the time spent not attacking that is unrelated to an attack's central action window. What increases DDT?: Dodges, Movement, Knockdowns, Interrupts, Fear, etc. Why ca [..] View

Outsourced Development?

8:16 pm, February 3, 2014 So a comment I read struck me as interesting earlier today.  The concept that ArenaNet outsources parts of its development.  Now, these concepts are nothing new in [..] View

Random Derpy Observations Upon Returning

2:16 am, January 8, 2014 Because I am an insane person and a huge derp, I have decided to end my sabbatical and resume playing GW2 at least for a time.   I hope my derpness amuses someone slightly in a parra [..] View

Recap: The Living World of GuildWars2

2:16 pm, January 7, 2014 As we announced back in December, were down to just four releases to go in the current storyline of living world. The first of those four releases is nearly upon us, and we wanted to help take a momen [..] View

Release Notes for A Very Merry Wintersday

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Although the nights are long and dark, folks all over Tyria are in good cheer Wintersday has begun! Snowball fights, festive activities, and (best of all!) toys all help to keep joy alive through the [..] View

Release Notes for Fractured

2:16 am, November 27, 2013 Ellen Kiel has done it! After being supported by players in her bid for a seat on the Captains Council of Lions Arch, Kiel has made good on her campaign promises specifically, the promise to head up [..] View

Guild Wars 2 is Awesome

12:09 pm, November 1, 2013 I have never been so engaged by a game as I have been by GW2.  Even on my low end rig, this game is beautiful and runs well.  Dynamic events are fun. & [..] View

You can't jump and use spells?

3:35 pm, October 18, 2013 Is it just me getting bothered by the fact that you can't jump and use spells? It's so troublesome that it's actually making it harder for me to PvP. Why it's not possible is beyond me, is this an in [..] View

Release Notes for Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Edrick was a monster, he brought his family shame So the locked him in a box, mouth stuffed with candy corn But now the son has risen to take his fathers name Beware the Bloody Prince, the son of [..] View

Does this game favor ranged professions?

4:04 am, October 11, 2013 Since this relates to both PvE and PvP I couldnt really post it twice in those forums so sticking it here.  While I love my Warrior and it it my main it feels like this game just fav [..] View

SweetFX Debate

1:57 am, October 8, 2013 So I have been crusing the forums and I noticed the staff didn't comment on the use of smaa or they did rather. but it was a non answer. So let me tell you what sweetfx does and if it can potenically [..] View

Why you shouldn't use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

6:28 am, October 6, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View

Upcoming Skill and Trait Changes

11:12 pm, October 5, 2013 Hey folks, it’s Chap again! There are a lot of changes coming in this release, and I wanted to explain the thought processes behind some of them. Today I’ll be joined by Karl and R [..] View

Various assorted questions

9:16 pm, October 5, 2013 1. I enjoy tanks(or controllers-but more specifically big tough mc gruff that can't be hurt). Seeing how GW 2 is more dodge focused, how would I make tough character(I Like feeling safe)? 2. I also e [..] View

Why you should use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

2:16 pm, October 5, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View


8:41 pm, October 4, 2013 I got scammed like a week ago and i reported the guy on the support page and this is the reaction i got back.... Quote Response GM Xionaque via Email 10/07/2012 06:23 PM Hello, I know transactions th [..] View

Keybinding- help me become comfortable with GW2

3:59 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey, I can't get comfortable with my mouse and my razer nostromo when playing guild wars.. i dont like movement with my mouse only and when i try movement with my nostromo it takes away from my abilit [..] View

Don't you think the game difficulty is way too easy?

3:52 pm, October 4, 2013 There are already a lot of threads discuss about the social issue in gw2. Personally I think it the difficulty. You can solo your story, explore, farm, and level to 80. Some new comer already felt bo [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

Guilds across worlds

2:19 pm, October 4, 2013 I think its generally well accepted that the way guilds have been implemented in GW2 isn't perfect.  The lack of halls, initial membership cap of 50, etc. all seem to have been at le [..] View

Why are we playing GW2?

1:39 pm, October 4, 2013 I want to start off by saying - This is NOT meant to be a post to complain about the game I'm just wondering if anybody has an idea of what they plan on doing to add substance to the game's content. [..] View

What would've made the Personal Story better...

