Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Tyrias Point of No Return

7:18 pm, October 20, 2014 A Living World The return of Living World Season 2 is rapidly approaching. When the season resumes on November 4, we’ll see the story pick up from the cliffhanger that left one of the worl [..] View

Tournament of Glory Qualifiers Update

7:18 pm, September 19, 2014 After battling through a harrowing bracket last weekend, the first four of eight North American teams have qualified for the Tournament of Glory Finals! If qualifying teams meet eligibility requiremen [..] View

The game's content is poorly distributed, while its progression is simply lacking

7:18 am, September 18, 2014 With the New Player Experience (the NPE), A.Net set out to redistribute the game's progression, in hopes of making the game more appealing. My core issue with this idea is that they focused on a syste [..] View

The game's content is poorly distributed, while its progression is simply lacking.

7:18 pm, September 17, 2014 With the New Player Experience (the NPE), A.Net set out to redistribute the game's progression, in hopes of making the game more appealing. My core issue with this idea is that they focused on a syste [..] View

How Would You Change "X" World Boss?

7:18 pm, August 19, 2014 So my server successfully downed Tequatl today. It was the first time I personally had even attempted the revamped boss since returning to the game and it was AWESOME. That single win was far more gr [..] View

Release Notes for Escape from Lions Arch

2:16 am, February 19, 2014 The end begins! Log in today to and face Scarlets forces as they attempt to overtake Lions Arch. Visit our forums to read todays release notes! View

World vs. World Queue Improvements

2:16 am, January 31, 2014 On Tuesday, February 4, were releasing the new Edge of the Mists WvW map and major improvement to the queuing system for WvW. Weve been doing some behind-the-scenes work on our systems to provide more [..] View

Release Notes for A Very Merry Wintersday

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Although the nights are long and dark, folks all over Tyria are in good cheer Wintersday has begun! Snowball fights, festive activities, and (best of all!) toys all help to keep joy alive through the [..] View

Upcoming Changes for the Fractals of the Mists

8:16 pm, November 19, 2013 With the release of Fractals, were making several exciting additions and changes to the Fractals of the Mists infinite dungeon. Heres a brief overview of the changes you can expect! Changes to Fracta [..] View

The Origins of the Dragon Bash Theme Song

3:26 pm, November 13, 2013 Hello folks. It’s Maclaine Diemer, back again with another post about music. For this month’s Dragon Bash content, we wanted to have a recognizable theme, and the idea was brought [..] View

Bring Back Inactive Players With Gems?

8:16 am, November 11, 2013 Is this a good idea or ripe for abuse? I just saw this pop up in reddit. I know some players aren't coming back at all to the game for one thing or another but will this bring back the ones that wande [..] View

Tower of Nightmares Guide

2:16 am, November 5, 2013 A massive, deadly Tower has been revealed in Kessex Hills, built by the new Toxic Alliance of krait and Nightmare Courtiers! This guide will help you get started in the fight against this new threat. [..] View

Release Notes for TowerofNightmares

8:16 pm, October 29, 2013 Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade have found a way to pierce the veil protecting the krait in Kessex Hills! When the illusion falls, brave heroes need to be nearby to deal with the kraitand whatever i [..] View

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

2:16 am, October 29, 2013 I just thought I'd go ahead and link this here, so we can have a place to discuss it. Quote Hi All, We a [..] View

A Guide to Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Halloween has returned to Tyria, along with the Mad Kingbut a new menace has emerged to threaten both the Mad Realm and our world! Magister Tassi needs your help to keep everyone alive long enough to [..] View

Did I just get hack?

6:13 am, October 14, 2013 So the guild wars 2 launcher was downloading a 700 files update or something.  It was at 99 so I click log in and it said the following "you've enabled email authentication for [..] View

Password Reset: Beware

3:49 am, October 11, 2013 In response to the prompt to consider changing my password on the login panel, I followed the link to the official site and changed my password, filling in the information exactly as prompted, and sav [..] View

Instances Continue Disappointment

1:41 pm, October 10, 2013 Recently just tried to run CM.  Seemed to be more mindless than I remember, spending more time looking at the map to respawn than actually fighting and having fun. I hear they beefe [..] View

PSA: Watch what you buy on the TP, duping bug exists

3:16 am, October 10, 2013 Reddit link: QuoteBasically, players have been duplicating siege prints for wvw for profit on the tradi [..] View

Does anyone actually do dungeons at the level req ?

8:30 am, October 8, 2013 Like one you're able to do the dungeon, you attempt doing it ?  All I see are downlevelled 80s outside dungeons even the lowest level one. View

Maybe make downleveling less harsh?

