Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




The candy wrapper raffle...

7:18 am, October 22, 2014 Theres a skrit in the demolished, old Black Lion building just west of Trader's Forum that is taking the shiny candy wrappers that come from the candy that is sold in the gem store and they also drop [..] View

A Fresh Start: The New Player Experience in GuildWars2

7:18 pm, August 28, 2014 Hey, folks, As we continue to grow Guild Wars 2 and plan our next steps for the future of the game, its important we have a solid foundation for all the new players we plan to welcom [..] View

Quality in GW2?

7:18 pm, July 28, 2014 I was reading posts on the usual Trahearn-hate threads, and one person said "Quality is relative."  So I thought, what is good quality in an MMO; and where does GW2 lie in [..] View

Black Lion Tickets

9:16 pm, April 12, 2014 In a recent, now locked, thread I tried to discuss the objective definition of pay-to-win, and quickly found that for various reasons doing so is.difficult, to say the least. So rather than rehash tha [..] View

Traits Unleashed: Forty New Traits and More!

2:16 pm, March 20, 2014 Hello there! I’m Roy Cronacher, and as a game designer for ArenaNet, I’m excited to tell you about upcoming changes to the trait system. These changes focus on improving the ease o [..] View

Dragon Bash Items Available in the Gem Store!

11:22 am, October 14, 2013 The Dragon Bash celebration has begun, and The Black Lion Trading Company has created some all-new items to help commemorate the event! Were pleased to bring you a free accessory item, some shiny [..] View

GW2 Evolution to

8:35 am, October 2, 2013 I'm here to ask you a question. is it worth it to keep investing in GW2? read this before you answer. after almost a year and we still have 1- Game mechanic broken (support /control). 2-Condition dama [..] View

Denravis Never Die! New Community Website!

8:15 pm, October 1, 2013 Soo... I've never actually written any sort of forum post like this, so here goes! I hail from the Henge of Denravi server and found that we were lacking a central community hub. Sure, we have a stro [..] View

I am astonished GW2 is still alive, what keeps you guys playing?

8:33 am, October 1, 2013 I quit the game around level 50 several months ago because I just couldn't take it any more. This is a guy who played several F2P mmo's, including a korean mmo, and getting pretty far in it. What keep [..] View

Make Guild Wars 2 more like World of Warcraft

6:09 am, October 1, 2013 Whoa there White Knight! Take a moment to read this paragraph before jumping to a conclusion on what this thread is really about! Guild Wars 2 is already like WoW in many ways, and unfortunatley in so [..] View

Turn post-processing off, reduce fog in the world

5:47 am, October 1, 2013 Sample pictures: Render Sampling: Native, Post-Processing: High and None Also Supersampling adds shiny things to world, but eats performance. Render Sampling: Supersampling, Post-Processing: None a [..] View

Weather: Dynamic and Engaging. We need more!

5:12 pm, September 30, 2013 Too many games slack off on creating dynamic environments and overlook weather and sound, resulting in the mood of the environment being too dull.  Guild Wars 2 has done so many thin [..] View

New Mystic Forge Halloween recipes

11:47 am, September 30, 2013 After the BLC drama Anet as finally revealed the new recipes that will be added to the mystic forge so the players can use all the trash they got from the chests ReginaBuenaobra North American Commu [..] View


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