Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Why Do People Call GW2's Combat "Action"?

2:16 pm, February 10, 2014 I really don't get this. Besides a really poorly designed dodge skill, nothing in this game has really the least bit to do with action combat. I mean, when I think of action based combat, I think of g [..] View

Should we be able to dye our hair in game?

10:14 am, November 11, 2013 Not by using gems but in the game itself. Not a makeover either. Even in GW timeline hair dye should have been around for ages. Now that rifles and all these crazy machines are showing up. Hair dying [..] View

World completion questions

11:33 am, October 21, 2013 Do you need to complete 5 man dungeons for world completion? Also besides the 2 gifts of exploration what are the prizes for 100% completion? View

The Family Business

9:16 pm, October 17, 2013 By the third night, the mob around Castle Thorn had grown so thick that their bonfires reached the river, making a constellation of pyres that stretched as far as King Oswald Thorn could see. &#8 [..] View

Why you Can't Ignore Ascended Gear

3:16 am, October 16, 2013 This is pretty straight-forward. I know a lot of people think that you can ignore ascended gear because it is optional. So, let's run with that. Why did ascended gear get introduced? Most people agre [..] View

Party members disappearing?

12:21 pm, October 10, 2013 Greetings, I find myself writing here the fourth time already, haha, sorry about it, but I've no idea what the hell's going on anymore. Once again, I hope it's okay to post in this part of the forum.. [..] View

Looks like they fixed the interface size.

8:26 pm, October 9, 2013 If you open the game using Gw2.exe -useoldlauncher and go into options the interface size now works. I didn't notice any other changes besides that. View

Map Completion Issues

12:27 pm, October 5, 2013 So I've just realised (maybe the horse has well bolted but still) that for 100% map completion, you need to do the WvW zones too... at least I think that's right? This seems like such a stupid idea, [..] View

How to power level?

12:30 am, October 5, 2013 not looking to rush or anything, but is there a way besides doing what everyone else is doing? (heart, exploring, DE etc) i just don't see how you can reach 80 in 2 days. View

Store now too greedy for my taste.

10:29 pm, October 4, 2013 Don't get me wrong I've been a strong supporter of Anet since day one with the collectors edition. I bought 3 armors some civilian clothing. Since the harvest tools at 10 dollars each, character bound [..] View

Disappointing "Personal" Storyline (SPOILER)

8:15 pm, October 4, 2013 This post will include spoilers pertaining to the personal storyline, so if you have not completed it yet, and continue to read on, don't complain. --------------------------------------------------- [..] View

Growing Disappointment

3:55 pm, October 4, 2013 I've been playing this game a bit now, sitting at about Lvl. 73(almost 74) and I am rapidly becoming less and less excited to finish it up. 1) The story continues to get worse and less cohesive. Voic [..] View

Dragons were the main threat, right?

8:47 am, October 4, 2013 Maybe it's me but during the wait for the game I had envisioned with the constant mention of the lore about how it is the 'time of the Dragons', that Dragons would actually play more of a role in the [..] View

Wasted 250g in the Mystic Forge so far..

8:44 am, October 4, 2013 I did the whole, custom, buy order thing on Rare daggers in the hopes of getting Spark. So I've spent 250g already, made about 100g back thanks to exotics. But seriously.. Is this what Anet intended [..] View

Altoholics stand up!

8:15 am, October 4, 2013 Straight to the point version:  Is anyone else like me where you just cannot make up your mind on what you want your "Main" to be yet?.   I'm normally the [..] View

The Effect of Quasi-Living for the Success of an MMO.

9:43 pm, October 3, 2013 I saw this post: in relation to Rift's recent staff redundancies. However the paragraph that ca [..] View

Anyone miss having true outposts?

8:40 pm, October 2, 2013 When I think back to GW1, I think of the nostalgia factor of Droknar's Forge, Marhan's Grotto (remember the icy floor?), Ascalon City, Kaineng, Yak's Bend, and many of the other outposts. They were me [..] View

Guild Wars 2 and Progression

9:58 am, October 2, 2013 The recent fiasco on Ascended items has prompted me to pop out of lurking, so I typed up a lengthy blurb on the state of progression in Guild Wars 2. Hopefully this can spiral into some meaningful and [..] View

I can't keep up

9:16 am, October 2, 2013 First of all, I love Guild Wars 2. I've been with the series since the beta of Guild Wars 1, which I also played way too much. It has some flaws, but overall I love it. What I don't like is somethi [..] View

Been there done that achi and title - no reward, and Anet response

12:03 am, October 2, 2013 Hello everyone, I am uZu, and I am overly pissed @ Anet's costumer service. As a start, I must say that I enjoy GW2 a lot and I think it is an amazing game, however, it's costumer care/support (even i [..] View

Dungeons / Repairs are ridiculous

11:21 pm, October 1, 2013 Today I wanted to play with a reallife friend that started a few days ago and he needed to do a few dungeons in storymode. As I already have done them I know the tactics to have a pretty solid run wit [..] View

A Guide to Dragon Bash

5:10 pm, October 1, 2013 Hello, fellow Dragon Bashers! Want to know where to go and how to get started with the celebration? Read on! Spoiler-Free Mini Guide Spoiler-Free New Items and Rewards Spoiler-Free New Achievemen [..] View

A players thoughts or GW2 State of the Game

12:06 pm, October 1, 2013 Good Afternoon Fellow Tyrians! I sat down this morning was looking over the forums again and started writing.  This post may be a little disjointed and hop around a lot but I think [..] View

How excited are you for this game?