10:01 am, October 4, 2013 * Minor Spoiler Alers* Now I know everyone's disappointed about the personal story. Half the fault lies with Anet, for bad writing, cringe-worthy cinematics, clunky sequences and for rushing it all. [..] View

Your most Random complaint about PvE

6:17 am, October 4, 2013 Mine is the Canyon Spider. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with most spiders.  Infact I love big black jumping spiders and will try to get them to jump into my hands so [..] View

N00bish question: how to defend like a pro?

3:16 am, October 4, 2013 Guild Wars 2 provides lots of ways to defend yourself.  Presumably, every class/build has access to two or more.  I make use of whatever I have on hand, but am neve [..] View

Need help: I really **** as a player!

11:50 pm, October 3, 2013 I first picked this game up on the pre-order early access.  I have since made many characters (one of every class) and got three of them (Ranger, Elementalist and Mesmer) into mid-le [..] View

"Amazing" design.

5:05 pm, October 3, 2013 Why would this be considered good design? An area where you can barely see anything, with narrow ledges that you need to traverse using the game's poor control system, while fighting foes that fear [..] View

Why I'm probably quitting the game after only a few weeks

11:56 am, October 3, 2013 Just a quick background on myself. I consider myself the casual gamer that ArenaNet said would especially love this game (MMO Manifesto). I have a PS3. Ive played popular games like Skyrim and Assassi [..] View

Why does WVW count towards World Completion?

9:41 am, October 3, 2013 Why would ANet force PVErs to PVP in order to do this? What if a server is just not very good at PVP or is heavily outnumbered and -never- makes any sort of progress in WvW? Is ANet condemning entire [..] View

The Summer PR Storm, What Gives?

7:27 am, October 3, 2013 So I will say that I have never seen such a tightly controlled message as I have this week. An interview embargo that just released Wednesday/Tuesday in the first week of July, with the ArenaNet Comm [..] View

Arathi Basin, Alliance Battles and GW2

11:22 pm, October 2, 2013 Little bit of context: for the past 8 years I've considered GW1's pre-Nightfall PvP to be the best PvP among MMOs, no contest. In particular I think GW1's Alliance Battles were the best casual hot-joi [..] View

GW2 Evolution to

8:35 am, October 2, 2013 I'm here to ask you a question. is it worth it to keep investing in GW2? read this before you answer. after almost a year and we still have 1- Game mechanic broken (support /control). 2-Condition dama [..] View

After playing GW2, I decided I'd prefer a sub fee over any cash shop

6:15 am, October 2, 2013 To preface this, let me say that I'm not trying to say "QQ I'm quitting". GW2 is still fun. Now, on to the conspiracy theory. If you don't feel like reading a wall of text, there's a tl;dr [..] View

Living World in Guild Wars 2

12:26 am, October 2, 2013 How do we craft an online world that feels like it is a truly living world? For years, MMO developers have been chasing the answer to this question; it’s one of the holy grails of MMO dev [..] View

GW2 2012 Best (Worst) of Awards

11:20 pm, October 1, 2013 GW2 2012 Best (Worst) of Awards   Its that time of the year again! Where we look back into the previous year and project into the new year. To make the best of 2013, we have to look [..] View

48 Hours to go.....What is your character doing?

9:47 pm, October 1, 2013 So its about 48 hours before servers start to open and we all take our own story in the world of Tyria, but I ask what would your character be doing right now not under your control............ I wo [..] View

Bazaar of the Four Winds Revealed, Coming July 9th

6:05 pm, October 1, 2013 https://www.guildwar...s/july-09-2013/ New EventsBelchers Bluff Mini-game: Players can put their Omnomberry Juice drinking skills to the test in this new, permanent mini-game, and challenge their fri [..] View

Arah story mode & me - SPOILERS

2:16 pm, October 1, 2013 Ok so this weekend I finally got my personal story completed. Those were 2 long hours (my party was not exactly pro, myself included) and I'd like to share my feelings about this part of the game. Thi [..] View

A seven-step guide to fix GW2's PvE

12:32 pm, October 1, 2013 Before fixing anything, let's quickly identify the core problems with GW2's PvE today. And by "PvE", I mean only the open-world PvE here, not personal story or dungeons. So, the problems: - [..] View

Keg Brawl? more like achievement grind brawl...

