Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 - Fan Site




Where did Blizzard go wrong with D3 and what A.Net could learn from it.

6:18 pm, November 12, 2014 This week's Blizzcon brought us a panel on D3. A quick summary: http://www.diablofan...ouls-panel-live A few things that stand out and seem very similar to what we are experiencing in GW2 (stole [..] View

Tournament of Glory Qualifiers Update

7:18 pm, September 19, 2014 After battling through a harrowing bracket last weekend, the first four of eight North American teams have qualified for the Tournament of Glory Finals! If qualifying teams meet eligibility requiremen [..] View

A Look Back at gamescom2014

7:18 pm, September 5, 2014 Thank you all for making this years gamescom such a success! This year we were excited to partner with Twitch, and work with them to bring Guild Wars 2 to the show floor and to the [..] View

New region incoming!

7:18 pm, August 26, 2014 Well, look what Arenanet has been teasing... For extra information, this was posted by WoodenPotatoes today.  The screenshot looks like a beta screenshot, but isn't, &n [..] View

Belindas Greatsword, Ceremonial Plated Armor, and More in the Gem Store!

7:18 pm, August 19, 2014 Its a bountiful week here at the Black Lion Trading Company. Not only are we bringing you Belindas Greatsword and the elegant Ceremonial Plated Outfit, but were also bringing back a wide array of [..] View

Tournament of LegendsUpdate

3:16 pm, April 19, 2014 Thank you all for such an overwhelming turnout to the Tournament of Legends! Weve seen well over 200 teams register to battle it out for their chance at a legendary weapon! Because the community came [..] View

Announcing the GuildWars2 Tournament of Legends

9:16 pm, April 1, 2014 Greetings fellow Tyrians! Allie Murdock here; Community Coordinator at ArenaNet. Im excited to announce our first GuildWars2 Tournament of Legends on April 26-27 for Europe and May 3-4 for North Ameri [..] View

Release Notes for A Very Merry Wintersday

2:16 am, December 11, 2013 Although the nights are long and dark, folks all over Tyria are in good cheer Wintersday has begun! Snowball fights, festive activities, and (best of all!) toys all help to keep joy alive through the [..] View

Release Notes for Blood and Madness

9:16 pm, October 15, 2013 Edrick was a monster, he brought his family shame So the locked him in a box, mouth stuffed with candy corn But now the son has risen to take his fathers name Beware the Bloody Prince, the son of [..] View

On-demand content?

3:22 am, October 14, 2013 1. GW2 is a solo game. While the game has group content or groping makes the content more enjoyable, in it's core, GW2 is a solo game. When you buy GW2, you are buying a game that you will solo with t [..] View

Let's talk about server jumping.

2:08 pm, October 7, 2013 First of all, let me just say that i stay away from "QQ" threads in general. If you have a suggestion or something constructive to say to improve something in the game you should always repo [..] View

Why you shouldn't use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

6:28 am, October 6, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View

Why you should use real money to buy gold from anyone other than

2:16 pm, October 5, 2013 Earlier today I found a thread about buying gold from black market sellers while trying to find the trend in gold price.  I found it a very interesting read.  The O [..] View

Some stuff should be a bit different

3:36 pm, October 4, 2013 I been playing the game for some time and been playing the guardian pretty long . As of right now I can't see why u should stop playing them I tired playing other classes like the Mesmer but For some [..] View

Seeing gw2's eSports globally

3:16 pm, October 4, 2013 Hey guys ! So I'd like to talk with you on the PvP of Guild Wars 2. But also on the gameplay in general, the design on general of Guild Wars 2, sPvP and Esports. (It will get more specific to GvGs an [..] View

Offical Response to GW2 Combat Mod 1.0

3:00 pm, October 4, 2013 From the offical forums about this program ... https://forum-en.gui...-Mode-1-0/first Quote Hi, Indeed, as Cheiron said, this programm can be assimilated as a third party one, and therefore is not a [..] View

Tool Kit Fixing Gates?