9:43 am, October 1, 2013 After quitting the original GW, I have tried playing countless MMOs both F2P and P2P, and I never did find a replacement for GW. There just wasn't a game that could give off such an incredible impress [..] View

Guild Wars 2 - EPIC BATTLE - The Battle of Claw Island - (Order of Whispers Spoilers)

7:24 am, October 1, 2013 Loved this part of my personal story, beware of the Order of Whispers spoilers if  you haven't played this part yet! Feel free to subscribe, I try to release regular content of Gu [..] View

Ascended Gear and Fractals - The Shortcomings

6:48 am, October 1, 2013 I'll admit, the Fractals have been pretty fun and I'm sure there is some way to make the Ascended gear work in some way down the line. Right now though both the Fractals and Ascended gear are carrying [..] View

Plea for ideas to help get my account back

6:07 am, October 1, 2013 I'm not quite sure what to do right now. Guild Wars 2 has been the only truly fun and addicting game that LASTS and keep my attention in the past few years, and I've been perma banned simply because I [..] View

Kessex event chain nerf?

5:17 am, October 1, 2013 Since 2 days the chain seems to be broken : They don't follow up anymore. Bridge->lieutenants->overlord. Or the time inbetween has been increased significantly. Anyone noticed this? [..] View

whats with all the hate posts on offical site ?

1:43 am, October 1, 2013 so many ppl say they are quiting over gear seems kinda silly besides the fact we already have teired gear before this new set was released ppl farmed blue>green>yellow>orange s [..] View

Ecto's, ecto's, ecto's....

1:35 am, October 1, 2013 Ecto's? Does anyone else feel ecto's are over used in the game in general for too many things? Lets just say for example you would like a legendary, an exotic skin thats hard to get, upgraded ascen [..] View

They going to nerf events in Straits of Devastation next?

1:26 am, October 1, 2013 So the whole quarry of people complaining about the nerfed Dungeons preventing people and me from being able to run them to get money has been really evident so far. You could have easily netted 1 gol [..] View

1 Year celebration, is there any?

12:01 am, October 1, 2013 1 Year celebration, is there any? I looked on the web for this but besides the normall update on 3 september, is there really no ingame 1 year party? Somehow i was thinking there would be some kind of [..] View

Weapon Analysis

7:29 pm, September 30, 2013 Having trouble putting in charts. Working on it atm. Why do professions use or do not use particular weapons? Well I looked at the trends, coming up with certain rules and reasons for this; besides t [..] View

Few things I just have to rant about

6:36 pm, September 30, 2013 Love the game, but as most say, people go to forums only to complain.   I have a few MINOR complaints, and thought it wasn't much to complain about, but... then I keep running into t [..] View

Did you buy gems and still haven't received minis? Wait no longer, cause you aren't getting them...

3:21 pm, September 30, 2013 *edit*  forgot to put in the title... "still haven't receive the free minis".. can't seem to edit title Did you buy gems with real money? Are you patiently waiting for you [..] View

RANT: World Bosses Too Big, Too Static, Should be Redesigned

2:48 pm, September 30, 2013 For this post I am assuming that the reason why world bosses are "stuck" in their spots is because of their sheer size. Does anybody else think that the big "World Bosses" like t [..] View

Dynamic Events Vs Rewards

2:19 pm, September 30, 2013 What are the deciding factors besides levels of participation? Does the amount of participants also decide if a chest is gonna show up or not? I've been to Sink the Ash Horizon with very few particip [..] View

So, I just definitely quit GW2 for EVE. Having the FUNZ again.

1:29 pm, September 30, 2013 Hello guys, I have been a fierce critic from GW2, both on these Forum and I tried to send numerous suggestion tickets and posts on the official forums as well, but apparently ArenaNet doesn't like th [..] View

Looking for a new PvE Server

9:10 am, September 30, 2013 To make it simple, the server I'm on is dead in PvE. Most zones have more bots than players, which makes playing rather boring/frustrating. Even Lion's Arch never has any overflow servers active durin [..] View

Eight years later...

6:28 am, September 30, 2013 Eight years later, you can still go back and enjoy all of Guild Wars' PvE content to it's fullest. From the original campaign up to the newest, very little of the core experience is taken away by the [..] View

What's the one feature you'd like to see GW2 import from another MMO?

3:41 am, September 30, 2013 What's the one feature you'd like to see GW2 import from another MMO? Besides large scale instanced raiding, since to me, that's obvious.  Besides that aspect being added, what else [..] View

Guild Wars 2 frequently asked questions

2:45 am, September 30, 2013 General Questions Will there be a subscription fee? No. There is no monthly subscription fee. Once your purchase the box or a game key, you are free to play as much as you want. Will there be micro [..] View


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