7:59 pm, October 7, 2013 I'm going to try and make this short. I am one of those people who enjoys games where, if I run into a rough spot at a certain point in an RPG game, I can level up a bit and go back and attempt the di [..] View

Why this game will never meet my expectations

4:58 am, October 7, 2013 or be as good a game as I thought it would be, or I would like it to be. The developers/producers behind this game are NOT from the original Guild Wars crew.  That is it in a nutshe [..] View

Login Limit?:O

8:18 am, October 6, 2013 Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone experienced the login attempt limit for the gw2 client. Currently I can click login twice before the client just shows me the forever spinning white circle heh. [..] View

Think I was hacked? No idea...Wtf Anet?

10:25 pm, October 5, 2013 So tried to log in thie morning and my password was invalid apparently. So I go to check my email to see if my password had been changed. It doesnt say it was. So I go to reset my password...and guess [..] View

Server population/server transfer mechanics

9:58 pm, October 5, 2013 I've been recently considering a server transfer for a variety of reasons, mostly revolving around WvW (rankings, guilds, alliances, drama, etc.) and, due to the difficulty in determining the variable [..] View

So... what's your favorite dynamic event?

11:45 am, October 5, 2013 After having traveled throughout Tyria, encountering many dynamic events, I would have to say that I really enjoy the siege dynamic events - particularly when you overtake an enemy camp or defend a lo [..] View

Is Arena.NET pulling a Jeremiah Tenton on Us?

9:58 pm, October 4, 2013 http://www.allprouda...-R-T-U-R-E.html "A golem named BUY-4373, an NPC named Subdirector Blingg, and a jumping puzzle named Under New Management." South Sun Cove waypoints are "Lion& [..] View

How to get UNpermabanned (anet)

3:09 pm, October 4, 2013 Today we banned a number of players for exploiting Guild Wars 2. We take our community and the integrity of the game very seriously, and want to be clear that intentionally exploiting the game is unac [..] View

Save ANet and yourself time when requesting refund:

2:41 pm, October 4, 2013 I just got my refund for the digital online purchase. Not bashing but the game is just not for me. Thought I'd save the user and ANet some time by sharing what they sent me as a request for informati [..] View

The Source of Orr *Spoilers, Dur*

12:42 pm, October 4, 2013 So did anyone else immediately shut off all the sound except for the music for this second last quest? Defending Trahearne felt way far more like the emotional final ending than the actual finale was [..] View

Are events an entirely brand-new system people have never seen before?

12:42 pm, October 4, 2013 Are events an entirely brand-new system people have never seen before? Are events an entirely brand-new system people have never seen before? No, they are not. They are our attempt to innovate on t [..] View

Open letter to the Guild Wars 2 Devs

11:09 pm, October 3, 2013 I posted the text below on the Guild Wars 2 site earlier this evening. I hope that many of you feel the same way and will lend your voice to getting this changed. Happy hunting. Dear Devs, I've bee [..] View

21 Karma Exploit - 1.46 million items bought.

9:23 pm, October 3, 2013 QuoteTo give some perspective on our actions against exploiters, lets discuss the karma vendor exploit, where an item was priced at 21 karma instead of 35,000 karma. In this case, we made a mistake an [..] View

So arenanet makes my favourite GW1 event into this...abomination.

7:32 pm, October 3, 2013 Loved the final event in GW1 for halloween. Looked forward to it every year. Event has just started in GW2, some fail attempt at a dungeon, the worst version of mad king says ever and to top it off, [..] View

My hacked Account

5:44 pm, October 3, 2013 Hello I wanted to post a real life account so that the rest of the world can see how Arena Net is doing and their response to people that have been hacked. Last Saturday on Sept. 8th at about 5pm I [..] View

suspended / banned for no reason help

2:09 pm, October 3, 2013 Char name : Volrick Server EU : Gandara on Feb 7 i tried to login my account and it was suspended for account issue , i contacted support and this was their first reply This e-mail is to notify you [..] View

VP - Reading Between the Lines

2:49 am, October 3, 2013 In this thread we will be discussing the most recent addition of vertical progression to GW2 with the Lost Shores update & what it really means for GW2.  This topic has a tendenc [..] View

Seeking advice; should I quit Guild Wars 2?

10:08 am, October 2, 2013 Preface; the following is born of my own personal opinions, preferences, and principles. It is in no way intended to defame or challenge the views of others, nor to begin an argument or flame war. I s [..] View

How are you "supposed" to play the game?