8:57 am, October 4, 2013 Wouldn't it be cool if Engineer tool kit not only fixed turrets but also allowed you to fix doors and stuff during WvWvW siege defences etc? View

Queens Jubilee Release Notes

7:10 pm, October 3, 2013 Divinitys Reach is hosting a magnificent celebration! Her Majesty Queen Jennah of Kryta is commemorating the tenth year of her rule and using the occasion to celebrate the triumph of humanity over the [..] View

Video by Starfleet Dental

6:31 pm, October 3, 2013 The hrs just aren't passing by fast enough but I suppose my boredom allowed me to find this gem. View

Auto Attack

5:17 pm, October 3, 2013 Why am I only allowed to have one "Auto Attack" atleast let us put 1 auto attack on our utilities as well, for things like Glyph of Elemental Power, I want that always up when it's available [..] View

Why I'm probably quitting the game after only a few weeks

11:56 am, October 3, 2013 Just a quick background on myself. I consider myself the casual gamer that ArenaNet said would especially love this game (MMO Manifesto). I have a PS3. Ive played popular games like Skyrim and Assassi [..] View

I finally get why you can easily rep more than one Guild

11:43 pm, October 2, 2013 I played GW1 from start to finish in one guild.  When I heard about the guild system in GW2 I was a little confused to why they changed it so dramatically.  I liked [..] View

Challenge seekers! A Peasant's Quest.

5:44 pm, October 2, 2013 I have an idea, a silly, hilarious, impossible idea that I would toss out there to get flames, lols, and feedback. I've considered trying something called a 'peasant quest'. The idea is this: Pick [..] View


5:19 pm, October 2, 2013 hey guys! So I'm an elemantalist, and what I'm wondering is once you have crafted your first almighty legendary weapon, will it allow you to craft another once?. This is since I will be going for the [..] View

I can't keep up

9:16 am, October 2, 2013 First of all, I love Guild Wars 2. I've been with the series since the beta of Guild Wars 1, which I also played way too much. It has some flaws, but overall I love it. What I don't like is somethi [..] View

ArenaNet is Very Sensitive to Criticism

6:53 am, October 2, 2013 In a recent post on the official GW2 forums hosted by ArenaNet, I criticized ArenaNet for not disabling the WvW orbs because of an orb exploit that was causing a great deal of trouble. &n [..] View

Guild Wars 2: From Excitement to Frustration

3:58 am, October 2, 2013 This will be a long post. There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you're not invested in reading a lot. ------- I am a hardcore MMO player, as I'm sure some of you are as well. I hold this title because I [..] View

Living World in Guild Wars 2

12:26 am, October 2, 2013 How do we craft an online world that feels like it is a truly living world? For years, MMO developers have been chasing the answer to this question; it’s one of the holy grails of MMO dev [..] View

DDE Upgrade, please read...

12:19 am, October 2, 2013 The following email was sent to me the reasons why are included in the email's contents.Basically i recieved a free DDE upgrade code, because my entire head start was wasted stuck in server transfer l [..] View

gamestop gave me digital deluxe key 'after' using diff. key for pre-release?

10:03 pm, October 1, 2013 Alright, so, I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience. I registered a gw2 digital deluxe key from gamestop for the betas and 3-day headstart. I played as much as my work allowed on the 3- [..] View

Does 3rd bio question triggers an story arc?

9:05 pm, October 1, 2013 I wouldn't ask this if I could play myself, but my laptop is being repaired (since 2 months ago in fact, now apparently the company will give me a new one of a different model, but I don't want to go [..] View

Short Story: WhatScarletSaw

3:39 pm, October 1, 2013 Professor Omadd, Headmaster Emeritus of the College of Synergetics, anxiously twisted his ear as he waited for the sylvari woman to wake. She had been thrashing violently in the isolation module for d [..] View

Can I get an unoptimized version?

2:57 pm, October 1, 2013 Well ever since they did all of their "optimizing" magic my enjoyment has gone downhill. The reason for that is now for "optimization" purposes my game doesn't always show everyone [..] View

Finally forced to Validate Email and sudden attempts from China...

12:41 pm, October 1, 2013 So I've always been able to press the Play button on my account without validating my email address. This allowed me to keep the same username I have been using on Guild Wars 1 for some time. Now I ha [..] View

A players thoughts or GW2 State of the Game

12:06 pm, October 1, 2013 Good Afternoon Fellow Tyrians! I sat down this morning was looking over the forums again and started writing.  This post may be a little disjointed and hop around a lot but I think [..] View

Post your favorite and most hated fractal

10:52 am, October 1, 2013 No QQ allowed ITT. Aquatic ruins (krait / jellyfish) Cliffside (colossus) Snowblind (sons of svanir) Solid ocean (jade monster) Swampland (wisps) Underground facility (dredge) Urban battlegrounds (yo [..] View

Sky Pirates of Tyria Begins Today

10:30 am, October 1, 2013 A ****** at the Dragon Bash has thrown lions Arch into Chaos! The culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout. Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the ****** [..] View

I am astonished GW2 is still alive, what keeps you guys playing?