12:14 pm, October 1, 2013 I used to remember that this minigame was fun when people actually played it , i usually joined 5 to 6 matches per play-through a day after done a dungeon or some its just filled most of th [..] View

Borderlands Bloodlust in World vs. World

11:26 am, October 1, 2013 Greetings! We are excited to introduce you all to the new and improved Borderlands maps and the Borderlands Bloodlust buff. As part of our continuing efforts to introduce new and interesting mechanic [..] View

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

11:25 am, October 1, 2013 Posted to GW2 Forums, I don't expect it to last.  Please comment there as well. TLDR: Points are boiled down here, but I encourage you to ready the body. The Right to Make Money N [..] View

The GW2 Holy Trinity

11:00 am, October 1, 2013 Now, Before you watch this video going over the Guild Wars 2 Holy Trinity please have a look at this here:*****/ Or if you don't trust the [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

Super Adventure Box Always-Online

9:34 am, October 1, 2013 I really like the Super Adventure Box, but I don't understand why the developers made it always-online. You can easily solo the content, and there should be an offline mode for single-player. I would [..] View

Is it just me or are the official forums insane?

9:34 am, October 1, 2013 I've never had posts deleted by a moderator on another forum before, and I have used forums for years with thousands of posts. At the official gw2 forums, I have had somewhere between 8-10 posts dele [..] View

My Thoughts On Guild Wars 2

8:30 am, October 1, 2013 Warning: Massive Wall of Text Ahead. A 3001 word wall to be exact! I will start out by saying that I have played a wide variety of games over the years, however guild wars was the very first online m [..] View

Revealed - Redundant Thief mechanic

8:01 am, October 1, 2013 If you haven't played a thief before, you might not know what this mechanic is. "Revealed- You cannot stealth for 2 seconds." You are afflicted with this condition every time you drop out [..] View

Lack of Dev Commentary on Professions

7:34 am, October 1, 2013 While everyone else salivates about new content, or complains about gear progression I see a lack of actual change or even dev commentary to have anything to do with the real core of the game- profess [..] View

Ascended Gear and Fractals - The Shortcomings

6:48 am, October 1, 2013 I'll admit, the Fractals have been pretty fun and I'm sure there is some way to make the Ascended gear work in some way down the line. Right now though both the Fractals and Ascended gear are carrying [..] View

Depth & The Trinity

6:39 am, October 1, 2013 One of the posts at the official forums caught my attention. Ensign, a well known member of the GW1 community posted the following in response to the lack of combat depth and the trinity as it applies [..] View

Long Run Damage Calculation, Math is Fun!

5:43 am, October 1, 2013 Hi all, Don't know if this has been posted before but I was wanting to figure out how to maximize my raw power stats (before weapon damage, traits, skills and boons/conditions are added which can be [..] View

Slender Man coming at you with another Guide! Todays Topic:Temple of Balthazar

5:39 am, October 1, 2013 As today's topic is similar to the Temple of Grenth guide, it will follow a similar format and copy some elements. The Temple of Balthazar is one of the 5 Temple meta chains that exists in the Orrian [..] View

Defeating the Holy Trinity - Success or Failure?

2:04 am, October 1, 2013 Guild Wars 2 has been out for a full year now, and it seems to be continuing to grow as more players purchase the game and join. One of the big selling points for GW2 is the fact that the game is uniq [..] View

Battle of Fort Trinity ( Spoilers )

12:05 am, October 1, 2013 Was anyone else really dissapointed with this part of the storyline? Iv been putting off completing the rest of the storyline for a while now because I was getting bored of it but carried on with it t [..] View

it seems scamming is allowed

11:23 pm, September 30, 2013 I got scammed like a week ago and i reported the guy on the support page and this is the reaction i got back.... Quote Response GM Xionaque via Email 10/07/2012 06:23 PM Hello, I know transactions th [..] View

My Beefs w/ GW2 & ArenaNet

10:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Please let me preface this with: If you are still enjoying GW2 and/or happy with ArenaNet, that's fine and I'm happy for you. --- Some of you may recognize me (mainly for my math posts) if you freq [..] View

Nudity in Non-Human Races

10:22 pm, September 30, 2013 (This topic contains subject matter which is being posted by a person who uses immature terms, but would prefer if people could take a mature attitude towards it) (Please keep the "But then all t [..] View

The Bazaar of the Four Winds Begins Today!