6:45 am, October 2, 2013 Since I've heard a lot of comments in this forum and others of how people were "doing it wrong". Oh you're after progression/loot/etc, you're doing it wrong. Well, how are you supposed to pl [..] View

The "Endgame" is a myth

6:18 am, October 2, 2013 I've read a number of posts on these forums; the ascended gear drama, the endless and completely unproductive GW2 versus other games discussions and the more productive what can we do to fix GW2 posts [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

Flame and Frost: Getting Started

8:35 pm, October 1, 2013 ArenaNet has posted a handy little guide for those of you who want a push in the right direction. Think of it as flipping through a player's guide of a game you're playing through. We'll also be pos [..] View

Wintersday impressions!

8:24 pm, October 1, 2013 Here are mine: Spoiler Christmas has come and gone. For the most part, so has Wintersday. The events will run through Jan. 3, but no new content is scheduled between now and then. So I think its t [..] View

The Gem Store Survey In Five Seconds - The Statistical Conclusion

6:42 pm, October 1, 2013 Abstract Would someone get Anette-chan out of here?! We don't need her tomfoolery now. Shoo you damn charr, go back to Ascalon! Gems are bad 'kay? That's what I always say. And thanks to Cube's [..] View

Best solo PvE class?

2:33 pm, October 1, 2013 Getting back into GW2 after a long hiatus. I already have a level 80 mesmer but i've been wondering what class should I level next. Basically my question is, what class(es) do think work the best whe [..] View

Finally forced to Validate Email and sudden attempts from China...

12:41 pm, October 1, 2013 So I've always been able to press the Play button on my account without validating my email address. This allowed me to keep the same username I have been using on Guild Wars 1 for some time. Now I ha [..] View

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

11:25 am, October 1, 2013 Posted to GW2 Forums, I don't expect it to last.  Please comment there as well. TLDR: Points are boiled down here, but I encourage you to ready the body. The Right to Make Money N [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

ArenaNet Testing Application That Gives 400 Gems For Linking Account on FB

9:34 am, October 1, 2013 So last night an application appeared on Facebook that let you link your GW2 account to the social networking site linked your Facebook account to GW2's Faceboo [..] View

Clockwork Chaos Guide

8:50 am, October 1, 2013 Emissaries and citizens are gathered in Divinitys Reach, but someone else has plans for the Queens speech! NOTE: At the beginning of this release, the Crown Pavilion will become temporarily unavailab [..] View

My Thoughts On Guild Wars 2

8:30 am, October 1, 2013 Warning: Massive Wall of Text Ahead. A 3001 word wall to be exact! I will start out by saying that I have played a wide variety of games over the years, however guild wars was the very first online m [..] View

Tequatl and Stupidity.

8:17 am, October 1, 2013 Im fed up. Im fed up with people moaning, crying, complaining or boasting, claiming and bragging about how Tequatl requires "so much co-ordination" and "everything must be organised!&qu [..] View

Exposing the Truth, Past and Present.

6:14 am, October 1, 2013 Purpose:  In effect, what I intend to do is expose ArenaNet of lies, deceit, and otherwise facilitating or spreading  false information for the sole purpose of garn [..] View

Slender Man coming at you with another Guide! Todays Topic:Temple of Balthazar

5:39 am, October 1, 2013 As today's topic is similar to the Temple of Grenth guide, it will follow a similar format and copy some elements. The Temple of Balthazar is one of the 5 Temple meta chains that exists in the Orrian [..] View

Downed Skills Too Weak?

2:33 am, October 1, 2013 When I make this thread I'm particularly thinking of the thief, but I want people's input about other professions as well. I feel as if the downed skills aren't giving you a fair chance to get back up [..] View

Important New Items in the Gem Store!

2:24 am, October 1, 2013 A new week means new items available through the Black Lion Trading Company! This week Im pleased to offer up a very special new item: Candidate Support Bundles that let you show your support and [..] View

Casual, End Game, Grind, Tilapia, and You: A story of Friends

11:54 pm, September 30, 2013 SEE BOTTOM FOR TLDR. "This game is for casuals, It's too grindy, this Tilapia is too wet". These are the things I see on this forum, and hell, even on the official forums. If you ask anyo [..] View

Intercepting the Orb?

11:39 pm, September 30, 2013 So, I'm having a problem with the mission Intercepting the Orb. (Mods, feel free to move this if it's  posted in the wrong section.) The mission goes fine until I get to the point wh [..] View

Forging Your Precursor

8:45 pm, September 30, 2013 Over on the official forums, the mystic forge is affectionately known as the mystic toilet. And why shouldn't it be? Especially when you have players throwing 350g worth of weapons in at a time and ge [..] View

The battle for the Temple of Balthazar.

6:57 pm, September 30, 2013 I wanted to get Obsidian Shards so could make some clovers, my homeserver is Desolation and so I saw that the Temple of Balthazar was contested, so I decided to help in hope we might succeed in retaki [..] View

[X-Post] Present and Future Direction of the Game

6:25 pm, September 30, 2013 https://forum-en.gui...ion-of-the-Game C&P'd for those blocked, but spoiler-tagged to de-spam.  It is hefty, but a good read, IMO. Spoiler There have been many different so [..] View

Clock tower too difficult?