8:33 am, October 1, 2013 I quit the game around level 50 several months ago because I just couldn't take it any more. This is a guy who played several F2P mmo's, including a korean mmo, and getting pretty far in it. What keep [..] View

This Community is one of the BEST.

1:55 am, October 1, 2013 So, I just found a post on reddit that I believe everyone should see: Quote I believe I can speak for a large number of people from Sanctum of Rall when I say that tonight something happened that I [..] View

Having an official wiki

1:28 am, October 1, 2013 I use wikis as the resource of choice for video games. I've stopped looking at Gamefaqs and random sites for information about Diablo 2 and Runescape from back in the day. Guildwiki was an introductio [..] View

Clockwork Chaos Release Notes

1:18 am, October 1, 2013 Queen Jennahs jubilee celebration continues in Divinitys Reach. The Queen is preparing to address her subjects and the dignitaries from other cities but someone else has plans for the Queens speech! [..] View

My Beefs w/ GW2 & ArenaNet

10:47 pm, September 30, 2013 Please let me preface this with: If you are still enjoying GW2 and/or happy with ArenaNet, that's fine and I'm happy for you. --- Some of you may recognize me (mainly for my math posts) if you freq [..] View

Forging Your Precursor

8:45 pm, September 30, 2013 Over on the official forums, the mystic forge is affectionately known as the mystic toilet. And why shouldn't it be? Especially when you have players throwing 350g worth of weapons in at a time and ge [..] View

Sea of Sorrows is Available for Preorder!

8:37 pm, September 30, 2013 Were proud to announce that Sea of Sorrows, the third original Guild Wars novel, is available for preorder! Written by Ree Soesbee, Sea of Sorrows follows the daring adventures of young Cobia [..] View

World Events: Orr, Claw of Jormag, and beyond

4:09 pm, September 30, 2013 So, I don't know about you, but one of my favorite events at the moment is the Claw of Jormag fight in Frostgorge sound. It's really the kind of more epic scale battle I was looking for in Orr, but re [..] View

I'm complaining about something that you may or may not care about

2:18 pm, September 30, 2013 Arena Net hinted at maybe doing something and I still haven't seen it, even though the game hasn't been released. I'm here to complain about it because there's few things I have to complain about. As [..] View

Guild Wars 2 Chinese Closed Beta Announcement

11:18 am, September 30, 2013 "We recently had a big press event in Beijing where our own Colin Johanson and Isaiah Cartwright announced the date for the first Guild Wars 2 Closed Beta Test In China, happening May 2nd through [..] View

Spreadsheet Wars.

7:37 am, September 30, 2013 With the change in dailies some of us started modifying the way we play the game: our usual playstyle could not satisfy the requirements posed by the daily, so we started visiting, or just parking our [..] View

Lets all get mounted!

7:18 am, September 30, 2013 A template for Guild Wars 2 mounts. Assuming: 1. All mounts have 4 legs. 2. All mounts can take only 1 rider. 3. All characters mounted can use at least 1 main hand, 1 handed weapon. Mounting effec [..] View

Mystic Forge giving out useless items

6:47 am, September 30, 2013 Has anyone tried using the Mystic Forge yet? Your basically allowed to chuck in 4 items of the same type (weapon,armor,accessory,dye,whatever) into the forge in the hopes of receiving a random item o [..] View


6:23 am, September 30, 2013 TOPIC ALSO GOES FOR PRE PURCHASE ITEMS A day or two after headstart I used my tome of influence for my guild, due to guild bugs the game swallowed my tome of influence and gave 0, no influence to my [..] View

Why Guild Wars 2 Has the Potential to Re-Shape the MMORPG Market.

5:43 am, September 30, 2013 Let me preface this with the following: Do not let this thread devolve into bickering and moaning over which game is better, WoW or GW2. I often referenced WoW in this thread in order to provide a bas [..] View

Cosmetic Reward is not the best carrot for an MMO

4:59 am, September 30, 2013 That's my opinion after playing GW2 for last several months since beta (2x lvl 80s - Ele and Guard and a few sub-80 alts) and after playing GW1 considerably since launch (champion of the gods, gwamm a [..] View


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