8:04 pm, September 30, 2013 LIVING WORLD Bazaar of the Four Winds The Bazaar of the Four Winds is gathering; merchants are converging from all corners of Tyria to sell their wares. Its not just shady characters and risky trade [..] View

How do you map your controls?

8:00 pm, September 30, 2013 During the last month I switched my keys quite a few times and I still can't say I'm totally happy with the result. So i decided to share my control map as a subject to criticism and suggestions. And [..] View

[X-Post] Present and Future Direction of the Game

6:25 pm, September 30, 2013 https://forum-en.gui...ion-of-the-Game C&P'd for those blocked, but spoiler-tagged to de-spam.  It is hefty, but a good read, IMO. Spoiler There have been many different so [..] View

Map Completion and WvW

5:54 pm, September 30, 2013 ANet have to do something regarding map completion in WvW. Let me expose my case that should be the same for a lot of players. Ive always been a PvE kind of player, but to get the Map completion titl [..] View

So Andrew Macleod Threw His Jughead Crown In On Ascended and Gear Score / Checks

5:27 pm, September 30, 2013 The results aren't pretty... QuoteThis is something that existed prior to ascended gear, and [..] View

World Events: Orr, Claw of Jormag, and beyond

4:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So, I don't know about you, but one of my favorite events at the moment is the Claw of Jormag fight in Frostgorge sound. It's really the kind of more epic scale battle I was looking for in Orr, but re [..] View

A Guide to Bazaar of the Four Winds

2:53 pm, September 30, 2013 Welcome to our newest release, the Bazaar of the Four Winds! You may be wondering what there is to do and how to get around, so what follows is a short guide to point you in the right direction. Spoi [..] View

So, I just definitely quit GW2 for EVE. Having the FUNZ again.

1:29 pm, September 30, 2013 Hello guys, I have been a fierce critic from GW2, both on these Forum and I tried to send numerous suggestion tickets and posts on the official forums as well, but apparently ArenaNet doesn't like th [..] View

Release Notes for Tequatl Rising

1:00 pm, September 30, 2013 The scourge of Splintered Coast has risen, more deadly and powerful than ever before. Band together with other heroes, old friends, and new allies to fight the rising evil. Bewareagainst a foe of this [..] View

My Love Hate GW2 Relationship, whats yours?

8:17 am, September 30, 2013 i searched, couldnt find anything, so if a re-post or similar, please just delete/lock thread/direct me where to post! now please be respectable, don't debate with some on there "hate", it [..] View

Play Guild Wars 2 as it's meant to be played, with a controller.

5:54 am, September 30, 2013 Yes, with a controller. Stay with me here. I have been perfecting my profile since beta weekend 2 and am excited to say that it works flawlessly.  You can now play Guild Wars 2 as [..] View

Three things...

4:59 am, September 30, 2013 Name up to three things that Guild Wars 2 does that you want other developers to take note of. The point of this thread is because I wanted to show people how you do a constructive, positive thread w [..] View

New dungeon discovered in Caledon

4:05 am, September 30, 2013 Hey guys, did you see that new dungeon in the depths of Caledon? It's full of crazy ****. Water, portal, control panels, jumping puzzles and colourful plants that look like trumpets! Oh my! And [..] View

Guild Wars 2 frequently asked questions

2:45 am, September 30, 2013 General Questions Will there be a subscription fee? No. There is no monthly subscription fee. Once your purchase the box or a game key, you are free to play as much as you want. Will there be micro [..] View

A Guide to Sky Pirates of Tyria

2:32 am, September 30, 2013 Mini Guide New Rewards New Achievements Week 2 Addendum Mini Guide Starting Tuesday, June 25: Upon logging into Guild Wars 2, you’ll receive a mail from Lionguard [..] View


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