5:57 pm, September 30, 2013 Hey. After about 100 attempts at the clock tower and failing to make it I decided that it is simply too difficult. Perhaps if you were on your own, so you could see where you are going, this would not [..] View

Map Completion and WvW

5:54 pm, September 30, 2013 ANet have to do something regarding map completion in WvW. Let me expose my case that should be the same for a lot of players. Ive always been a PvE kind of player, but to get the Map completion titl [..] View

GW2 and the Trinity

5:41 pm, September 30, 2013 hey folks, i wanted to start this thread because i wanted to respond to a topic brought up in another thread without derailing said thread. and because i want Tyrian Assembly to have topics that do n [..] View

Guild Communication Issues

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 While we're all pretty excited about the upcoming launch of GW2, as a guild leader I have to say that I'm worried about what I see as the coming fragmentation of our guilds, something I've seen in the [..] View

My opinion on the state of the game

5:13 pm, September 30, 2013 I have over 3,000 hours in Guild Wars 1 which was my first real MMO (for as much of one as it was with instances and all) and enjoyed every minute of it. Even after 7 years I still found myself pushin [..] View

About the storyline [Spoilers]

5:12 pm, September 30, 2013 I've noted that as a human you go on attempting to defeat Zhaitan as a member of an order, but I started a Norn character and the story seems to be more focused on Jormag, my question is do different [..] View

GW2 Combat System

5:09 pm, September 30, 2013 Originally I just wanted to do the math, but then it became more than that and i feel the need to share my thoughts. Disclaimer: Lots of text, also might belong in suggestion/ideas but that's what mod [..] View

Why a linear leveling curve is actually worse than an exponential one

5:00 pm, September 30, 2013 One of the 'exuses' anet came up with when selling the idea to the public that they would be adding 80 levels to the game was that it would take on average just as long to get from level 79 to 80 than [..] View

World Building: Natural System in MMOs?

4:12 pm, September 30, 2013 Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lengthy and long winded post; I'm a long winded kinda guy (which works well for the ladies... (he tells himself)). I'm hopeful it'll spark a somewhat interesting [..] View

A Guide to Bazaar of the Four Winds

2:53 pm, September 30, 2013 Welcome to our newest release, the Bazaar of the Four Winds! You may be wondering what there is to do and how to get around, so what follows is a short guide to point you in the right direction. Spoi [..] View

Twilight Arbour (Final Boss?) Spoilers

2:31 pm, September 30, 2013 First time posting here so I apologize if this is the wrong section So tonight my guild and I attempted Twilight Arbour and we absolutely breezed through until we got to Faolin and the Nightmare Gho [..] View

Facilitating Arah Explorahle

12:36 pm, September 30, 2013 First off, were there an actual LFG section or were I not required to actually go ahead and set up a webaite for the guild section, I'd post in there. Arah Explorable. It's hard as hell and effecti [..] View

Mystic Forge changed?

12:07 pm, September 30, 2013 Based on my understanding of the Mystic Forge (and the wiki), dumping 4 items into it will generate a new random item with the same rarity (or better, ~20% chance). If four items of the same type are [..] View

Someone just bought 500,000 black lion chests - why?

6:54 am, September 30, 2013 Is there something that I missed? Who in the heck needs 500,000 of these things? Even if they were attempting to eventually make a profit of them, why would people want black lion chests? o_O http:// [..] View

Why Guild Wars 2 Has the Potential to Re-Shape the MMORPG Market.

5:43 am, September 30, 2013 Let me preface this with the following: Do not let this thread devolve into bickering and moaning over which game is better, WoW or GW2. I often referenced WoW in this thread in order to provide a bas [..] View

'Sea of Sorrows' boat collision... thing

2:47 am, September 30, 2013 Hello, I'm brand spanking new to this forum, but I've been chased here by the utter weirdness of the official GW2 forum. A few posts here led me to believe it's a different kind of community. I've b [..] View

Caudecus's Manor Explorable (Spoiler Warning)

2:36 am, September 30, 2013 WARNING: I am going to QQ. (Just so we are clear) So a group of people and I decided to do the asuran route for CM.  It took us about 2.5 hours, but we beat the first three bosses [..] View

Any server where Glorious Victory is open?

2:30 am, September 30, 2013 I'm on ET, and we can't get enough numbers to successfully complete Glorious Victory (we keep getting wiped on the Boss). I was wondering if anyone is on a server where there's a big group currently a [..] View


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